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Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 14 Dic 2009, 10:25
por Ostwind
Se me ha adelantado Rubeus.

Otra opción que tienes es entrar en las propiedades del acceso directo con el que quieres lanzar el juego y cambiar la ruta del destino por aquella donde tengas instalado el archivo java.exe.


Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 14 Dic 2009, 19:36
por Caladan
Gracias a ambos. Ya está funcionando. :Ok:

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 15 Dic 2009, 20:13
por Rubeus
Caladan escribió:Gracias a ambos. Ya está funcionando. :Ok:
Me alegro Caladan :Ok:

Este juego está muy bien, tiene un diseño de interfaz ejemplar :aplauso:
Y con la expansión... ¡la cosa gana bastante!
:palomitas: :Ok: 8)

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 18 Dic 2009, 22:00
por razanon
estoe s lo mismo q GRAND STRATEGY MOD?? si no esl o mismo, esta mejor este mod que el mencionado?

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 19 Dic 2009, 10:37
por Ostwind
razanon escribió:estoe s lo mismo q GRAND STRATEGY MOD?? si no esl o mismo, esta mejor este mod que el mencionado?
Es el mismo, sí.

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 15 Ene 2010, 19:24
por Boores
Patch v1.02 :army:

Fixes & Changes in v1.02

•Changed the expected entry date for Poland, who is pro Allied, to 9-1-1939. If not attacked by Germany, Poland will activate at the end of the Allied turn no later than 9-29-1939. If Poland activates then the Polish units do not suffer the 10% efficiency loss. If Germany; however, declares war on Poland then all Polish units suffer an immediate efficiency loss of 10%.
•Fixed a messaging bug where the owning player wasn't being notified when a minor ally activated on their own. The axis player was not seeing any messages when Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary or Finland joined the war. Similarly, the allied player wasn’t any messages when the USA and Free France activated. This is now fixed.
•Fixed a code bug that caused the game for some players to hang on startup when scenarios are loaded. For those players that experienced this bug this is a critical bug and prevented them from playing the expansion.
•There was a bug where the ownership of a airfield wasn’t changing when its adjoining fortress was captured. This is now fixed. Ownership of the airfield now changes at the end of the first turn that the airfield is not occupied. If the airfield is occupied at the time of its fortress capture then ownership is maintained by the side that lost the fortress until their air unit leaves the airfield. The air unit can be attacked by both the adjacent ground unit and one enemy air unit until it leaves.
•Made the expansion compatible with CEaW 1.12.1. Now, the Grand Strategy expansion should work with either CEaW 1.12 or 1.12.1. Also, Grand Strategy games can between played between players where one has applied the expansion over 1.12 and the other over1.12.1 even though those same two players would not be able to play a standard game.
•GS version changed to 1.01 from 1.00. This changed was made in all 8 language file.
•Made a number updates and edits to the user manual.
•Fixed a bug that existed in the vanilla game that prevented the placement of a German unit inside of Vichy France at the fall of France if that unit was in a hex controlled by Italy.
•Syria bug. Syria not surrendering when Damascus falls is indeed a bug. The reason for the bug is that the primary capital of Syria belongs to France in the 1939 and 1940 scenarios. That means it's not set properly when loading the game. When Syria is created then the primary capital is not set. So it's without a capital even though it has one on the map. The surrender code checks for a primary capital. This bug has been fixed by defining Damascus as a primary capital for Syria when France surrenders.
•Initial weather was not random in the 1940 and 1941 scenarios (not starting in all fair weather). We noticed that I got the same weather every time the 1940 and 1941 scenarios were started. You always get fair central weather in February in the 1940 scenario and mud weather in February in the 1941 scenario. This bug has been fixed so you now get random weather based on the appropriate probabilities (i.e., chances) for February.
•Canadian weather. Changed the code so Canada (including UK controlled part of Canada) plus Greenland and Iceland are now part of the north weather zone.
•Convoy bug regarding Halifax. Rewrote the convoy code so New York port will be set as a destination if Halifax becomes Axis controlled.
•Convoys when UK surrenders. Changed the code so the convoys will become US and go to New York when UK surrenders (Ottawa falls).
•US DoW upon Germany when an Axis unit controls a hex in Canada (including UK controlled part of Canada). Added this code as well because we felt it's an omission to not think about what would happen if Germany landed in Canada. Now USA will automatically join the Allies by DoW'ing Germany if the Axis are so bold to land units in Canada.
•Fredericton garrison. Added the Fredericton garrison to all scenarios. The reason was that Canada is neutral until some time in 1941 and that means the Germans can DoW Canada and land directly into Fredericton and get supply without the Allied player being able to stop it. The allies can't move units to Fredericton after England falls because the territory is neutral. So by adding a garrison here it means the Germans must fight for a supply source.
•Changed 2 hexes in Portugal that were incorrectly flagged as Spanish owned.
•Added the game turn to the mini-map and changed it so each major power has the same color as their NATO symbol except for Germany, which is still blue because the grey/green color is too similar to the background. Made a common color for all axis minors and another common color for the allied minors.

Grand Strategy requires v 1.12 of Commander Europe at War, but it supports the original game and the MILITARY HISTORY version. The Grand Strategy expansion sits alongside your existing install so after installing you either have the choice to run the original game or the Grand Strategy expansion. You can uninstall the Grand Strategy expansion at any time and will still have a fully working version of the original game. If you already have a previous Grand Stategy Expansion installed, just install this over the top. You will be able to continue any saved games from previous versions of the Grand Strategy expansion.

Get the original Commander Europe at War here – http://www.slitherine.com/games/mh_ceaw_gold_pc
Get the Grand Strategy expansion here - http://www.slitherine.com/files/ceaw/Gr ... _v1.02.exe

Saludos Kameraden :Ok:

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 15 Ene 2010, 20:27
por Boores
A mi me da un problema con el Java y por lo que veo a otros tambien, así que antes de instalarlo esperar a ver si lo arreglan, sinó tendreis que desinstalarlo, el mod, y volver a instalar la versión anterior.

Saludos :Ok:

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 27 Ene 2010, 23:21
por antonino
A mi me funciona correctamente, pero al mod solo puedo jugar en inglés. Y eso que mi versión del juego es la de friendware. Tampoco me supone mayor problema.

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 16 May 2010, 09:59
por Rick121
Alguien tiene el manual de Grand Strategy en castellano?

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 16 May 2010, 10:27
por Ostwind
Rick121 escribió:Alguien tiene el manual de Grand Strategy en castellano?
Me temo que no hay versión en castellano, por lo menos hasta que alguien se lie a traducirlo....

y aprovecho para comentar que hay una actualización del mod a la versión 1.05

Commander Europe at War GS gets a new major update (v1.05)

"Following the overwhelming response given to the Grand Strategy Expansion, Slitherine and the independent team behind the successful add on are proud to announce a long list of new updates that brings Commander Europe at War to a new level. These bring the free expansion up to v1.05.

To download the patch, just click on here or on the patches scrolls mirror.

And here's a full list of the changes:

• Specially created 228-page highly polished and detailed player’s manual
• Victory conditions based on the historical German surrender on May 8th 1945
• Historical Italian surrender model, where Italy can surrender without Rome falling
• Significantly enhanced map, which includes more cities, ports & forts (e.g., Gustav, Ostwell & Siegfried), revised political boarders, updated/new terrain features (e.g., Persian Gulf), naval transport loops (e.g., Kiel) and airbases
• Historical OOBs (order of battles) and unit placements for major & minor countries
• Airbase resource hexes (i.e.., Greenland, Iceland, Azores, Malta, Rhodes, Gibraltar, Lerwick, Stornoway, Benbecula, Isle of Man and Kirkwall)
• Country specific unit graphics and NATO counters for all major and minor nations
• Sea transport and seaborne invasion models
• Submarine and ASW models realistically modeling the Battle of the Atlantic
• Map wide weather that includes fair, mud/rain, winter and severe winter effects on units on land and clam and rough sea effects for units at sea
• Robust partisan model forcing historical commitment to anti-partisan operations
• Blitzkrieg effect applied to invaded minor countries, Russia and units in France
• Russian Siberian reserves released on USA entry or when axis close on Moscow
• Rail model including the ability to degrade capacity through bombing and conquest
• North African supply model limiting number of Axis units in North Africa
• Traded oil (Germany & Russia), iron ore (Germany & Sweden) and leased air bases (Azores, Portugal & USA)
• Lend Lease to Russia through Persia
• Ability to ground carrier air wings and fighters in order to save oil and reduced losses
• Imposed limits on air attacks now making the use and impact of air far more realistic
• Monroe Doctrine where the USA activates if axis units land in Canada or the USA
• Western Allies (i.e. Britain, France and USA) and Russia non-cooperation tension where Western Allies fight at reduced supply levels in Russian controlled hexes and cannot use the Russian railway network and vise a versa for Russian units in Western Allied controlled hexes
• Finnish, Romania and Hungarian fighter units that spawn at 5-steps on activation
• Finland activation for the axis at or before Russian entry into the war
• Less random, random research model, which is now the default
• Updated convoy routing model that better handles loss of critical convoy cities
• Added more information, which is easier to grasp, to the unit description, tooltip and resource menus and mini map
• Added more flexibility for players customizing their games by moving more game parameters to the “general.txt” data file
• Added more security to PBEM to ensure an opponent cannot retrieve a player’s password or inadvertently, or intentionally, play with different game parameters
• Optimized for PBEM and hotseat play and will not support TCP/IP play

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 16 May 2010, 11:26
por Rick121
Gracias Ostwind.
Ostwind escribió:
Rick121 escribió:Alguien tiene el manual de Grand Strategy en castellano?
Me temo que no hay versión en castellano, por lo menos hasta que alguien se lie a traducirlo....

y aprovecho para comentar que hay una actualización del mod a la versión 1.05

Commander Europe at War GS gets a new major update (v1.05)

"Following the overwhelming response given to the Grand Strategy Expansion, Slitherine and the independent team behind the successful add on are proud to announce a long list of new updates that brings Commander Europe at War to a new level. These bring the free expansion up to v1.05.

To download the patch, just click on here or on the patches scrolls mirror.

And here's a full list of the changes:

• Specially created 228-page highly polished and detailed player’s manual
• Victory conditions based on the historical German surrender on May 8th 1945
• Historical Italian surrender model, where Italy can surrender without Rome falling
• Significantly enhanced map, which includes more cities, ports & forts (e.g., Gustav, Ostwell & Siegfried), revised political boarders, updated/new terrain features (e.g., Persian Gulf), naval transport loops (e.g., Kiel) and airbases
• Historical OOBs (order of battles) and unit placements for major & minor countries
• Airbase resource hexes (i.e.., Greenland, Iceland, Azores, Malta, Rhodes, Gibraltar, Lerwick, Stornoway, Benbecula, Isle of Man and Kirkwall)
• Country specific unit graphics and NATO counters for all major and minor nations
• Sea transport and seaborne invasion models
• Submarine and ASW models realistically modeling the Battle of the Atlantic
• Map wide weather that includes fair, mud/rain, winter and severe winter effects on units on land and clam and rough sea effects for units at sea
• Robust partisan model forcing historical commitment to anti-partisan operations
• Blitzkrieg effect applied to invaded minor countries, Russia and units in France
• Russian Siberian reserves released on USA entry or when axis close on Moscow
• Rail model including the ability to degrade capacity through bombing and conquest
• North African supply model limiting number of Axis units in North Africa
• Traded oil (Germany & Russia), iron ore (Germany & Sweden) and leased air bases (Azores, Portugal & USA)
• Lend Lease to Russia through Persia
• Ability to ground carrier air wings and fighters in order to save oil and reduced losses
• Imposed limits on air attacks now making the use and impact of air far more realistic
• Monroe Doctrine where the USA activates if axis units land in Canada or the USA
• Western Allies (i.e. Britain, France and USA) and Russia non-cooperation tension where Western Allies fight at reduced supply levels in Russian controlled hexes and cannot use the Russian railway network and vise a versa for Russian units in Western Allied controlled hexes
• Finnish, Romania and Hungarian fighter units that spawn at 5-steps on activation
• Finland activation for the axis at or before Russian entry into the war
• Less random, random research model, which is now the default
• Updated convoy routing model that better handles loss of critical convoy cities
• Added more information, which is easier to grasp, to the unit description, tooltip and resource menus and mini map
• Added more flexibility for players customizing their games by moving more game parameters to the “general.txt” data file
• Added more security to PBEM to ensure an opponent cannot retrieve a player’s password or inadvertently, or intentionally, play with different game parameters
• Optimized for PBEM and hotseat play and will not support TCP/IP play

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 16 May 2010, 16:27
por Boores
Ostwind, funciona sobre la versión Gold 1.12, española directamente, o hay que instalar la versión previa del mod e instalarlo todo en inglés?
Gracias. :D

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 16 May 2010, 17:21
por Boores
Va de perlas sobre la 1.12 directamente, y en español :W00t:

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 25 May 2011, 21:15
por Rubeus
Pues parece que hay otra nueva expansión, creada por su comunidad de jugadores (¡qué trabajera se pegan sin cobrar nada!) y es completamente gratis para el que tenga el juego. Estará disponible el próximo martes, 31 de mayo :Ok:

http://www.matrixgames.com/news/806/Sli ... rategy.2.0

Según dicen, esta expansión ha llevado años para hacerla y horas y horas de gente dedicada a ello, desde artistas a programadores, escritores de manuales y expertos en maquetación, subiendo este gran juego a un nuevo nivel. ¡La cosa promete! :palomitas:

Algunos de los cambios son los siguientes (en inglés):

- Airborne divisions and para-drops.

- Cross platform multiplayer support for PC vs. Mac.

- German SS and Soviet Guards Elite Units.

- Amphibious landings against defended coastal hexes.

- Geo-political elements, which include:
- French armistice (which the axis may accept or reject)
- Early Italian entry if insufficient allied naval presence in the Med
- Tension in the Balkans
- Spanish activation as axis or allied minor ally
- Turkeyactivation as axis or allied minor ally
- Finnish armistice
- Romanian and Bulgaria surrender and activation as allied minor ally
- Consequences for allied aggression (e.g., UK invasion of Ireland).

- Canadian, Australian, Polish and Indian Commonwealth units and leaders.

- Headquarter units.

- More and greater variability of leadership ranging from Army Groups (Fronts), Armies and Corps.

- Ferry crossings.

- Ability to swap positions of two units of the same service type (i.e., ground, air or naval).

- Reinforcement of sub groups at sea.

- Leased air bases (Azores, Iceland, Greenland).

- Maltanaval and air bases factor into the interdiction and counter-interdiction of axis supply of North Africa.

- Allied Interdiction of Swedish Iron Ore to German.

- Scripted construction of Atlantic Wall Fortresses.

Many more improvements - too many to list to here!
Get more information on the MILITARY HISTORY™ Commander – Europe at War from its official product page and be sure to check out the new screenshots and brochure!

Re: Comander Europe at war Expansion Gratis

Publicado: 26 May 2011, 01:41
por censor
¿Qué os parece este juego comparado con el Strategic Command 2? ¿El nivel de complejidad es similar?