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Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.5 released

Publicado: 25 Mar 2010, 08:39
por aristoteles
Thanks a lot for the upgrade and bug fixing :Ok:

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.5 released

Publicado: 05 Abr 2010, 13:16
por horse
No me carga en windows 7 x64. :cry:


Alguna idea ?

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.5 released

Publicado: 05 Abr 2010, 15:17
por aristoteles
This is probably because you are running WitPTracker AE from the witptracker.jar file and not the witptracker.bat file and the program has ran out of Java heap space ("memory"). There are a few ways to fix this:

* Run from the witptracker.jar file
* If you can't for some reason (e.g., 64-bit system), try one of these methods:
o Use the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe command to start the witptracker.bat file. You can make a short-cut for this by making a copy of the witptracker.bat file and change the extension to something unused (e.g., witptracker.witp) and then associate the file (using the "Open With..." dialog) to open using SysWOW64\cmd.exe.
o Failing that, contact us for any other methods.

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.5 released

Publicado: 05 Abr 2010, 18:29
por horse
Gracias, pero sigue sin funcionar.


No hace nada mas, hay se queda. Tampoco arranca el archivo .jar.

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.5 released

Publicado: 27 Abr 2010, 06:19
por n01487477
First you need to make sure java 32 bit is installed ... in your first screen shot it said it couldn't find java

Solution 1, 2, 3 or 4 seem the most appropriate... (4 has worked well on 64 bit machines, but make sure you're pointing to the 32bit java version not the 64 bit), and after completing this open up the command window which you have in the final screen shot (wow64) and type witptracker.bat

2. Java is not recognized as an internal or external command
Java is either not installed, or there is a pathing problem.

Solution 1. Check you have Java JRE installed.
Solution 2. Move Tracker folder to the Desktop or c:\
Solution 3. Copy java.exe from your C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin to the WitpTracker folder (remember copy not move)
Solution 4. Change your batch file to point to the 32 bit Java executable (you need the ""'s cause of the space) - this varies on different machines so you'll need to check the path:

C:\"Program Files"\Java\jre6\bin\java -Xms384m -Xmx512m -jar "WitPTracker.jar"

Solution 5. (The best but most difficult)
1. Right-Click My Computer and select Properties
2. Then Click The Advanced Tab
3. Then Click Environment Variables
4. Select Path In The Bottom Box and Click Edit
5. Find Where You installed Java (E.g "C:\Program Files\Java\bin)
Its different on each computer so check where it's installed
6. Make Sure to add a semicolon after the word bin in the path to separate it from the other important paths
7. If this doesn't work then you may have to reinstall Java and Try Again

Setting Path on Windows
For Windows XP: (additional notes)

1. Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced
2. Click on Environment Variables, under System Variables, find PATH, and click on it.
3. In the Edit windows, modify PATH by adding the location of the class to the value for PATH. If you do not have the item PATH, you may select to add a new variable and add PATH as the name and the location of the class as the value.
4. Close the window.
5. Reopen Command prompt window, and run your java code.

Sorry for not being able to speak Spanish ...


Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.5 released

Publicado: 27 Abr 2010, 13:45
por horse
Gracias Damian, voy a probar. :wink:

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.5 released

Publicado: 24 Jul 2010, 09:07
por n01487477
New version 1.6 bump ...


Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.6 released

Publicado: 26 Jul 2010, 13:34
por Roithamer
Probada la versión 1.6, va bien, pero a mí me da algunos problemas con mensajes de errores de java, que al recargar desaparecen, por lo que entiendo que no es problema de mi configuración.

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.6 released

Publicado: 31 Jul 2010, 22:08
por sky
alguien me dice como solucionar esto


Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.6 released

Publicado: 01 Ago 2010, 13:54
por BShaftoe
Sky, yo desinstalaría el Java. Todo lo que sea java, el jdk si lo tienes instalado (lo dudo, salvo que programes en java) y luego el jre (que es lo que nos bajamos normalmente). Vas a los directorios donde estuviese el java y los borras hasta que no quede ni huella del java. Luego bájate el último jre.

http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/ ... index.html

Ahí, busca donde pone JDK 6 update 21, y a la derecha Download JRE. Te lo bajas y lo instalas. Y vuelve a probar. No te debería hacer falta tocar nada del witp tracker. Suena a error del propio java.

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.6 released

Publicado: 01 Ago 2010, 18:46
por sky
probaremos a ver q pasa

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.6 released

Publicado: 01 Ago 2010, 19:18
por sky
hemos pasado de lo anterior a esto otro


Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.6 released

Publicado: 01 Ago 2010, 19:35
por sky
que alguien me explike que kiere decir esta linea y que es lo que tengo q hacer?

Change your witptracker.bat file to point to the 32 bit Java executable (you need the quotes because of the space) - this varies on different machines so you'll need to check the path:

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.6 released

Publicado: 01 Ago 2010, 20:14
por sky
bueno finalmente he conseguido hacer que funcione .... no me pregunteis como pq no tengo ni idea

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.6 released

Publicado: 02 Ago 2010, 23:29
por BShaftoe
Pues iba a decirte como arreglarlo (o al menos como lo tengo hecho yo), pero si ya funciona, pues guay. A disfrutarlo. :)