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RUS {public beta} Patch 1.06 RC3

Publicado: 28 Oct 2012, 19:21
por picaron
Fecha: 26 de octubre de 2012

RUS {public beta} Patch 1.06 RC3

http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.p ... post252849

Pocas cosas agrega al anterior, hay un documento PDF

PON 1.03b quickfix

Publicado: 28 Oct 2012, 19:26
por picaron
Fecha: 24 de octubre de 2012

PON 1.03b quickfix

El enlace:

http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.p ... a-quickfix

Lo que contiene:

Dear players,

Here is a quickfix patch to Pride of Nations 1.03. Being a quickfix, you need to have 1.03 installed before installing this 1.03a, as this is not an all inclusive patch since PON 1.00.

We will do our best to fix and enhance the game, little by little every month (or even every fortnight, if a new problem arise).


-Fixed wrong parameters for Education modifiers on the tech tree.
-Added new modifiers on the tech tree based on more faction attributes.
-Fixed problem with german multinational abilities that were not working properly.
-Changed Move Ratio for Coastal Artillery Battalion, Fortress Artillery Regiment & Fortress Batteries to allow a slow movement of these units (before it was forbidden).
- Some minor nations will initially be unorganized (and will switch to minor later), so that craftmen production gears up only progressively.


fixed bug where defender would not lose a battle if in CS defender present
Canal rights should now work in all cases now

version 1.03a is deprecated

ROP Oficial Patch 1.04

Publicado: 29 Oct 2012, 19:51
por picaron
Fecha: 29 de octubre de 2012

ROP Oficial Patch 1.04

Aunque lo haya puesto Lecrop antes en otro sitio, creo que ne está de más colocarlo aquí. Esperemos que los tan esperados escenarios no se hagan mucho de desear

El enlace

http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.p ... er-29-2012

Lo que contiene:

Game Engine [updated to version 121011]
You can now disembark troops from a fleet trapped in ice.
Cavalry alone can no longer assault Forts
Siege improvements [supplementing rules added in version 1.02]
Besieged forces will now take attrition hits every turn, in proportion of their number and how the siege roll went (anti over-crowding rule).
If too many breaches accumulated, then a surrender roll is always possible (whatever the presence of a depot, super elite troops, etc.)
Each breach will make the besieged consume an extra 5% of his normal supply usage. The purpose of this rule is that by upping the supply usage, you'll have more chances to have your supply depleted enough so that the depot (or supply wagon) can't provide its 'surrender protection' to the besieged force. For the rationale, just consider that the breaches are also making depots and stocks explode or be wasted, as you get shelled pretty heavily, etc...
Fixed a bug where a lone sneaky leader could prevent a siege to happen, even if siege indicator was correctly shown

Fixed bug of a leader removed from his parent unit, corrupting the unit he is in.
A retreating army can now split static units (abandon them) to escape better
Corrected display of Costs to Construct in the Element Detail window [thank you AJE team!]
Fixed a display issue with the animated battle gauge where a leader portrait could appear erroneously.
Leaders killed in battles while embedded in an unit (corps commander e.g) won’t cause recombination problems anymore.
If an attack is called off without routing (aka AutoRetreat), the attacking forces will revert to defensive posture but won’t retreat in another region.
A too low cohesion can make a stack call off an assault, aggressive leaders will have a tendency to force the troops though.
If you have suffered from the loyalty bug, you can bring the console and type ‘CleanupLoyalty’. On next turn processing, odd loyalties will start to be removed. This will use the same logic as in the line before, only 100 times faster.
Added Overcrowding rule:
The overcrowding rule exists to penalize (rather substantially) forces that are too numerous to defend adequately in-cityscape structures (mostly cities and forts). As with other rules, the engine is not prohibiting in 'a hard way' troops to be stationed en masse in a given structure, as it would pose very large problems to handle for the interface, then the AI. Instead, it follows the philosophy of 'you can do it, but that's not optimal'...
See Wiki article at: http://www.ageod.net/agewiki/Overcrowding_Rule

Exported additional Game Setting parameters
Screener, Disrupter and Rout Damage limits [in GameLogic.opt]

Enabled Main Menu option: Dynamic Borders to view the boundary between controlled areas. [may affect map scrolling speed]
Enabled Main Menu option: switch to 120DPI fonts [for higher resolution displays]
Fixed the exploit where a newly built unit could be incorporated into a Division, whereby the cost to build was immediately refunded
Fixed a bug whereby a unit under siege could always escape from the region using a specific sequence of Movement orders, Passive posture, and Evasive Move Special Order settings


Sanitation Event will no longer select a Fixed group
Added Palatinate Elite replacements: 1 chit twice per year starting late in 1756
1756 Campaign:

Saxon Capitulation “Trigger event” will occur with 75% probability once stated requirements are met [was 100%].

1756 and 1757 Campaigns:

AUS gets a free Depot at Wierzbolow when Russians land at Memel

1762 Campaign:

Removed events causing duplicated leaders


Corrected Seaman ability to give bonus in water regions and transition links
“Northerner” ability now defined as Swedish territory [was Northern Germany]

Bergen, Wolgast, Greifswald, Grimmen, Stralsund, Wismar, Karlskrona, Sweden, Christianstadt, Simmersharen, Malmoe, Lund, Helsinborg

All Swedish forces now have “Northerner” malus [penalty to parameters when outside the “Northerner” area]
Changed AUS and SAX Insurrecto Infantry model to be Militia [not Line]. Also fixed the Unit symbols for all Insurrecto Infantry units to indicate “Home” areas.
Models and Units for 1740 are included to facilitate future expansions.


Latest version of LocalStrings__AGE.csv
Text strings for Merchandises localized


Corrected a minor bug in Winter Quarters aggression events
Added AI Winter Quarters activation parameter

AACW {Public Beta} Patch 1.17 RC3

Publicado: 29 Oct 2012, 19:55
por picaron
Fecha: 26 de octubre de 2012

AACW {Public Beta} Patch 1.17 RC3

El enlace

http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.p ... post253216

Hay un documento en PDF que nos dice los cambios

Re: Nuevos parches de AGEod

Publicado: 29 Oct 2012, 20:40
por Ronin
Gracias Picaron por las molestias :aplauso:

Re: Nuevos parches de AGEod

Publicado: 29 Oct 2012, 23:50
por picaron
De nada, ya lo haría otro

NCP Patch 1.10 Official

Publicado: 30 Oct 2012, 00:34
por picaron
Fecha: 28 de octubre de 2012

NCP Patch 1.10 Official

Fecha: 15 de noviembre de 2012

NCP Patch 1.10a oficial

El enlace

http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.p ... post253117

Lo que contiene

This is the legacy patch of the legacy patch!!!.
Further paches will only be prepared in the event of a repeatable catastrophic failure or something in-game that simply does not function at all.

A special thank you to Bohemond and Franciscis for their intense efforts cleaning up this game for legacy.
Without their effort, it is highly unlikely that anyfixes or improvements would have been made.


THIS PATCH DOES NOT WORK FOR THE 1.00 VERSION, if you have not installed the Foundation Patch before.
This patch is comprehensive, containing all changes since the original release of NCP
This patch is not compatible with saved games from versions earlier than 1.09 RC1.
In all cases, the Saved Game Folder will be deleted.

Python script checks run [thank you LaFrite!]
Duplicate Aliases resolved in Colors, Fonts, Move Types, Terrains, Sounds, Models, Units
Aliases corrected in:
Settings file AI.opt
1806 Campaign
1808 Campaign
1812 Campaign
1813 Campaign
1814 Campaign
1815 Campaign
Prussian Campaign

Latest LocalStrings_AGE included

[Patch 1.10 = October 28, 2012] for clarity, the 1.10 changes were: [all included in 1.10 as usual]

Game Engine [updated to version 121011]

You can now disembark troops from a fleet trapped in ice.
Siege improvements [supplementing rules added in version 1.07]

Besieged forces will now take attrition hits every turn, in proportion of their number and how the siege roll went (anti over-crowding rule).
If too many breaches accumulated, then a surrender roll is always possible (whatever the presence of a depot, super elite troops, etc.)
Each breach will make the besieged consume an extra 5% of his normal supply usage. The purpose of this rule is that by upping the supply usage, you'll have more chances to have your supply depleted enough so that the depot (or supply wagon) can't provide its 'surrender protection' to the besieged force. For the rationale, just consider that the breaches are also making depots and stocks explode or be wasted, as you get shelled pretty heavily, etc...
Fixed a bug where a lone sneaky leader could prevent a siege to happen, even if siege indicator was correctly shown

A retreating army can now split static units (abandon them) to escape better
If an attack is called off without routing (aka AutoRetreat), the attacking forces will revert to defensive posture but won’t retreat in another region.
A too low cohesion can make a stack call off an assault, aggressive leaders will have a tendency to force the troops though.
Fixed a bug whereby a unit under siege could always escape from the region using a specific sequence of Movement orders, Passive posture, and Evasive Move Special Order settings
Enabled Dynamic Borders to view the boundary between controlled areas. [may affect map scrolling speed] See Main Menu – System
Enabled Main Menu option to switch to 120DPI fonts [for higher resolution displays]
Added Overcrowding rule:

The overcrowding rule exists to penalize (rather substantially) forces that are too numerous to defend adequately in-cityscape structures (mostly cities and forts). As with other rules, the engine is not prohibiting in 'a hard way' troops to be stationed en masse in a given structure, as it would pose very large problems to handle for the interface, then the AI. Instead, it follows the philosophy of 'you can do it, but that's not optimal'...
See Wiki article at: http://www.ageod.net/agewiki/Overcrowding_Rule

Database changes [thank you Bohemond and Franciscus]

Several changes made to clean up duplicate Model and Unit Aliases
Minor corrections to events in 1806 and 1808 Campaigns
Minor changes to 1804 Setup
All Setups recompiled for new DB
Text strings cleaned and updated.


Siege icons repositioned for 442Koln, 470Hannover, 529Wittenburg, 572Kustrin, 563Glogau, 548Torgau, 551Leipzig, 555Dresden, 455Frankfurt, 457Dortmund, 485Wesel, 484Aschaffenburg, 498Wurtzburg

Re: AACW {Public Beta} Patch 1.17 RC3

Publicado: 01 Nov 2012, 16:30
por KriegDrake
picaron escribió:Fecha: 26 de octubre de 2012

AACW {Public Beta} Patch 1.17 RC3

El enlace

http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.p ... post253216

Hay un documento en PDF que nos dice los cambios
Este ultimo parche afecta a las partidas PBEM ya empezadas o no afecta en nada :?. El nuevo zoom sobre el mapa a quedado genial.

Re: AACW {Public Beta} Patch 1.17 RC3

Publicado: 01 Nov 2012, 18:39
por picaron
KriegDrake escribió:
picaron escribió:Fecha: 26 de octubre de 2012

AACW {Public Beta} Patch 1.17 RC3

El enlace

http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.p ... post253216

Hay un documento en PDF que nos dice los cambios
Este ultimo parche afecta a las partidas PBEM ya empezadas o no afecta en nada :?. El nuevo zoom sobre el mapa a quedado genial.
Normalmente los nuevos parches no afectan en nada a las partidas PBEM ya empezadas, salvo que se diga lo contrario.

En este caso concreto, en que el parche oficial, según lo anunciado por lodilefti, va a salir en breve espacio de tiempo yo esperaría a este parche para ver lo que dice, no deja de ser un parche oficial y por lo tanto mas estable y contrastado.


Re: AACW {Public Beta} Patch 1.17 RC3

Publicado: 02 Nov 2012, 16:28
por KriegDrake
picaron escribió:...Normalmente los nuevos parches no afectan en nada a las partidas PBEM ya empezadas, salvo que se diga lo contrario.

En este caso concreto, en que el parche oficial, según lo anunciado por lodilefti, va a salir en breve espacio de tiempo yo esperaría a este parche para ver lo que dice, no deja de ser un parche oficial y por lo tanto mas estable y contrastado.

Gracias picaron, y gracias también por mantenernos al tanto de los parches :Ok:. Tal como habías adelantado el nuevo parche ya es oficial, no dice nada sobre las partidas en curso.

El señor picaron ya se encargara de poner los detalles del parche, etc. :D.

AACW Patch 1.17 Oficial

Publicado: 02 Nov 2012, 19:16
por picaron
Gracias KriegDrake, pues allá va:

Fecha: 2 de noviembre de 2012

AACW Patch 1.17 Oficial

El enlace

http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.p ... post253561

Lo que contiene:

The AGEOD team recognize the enormous number of volunteer hours spent improving the Rail network accuracy, addition of new regions to enhance historical play, creation and adaptation of the "Kentucky Mods" to give a different "feel" tothe start of the war, numerous other fixes and enhancements by various modders to the Database, adjustment of on-Map Movement Waypoint and Sprite locations, and public beta testing of new executables and changes. Without the efforts of the community, AACW would not be as complete as it is today. We all know games are never perfect or can ever be considered as finished, but help and involvement of our fan base always leads to a better product, and, once again, THANK YOU ALL!

This patch is a comprehensive patch, meaning it can be applied directly over your initial game installation setup version.

Game Engine [updated to version 121010]
You can now disembark troops from a fleet trapped in ice.
Cavalry will no longer assault Forts, even if breached
Siege improvements [supplementing rules added in version 1.07]
Besieged forces will now take attrition hits every turn, in proportion of their number and how the siege roll went (anti over-crowding rule).
If too many breaches accumulated, then a surrender roll is always possible (whatever the presence of a depot, super elite troops, etc.)
Each breach will make the besieged consume an extra 5% of his normal supply usage. The purpose of this rule is that by upping the supply usage, you'll have more chances to have your supply depleted enough so that the depot (or supply wagon) can't provide its 'surrender protection' to the besieged force. For the rationale, just consider that the breaches are also making depots and stocks explode or be wasted, as you get shelled pretty heavily, etc...
Fixed a bug where a lone sneaky leader could prevent a siege to happen, even if siege indicator was correctly shown

A retreating army can now split static units (abandon them) to escape better
If an attack is called off without routing (aka AutoRetreat), the attacking forces will revert to defensive posture but won’t retreat in another region.
A too low cohesion can make a stack call off an assault, aggressive leaders will have a tendency to force the troops though.
Added Overcrowding rule:
The overcrowding rule exists to penalize (rather substantially) forces that are too numerous to defend adequately in-cityscape structures (mostly cities and forts). As with other rules, the engine is not prohibiting in 'a hard way' troops to be stationed en masse in a given structure, as it would pose very large problems to handle for the interface, then the AI. Instead, it follows the philosophy of 'you can do it, but that's not optimal'...
See Wiki article at: http://www.ageod.net/agewiki/Overcrowding_Rule

Fixed the exploit where a newly built unit could be incorporated into a Division, whereby the cost to build was immediately refunded
Fixed a bug whereby a unit under siege could always escape from the region using a specific sequence of Movement orders, Passive posture, and Evasive Move Special Order settings
Enabled Dynamic Borders to view the boundary between controlled areas. [may affect map scrolling speed] See Main Menu – System
Enabled Main Menu option to switch to 120DPI fonts [for higher resolution displays]

1861 April w-KY and 1861 July w-KY
British and Mexican forces at start do not have formed Army or Corps.
They can be formed in the event of Foreign entry.
This should improve use of the Army Locator, as these armies will not appear there until you form them.

French Expeditionary force will arrive in Mexico with the Army HQ not formed. [same notes as the GBR and MEX at start]
Where appropriate, the AllowBlocked parameter is added to PickFromRegList commands [game engine default now avoids selection of blocked regions.]

Models and Units
Corrected replacement family for “National” Sharpshooters [those not raised in a particular State] from Light Infantry to Skirmisher.
Added “Home State” logo to Sharpshooters to remind player that these irregulars suffer the “away from home” penalty until combined into a Division.

Added Camden, VA (Burkeville) to the “Close to Richmond” area [was omitted from 1.16a]
LocalStrings updates and corrections [thank you Gatling, dooya and Tex Murphy]
German Manual updated [thank you dooya and Tex Murphy]
Corrected “Seaman” ability to actually give the move bonus
Added Special Orders: [aka “Spiking the Guns”]
Destroy Unit: Allows the complete destruction of the selected units, if not besieged.
Surrender: Allows the selected group to surrender while under siege.
For both, Units that are Fixed [locked] via Setup or Event cannot be destroyed.
Units being “built” and “Static Militia” [those with MoveRatio=0] CAN be destroyed.

More moddable settings exported to .opt files in \Settings
Adjusted text positioning in the Model Detail window [thank you Gatling]
Strategic Map added to Documents [thank you Emx77]

Console commands now have RegionSprite command for in-game editing of sprite positions in each region.
Movement Waypoints and/or Sprites adjusted for over 1000 regions! Thank you Capt_Orso!!!

Si alguien lo quiere ver bien traducido y escrito en PDF aquí lo tiene:

http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.p ... post254086

Lo que viene a continuación es una traducción "libérrima" (realizada con traductor, hay cosas que no entiendo) por lo que no está nada fina y para que tengan una idea los analfabetos idiomáticos :cry: , entre los que me encuentro con este idioma, de los cambios de este parche

Game Engine [actualizado a la versión 121010]
Ahora puede desembarcar tropas de una flota atrapado en el hielo.
Caballería ya no puede asaltar Fuerte, aunque violada
Mejoras Asedio [complete las disposiciones añadidas en la versión 1.07]:
Fuerzas asediadas ahora a tomar muestras de desgaste cada vez, en proporción a su número y la forma en que el sitio fue tirada (anti hacinamiento regla).
Si infracciones demasiados acumulado, a continuación, un rodillo de entrega es siempre posible (sea cual sea la presencia de un depósito, súper tropas de élite, etc)
Cada infracción hará que los sitiados consumir un 5% extra de su uso normal abastecimiento. El propósito de esta norma es que subiendo el uso de la oferta, usted tendrá más posibilidades de tener su suministro agotado lo suficiente para que el depósito (o vagón de alimentación) no puede rendir su "protección rendirse" a la fuerza sitiada. Por la razón de ser, basta con considerar que las violaciones también están haciendo los depósitos y las reservas explotan o se desperdicia, ya que se bombardeó muy fuertemente, etc ..

Se ha corregido un error por el que un líder astuto solitario podría impedir que un sitio para pasar, incluso si el indicador sitio se muestra correctamente

Un ejército en retirada ahora puede dividir unidades estáticas (abandonarlos) para escapar mejor.

Si un ataque es cancelado sin enrutamiento (alias AutoRetreat), las fuerzas atacantes volverá a la defensiva pero no dará marcha atrás en otra región.
A cohesión demasiado bajo puede hacer una llamada pila de un asalto, los líderes agresivos tienen una tendencia a forzar a las tropas sin embargo.

Agregado regla Hacinamiento:
La regla de hacinamiento que existe para sancionar (y no esencialmente) las fuerzas que son demasiado numerosos para defenderse adecuadamente en las estructuras de paisaje urbano (en su mayoría ciudades y fortalezas). Al igual que con otras reglas, el motor no está prohibiendo a las tropas "una manera más dura" para ser colocados en masa en una estructura dada, ya que plantean problemas muy grandes para manejar la interfaz, el AI. En cambio, sigue la filosofía de "lo puede hacer, pero eso no es óptima" ...

Ver el artículo en Wiki

Arreglado el exploit en que una unidad de nueva construcción incorporada en una división, por lo que el costo de construcción fue inmediatamente devuelto

Se ha corregido un error por el cual una unidad en estado de sitio siempre se puede escapar de la región mediante una secuencia específica de las órdenes de movimiento, la postura pasiva y evasivas ajustes Mover pedido especial

Habilitado Fronteras dinámicas para visualizar el límite entre las zonas controladas. [Puede afectar a la velocidad de desplazamiento de mapa] Ver Menú Principal - Sistema
Opción Enabled Menú principal para cambiar a 120 ppp Fuentes [para pantallas de mayor resolución]

1861 abril w-KY y 1861 w julio-KY
Las fuerzas británicas y mexicanas al inicio no se han formado Ejército o Cuerpo.
Ellos se pueden formar en el caso de entrada extranjera.
Esto debería mejorar el uso del localizador del Ejército, ya que estos ejércitos no aparecerá allí hasta que los forman.

Fuerza Expedicionaria francés llegará a México con el Cuartel General del Ejército no formado. [Mismas notas que la GBR y MEX al inicio]
En su caso, la AllowBlocked parámetro se añade a PickFromRegList comandos [default motor de juego ahora evita selección de las regiones bloqueadas.]

Modelos y Unidades
Corregido familia reemplazo por "nacionales" Francotiradores [los que no se crió en un Estado determinado] de infantería ligera para Skirmisher.
Añadido "Estado de origen" logo para recordar a los tiradores jugador que estos irregulares sufren el "fuera de casa" multa hasta que se mezclen en una División.

Añadidas Camden, VA (Burkeville) a la "Close to Richmond" zona [se omitió 1.16a]
LocalStrings actualizaciones y correcciones [gracias Gatling, Dooya y Tex Murphy ]
Manual actualizado alemán [gracias Dooya y Tex Murphy ]
Corregido "Seaman" capacidad de dar realmente el bono de movimiento.
Añadido órdenes especiales: [aka "spiking las armas"]
Destrucción de Unidad : Permite la completa destrucción de las unidades seleccionadas, si no están sitiadas.
Rendición : Permite que el grupo seleccionado se renda cuando esté en estado de sitio.
Por tanto, las unidades que están Fijas [Candado] a través de la colocación inicial (setup) o de eventos no puede ser destruida.
Las unidades están "construidos" y "Milicia estática" [aquellos con MoveRatio = 0] puede ser destruido.

Ajustes más modificable exportar a archivos en opc. \ Configuración
Posicionamiento texto ajustado en la ventana de detalle del modelo [gracias Gatling ]
Mapa Estratégico añadido a los documentos [gracias Emx77 ]

Los comandos de consola tienen ahora RegionSprite comando de edición en el juego de posiciones Sprite en cada región.
Puntos de referencia del movimiento y / o Sprites ajustado por más de 1000 regiones! Gracias Capt_Orso !

A... jugar y divertirse

Declaración de intenciones: A ver si el AJE me deja tiempo y pongo al día el Reglamento

AACW patch 1.17 QwikFix

Publicado: 04 Nov 2012, 16:39
por picaron
Fecha: 4 de noviembre de 2012, modificado 5 de noviembre de 2012

AACW patch 1.17 QwikFix

El enlace

http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.p ... post253706

Lo que contiene

You must apply patch 1.17 before installing this QwikFix.
Games started with patch 1.17 are fully compatible with this QwikFix.
ThisQwikFix includes all content from all prior 1.17 QwikFixes

Scenario Setups [All]
Recompiled to correct Development levels in regions (affects only new games)

Corrected CSA Generals in April 1861 to appear in Richmond.
Corrected USA Ballon event to find latgest group by Command Points in the Mid Atlanic area
Corrected several USA and CSA 'free' Generals to ensure arrival on land!

Added latest Spanish translations [thank you picaron]

Nota: este QwikFix está cambiado desde ayer

Re: Nuevos parches de AGEod

Publicado: 05 Nov 2012, 13:46
por picaron

He modificado el post anterior, en el sentido que lodilefty ha sacado un quiwkFix más grande que el que publicó ayer 4 de noviembre de 2012.


RUS Official Patch 1.06

Publicado: 06 Nov 2012, 15:29
por picaron
Fecha: 6 de noviembre de 2012

RUS Official Patch 1.06

El enlace

http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.p ... st25387777

Hay un documento PDF que señala los cambios


WIA Patch 1.10d Official

Publicado: 07 Nov 2012, 18:08
por picaron
Fecha: 7 de novimebre de 2012

WIA Patch 1.10d Oficial

El enlace

http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.p ... post253958

Lo que contiene

This is to be considered the Legacy Patch for WIA.
Only a catastrophic failre [something that simply does not function and stops gameplay] could result in another patch.

Modders may now be confident that no new patches will occur to disrupt their efforts.

Thank you for Playing Wars in America!

Saves from 1.10 or later are compatible.
This patch is comprehensive, containing all changes since the original release of WIA [version 1.00b]

Game Engine [updated to version 121011]

You can now disembark troops from a fleet trapped in ice.
Cavalry will no longer assault Forts, even if breached
Siege improvements [supplementing rules added in version 1.08]

Besieged forces will now take attrition hits every turn, in proportion of their number and how the siege roll went (anti over-crowding rule).
If too many breaches accumulated, then a surrender roll is always possible (whatever the presence of a depot, super elite troops, etc.)
Each breach will make the besieged consume an extra 5% of his normal supply usage. The purpose of this rule is that by upping the supply usage, you'll have more chances to have your supply depleted enough so that the depot (or supply wagon) can't provide its 'surrender protection' to the besieged force. For the rationale, just consider that the breaches are also making depots and stocks explode or be wasted, as you get shelled pretty heavily, etc...
Fixed a bug where a lone sneaky leader could prevent a siege to happen, even if siege indicator was correctly shown

A retreating army can now split static units (abandon them) to escape better
If an attack is called off without routing (aka AutoRetreat), the attacking forces will revert to defensive posture but won’t retreat in another region.
A too low cohesion can make a stack call off an assault, aggressive leaders will have a tendency to force the troops though.
Added Overcrowding rule:

The overcrowding rule exists to penalize (rather substantially) forces that are too numerous to defend adequately in-cityscape structures (mostly cities and forts). As with other rules, the engine is not prohibiting in 'a hard way' troops to be stationed en masse in a given structure, as it would pose very large problems to handle for the interface, then the AI. Instead, it follows the philosophy of 'you can do it, but that's not optimal'...
See Wiki article at: http://www.ageod.net/agewiki/Overcrowding_Rule

Exported several additional Game parameters [see \Settings .opt files]
Enabled new Main Menu Options:

120 DPI fonts
Dynamic Borders [caution: may cause slow map scrolling]

Reduced “away from home” move penalty [affects Militia and Irregular Units that have a defined “home area”]
Fixed a bug whereby a unit under siege could always escape from the region using a specific sequence of Movement orders, Passive posture, and Evasive Move Special Order settings


All scenarios recompiled
1813 Great Lakes

Isle Orleans ocean region unblocked to allow bateaux access to port


1755 Campaign [original and COL variant]

The Spanish transport at Penacola now unlocks when Spain enters the war

1689 King William's War

Added check for absence of an existing fort to the French Option to build a fort at Quebec

1812 Campaign and 1813 Great Lakes

Changed Tecumseh and his Indian units to Winter at Shawnee Village

Graphics, Text, Models and Units:

Includes all Models, Units and Graphics for King Philip's War mod
Changed all Leaders with “Entrencher” ability to have “Defensive Engineer”
Spansh Naval units now all have 0 Command Cost
Latest version of LocalStrings__AGE.csv included
Corrected several text references for Units and Models

Unit UID 700 $Unit_ShortName_GBR_ArtPW
Model UID 711 $Model_ShortName_ING_UncasKW

Unit Home Area changes

Rangers, Mountain Boys and Couereurs now “at home” anywhere in North America
American Riflemen and Morgan's Light Infantry are “at home” anywhere in North America

Completed a review and update of AutoRaise rule assignments to Units.


The Strategic Maps v2.0
created by Emx77 are included. Thank you!!!

A... jugar y divertirse :Ok: