Página 6 de 6

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.6.1 released

Publicado: 31 Oct 2010, 14:15
por Igel
sky escribió:ni idea simplemente solo me funciona el "WitPTrackerNoMap.bat", si intento ejecutar el tracker normal me da toda clase de errores, asi q me kedo con la informacion de listas pero no del mapas
A mi me pasó lo mismo e intenté de todo; pero como no controlo el tema de la informática al final decidí cortar por lo sano: inicialicé el primer turno ( los guardo todos) en un "save games" limpio y luego añadí todos los turnos..........xxx.002, xxx.003, etc colocados en el mismo "slot" ( un rollo :nono: )y los cargué en "multi turn read". Tardó un rato pero ahora funciona sin problemas, eso si, cada cierto nº de turnos ( entre 40 y 50) debo reinicializar otro "tracker" porque me dice que no hay suficiente espacio disponible.

Espero ayude.

Pd. me ha costado muchos disgustos el aprender a usar el "Tracker" y me queda mucho por aprender pero ahora no podría vivir sin el: "I LOVE YOU TRACKER" & thanks for this tool to "the developer/s". :Ok:

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7 released

Publicado: 22 Dic 2010, 00:10
por n01487477
1.7 has been released ...

New Features:
# Bunker fuel added for ships
# CSV export added for ship upgrades
# Industry panel small tweaks and support for resizing
# Air Production history small tweaks
# Ship panel filter options enhanced, toggle to view between different sets of data
# Alerts added for Japanese economy
# Base load rates in details and tool tip on port in Base panel
# Base panel shows aircraft at base along with available support, filter added for bases with insufficient support; filter for bases repairing and those repairing with less than 10000 supply.
# Database Maintenance screen added (from File menu) to allow purging of old alerts
# LCU Production panel had lots of changes made
# AirGroups panel added mission percentages (database is upgraded to add, new turn read populates values); filter on mission type; and supply requirement shown in details
# Task Force AirGroups also shows mission percentages
# AirGroups panel added filter to show groups with pilots having a delay of 1
# AirGroups panel and Task Force Airgroups pop-up pilots column shows a tool tip with an overview of pilot counts
# Task Forces panel shows an estimated ETA to the home port (in days) and in the details panel, a tooltip on the cargo magnifying glass showing unload rate at the destination (for missions with cargo)
# Ship Production panel added Captial Ship filter for ship type
# Aircraft upgrade paths enhanced and shown as a tooltip in AirGroups panel upgrade column. PDU setting read on database initialization, otherwise assumed to be off. New pop-up added to show upgrade options and compare with current model.

EDIT: also added Nomad's region file (version 6) for the new data patch in the region-mappings folder.

Bugs Fixed:
# Crashing during Task Force comparison due to an empty TF
# Base Object history and resource history adjusted for when you don't own the base
# Corrections to the percentages for AF, port and fort expansions
# Ship repair alerts no longer reported for sunk ships
# Sorting fixed for LCU disruption and fatigue
# Nation filter on right updates in Aircraft Comparison
# More than 32767 pilots handled (database upgraded automatically to accommodate)
# Ship cargo for units with high IDs now show up properly (air groups and LCUs)
# Recognition of real airgroups from the save file improved to not find "bad" groups
# LCU comparison on turn loading missing LCUs

Merry Christmas
Damian and Floyd

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7 released

Publicado: 22 Dic 2010, 17:47
por KriegDrake
n01487477 escribió:1.7 has been released ...

New Features:
# Bunker fuel added for ships
# CSV export added for ship upgrades
# Industry panel small tweaks and support for resizing
# Air Production history small tweaks
# Ship panel filter options enhanced, toggle to view between different sets of data
# Alerts added for Japanese economy
# Base load rates in details and tool tip on port in Base panel
# Base panel shows aircraft at base along with available support, filter added for bases with insufficient support; filter for bases repairing and those repairing with less than 10000 supply.
# Database Maintenance screen added (from File menu) to allow purging of old alerts
# LCU Production panel had lots of changes made
# AirGroups panel added mission percentages (database is upgraded to add, new turn read populates values); filter on mission type; and supply requirement shown in details
# Task Force AirGroups also shows mission percentages
# AirGroups panel added filter to show groups with pilots having a delay of 1
# AirGroups panel and Task Force Airgroups pop-up pilots column shows a tool tip with an overview of pilot counts
# Task Forces panel shows an estimated ETA to the home port (in days) and in the details panel, a tooltip on the cargo magnifying glass showing unload rate at the destination (for missions with cargo)
# Ship Production panel added Captial Ship filter for ship type
# Aircraft upgrade paths enhanced and shown as a tooltip in AirGroups panel upgrade column. PDU setting read on database initialization, otherwise assumed to be off. New pop-up added to show upgrade options and compare with current model.

EDIT: also added Nomad's region file (version 6) for the new data patch in the region-mappings folder.

Bugs Fixed:
# Crashing during Task Force comparison due to an empty TF
# Base Object history and resource history adjusted for when you don't own the base
# Corrections to the percentages for AF, port and fort expansions
# Ship repair alerts no longer reported for sunk ships
# Sorting fixed for LCU disruption and fatigue
# Nation filter on right updates in Aircraft Comparison
# More than 32767 pilots handled (database upgraded automatically to accommodate)
# Ship cargo for units with high IDs now show up properly (air groups and LCUs)
# Recognition of real airgroups from the save file improved to not find "bad" groups
# LCU comparison on turn loading missing LCUs

Merry Christmas
Damian and Floyd
Thank you very much :Ok:, merry Christmas.

Muchas gracias, igualmente felices fiestas :D.

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7 released

Publicado: 23 Dic 2010, 10:07
por Igel
+1 :Ok:

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7 released

Publicado: 24 Dic 2010, 19:05
por Chokai
Muchas gracias Damian. Buen trabajo. :aplauso:

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7.1 released

Publicado: 09 Ene 2011, 02:39
por n01487477
A few of the more important bugs were fixed, so here is Release 1.7.1.

Download from the regular place: here.

New Features:
# none

Bugs Fixed:
# Resource histories properly aligned
# Liquid (oil and fuel) load rates corrected
# Null pointer exception fixed in Air Production panel

Known Issues:
# nothing new


Floyd and Damian

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7.1 released

Publicado: 25 Ene 2011, 14:27
por sky
alguien puede decirme si esta es la manera normal de visionar un archivo .csv..

Ship,"Current Class","Upgrade Class","Upgrade Date","Location","Sys","Min Yard","Damage","Delay","Allowed?"
CA Pensacola,"Pensacola 6/42","Pensacola 3/43","1943 03","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","0","20","0","21",""
CA Salt Lake City,"Pensacola 6/42","Pensacola 3/43","1943 03","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","1","20","0","21",""
CL Enterprise,"'E' Class 2nd Group","'E' Class 2nd Group 2/43","1943 02","Diamond Harbour","2","5","0","21",""
CL Phoenix,"Brooklyn 4/42","Brooklyn 11/42","1942 11","TF 8071 [dest. of Sydney]","0","20","0","21",""
DD Fletcher,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8113 [dest. of Midway Island]","0","0","0","10",""
DD Chevalier,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8113 [dest. of Midway Island]","0","0","0","10",""
DD Conway,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8037 [dest. of Pearl Harbor]","0","0","0","10",""
DD Jenkins,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8037 [dest. of Pearl Harbor]","2","0","0","10",""
DD Radford,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","0","0","0","10",""
DD Strong,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8037 [dest. of Pearl Harbor]","2","0","0","10",""
DD Taylor,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8037 [dest. of Pearl Harbor]","2","0","0","10",""
DD Waller,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","1","0","0","10",""
DD Aaron Ward,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","0","0","0","2",""
DD Laffey,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","0","0","0","2",""
DD Lansdowne,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","2","0","0","2",""
DD McCalla,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8126 [dest. of 134,119]","2","0","0","2",""
DD Bancroft,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8246 [dest. of Rennell Island]","0","0","0","2",""
DD Kalk,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8337 [dest. of Tarawa]","0","0","0","2",""
DD Carmick,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8148 [dest. of Luganville]","1","0","0","2",""
DD Porter,"Porter 4/42","Porter 3/43","1943 03","TF 8331 [dest. of Tarawa]","0","5","0","18",""
DD Selfridge,"Porter 4/42","Porter 3/43","1943 03","TF 8069 [dest. of Madang]","0","5","0","18",""
DD Phelps,"Porter 4/42","Porter 3/43","1943 03","TF 8069 [dest. of Madang]","0","5","0","18",""
DD Balch,"Porter 4/42","Porter 3/43","1943 03","TF 8331 [dest. of Tarawa]","2","5","0","18",""
DD Clark,"Porter 4/42","Porter 3/43","1943 03","TF 8058 [dest. of 144,117]","0","5","0","18",""

es de esta manera como se visiona cuando exporto un archivo?¿?... o existe alguna manera mejor de ver el archivo... osea mas ordenado

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7.1 released

Publicado: 25 Ene 2011, 21:11
por Mitrofan
Buenas ,

Creo que debes abrirlo desde "importar texto" , o "archivos de texto" y luego con
la opcion "separado por comas" , tendrias que decir que version del excel estas

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7.1 released

Publicado: 25 Ene 2011, 23:43
por sky
Mitrofan escribió:Buenas ,

Creo que debes abrirlo desde "importar texto" , o "archivos de texto" y luego con
la opcion "separado por comas" , tendrias que decir que version del excel estas
gracias ya consegui ordenarlo

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7.1 released

Publicado: 11 Feb 2011, 16:15
por caballo71
sky escribió:alguien puede decirme si esta es la manera normal de visionar un archivo .csv..

Ship,"Current Class","Upgrade Class","Upgrade Date","Location","Sys","Min Yard","Damage","Delay","Allowed?"
CA Pensacola,"Pensacola 6/42","Pensacola 3/43","1943 03","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","0","20","0","21",""
CA Salt Lake City,"Pensacola 6/42","Pensacola 3/43","1943 03","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","1","20","0","21",""
CL Enterprise,"'E' Class 2nd Group","'E' Class 2nd Group 2/43","1943 02","Diamond Harbour","2","5","0","21",""
CL Phoenix,"Brooklyn 4/42","Brooklyn 11/42","1942 11","TF 8071 [dest. of Sydney]","0","20","0","21",""
DD Fletcher,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8113 [dest. of Midway Island]","0","0","0","10",""
DD Chevalier,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8113 [dest. of Midway Island]","0","0","0","10",""
DD Conway,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8037 [dest. of Pearl Harbor]","0","0","0","10",""
DD Jenkins,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8037 [dest. of Pearl Harbor]","2","0","0","10",""
DD Radford,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","0","0","0","10",""
DD Strong,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8037 [dest. of Pearl Harbor]","2","0","0","10",""
DD Taylor,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8037 [dest. of Pearl Harbor]","2","0","0","10",""
DD Waller,"Fletcher HB 11/42","Fletcher HB 2/43","1943 02","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","1","0","0","10",""
DD Aaron Ward,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","0","0","0","2",""
DD Laffey,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","0","0","0","2",""
DD Lansdowne,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8077 [dest. of 119,109]","2","0","0","2",""
DD McCalla,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8126 [dest. of 134,119]","2","0","0","2",""
DD Bancroft,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8246 [dest. of Rennell Island]","0","0","0","2",""
DD Kalk,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8337 [dest. of Tarawa]","0","0","0","2",""
DD Carmick,"Bristol 8/42","Bristol 2/43","1943 02","TF 8148 [dest. of Luganville]","1","0","0","2",""
DD Porter,"Porter 4/42","Porter 3/43","1943 03","TF 8331 [dest. of Tarawa]","0","5","0","18",""
DD Selfridge,"Porter 4/42","Porter 3/43","1943 03","TF 8069 [dest. of Madang]","0","5","0","18",""
DD Phelps,"Porter 4/42","Porter 3/43","1943 03","TF 8069 [dest. of Madang]","0","5","0","18",""
DD Balch,"Porter 4/42","Porter 3/43","1943 03","TF 8331 [dest. of Tarawa]","2","5","0","18",""
DD Clark,"Porter 4/42","Porter 3/43","1943 03","TF 8058 [dest. of 144,117]","0","5","0","18",""

es de esta manera como se visiona cuando exporto un archivo?¿?... o existe alguna manera mejor de ver el archivo... osea mas ordenado
Sky, mira a ver en al pagina anterior a esta, que he puesto como lo hago yo con el excel 2007, y queda muy bien.

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7.1 released

Publicado: 06 May 2012, 19:02
por caballo71
A ver que ahora tengo un ligero pero gran problema con este programa. :SOS:
Tuve que realizar un formateo en el ordenador, guarde los archivos de Witp-ae para continuar luego. Hasta aqui todo perfecto.
Una vez que cargo el juego, compruebo que la partida funciona etc.. me voy a cargar el WitpTracker-AE. 1.8 y empieza a darme problemas, borro el java, lo instalo nuevamente, y el combat report me funciona perfectamente, el WitpTracker, usando la copia antigua ahora me funciona, pero si intento iniciar una carga en limpio me da este problema y estoy loco buscando solución...
(como comento si lo hago desde la copia que hice no hay problema, el problema radica en la nueva..)
Este es el error:
exception in thread awt-eventqueue-0 java.lang.arrayindexoutofboundsexception 0 >=0


Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7.1 released

Publicado: 13 May 2012, 02:04
por caballo71
Ya lo he arreglado..

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7.1 released

Publicado: 13 May 2012, 17:00
por Chokai
caballo71 escribió:Ya lo he arreglado..
Pues menos mal porque está claro que los demás no teníamos ni "#??!**!!=" idea de como ayudarte :P.

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7.1 released

Publicado: 13 May 2012, 23:52
por caballo71
Si el problema es que parece que la solución esta en Java. Mas concretamente en una actualizacion, que hacia que un archivo de "no se donde de configuraciones o servicios .. de windows" se me quedaba en estado parado... y habia que volver a configurarlo en automatico...

Re: WitpTracker-AE 1.7.1 released

Publicado: 13 May 2012, 23:53
por caballo71
Ahora una pregunta...
Si quiero actualizar a la version 1.9 desde la 1.8 que archivos son necesarios para cargar toda la información. ¿Hay que hacer una actualizacion sobreescbribiendo la version antigua, o una vez instalada la version nueva.. copiar encima algunos archivos...