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Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 15 Jun 2014, 10:52
por Blas de Lezo
Rasputino escribió:Veo que el juego trae la librería lua52.dll .
Pero veo que no hay ningún script en este lenguaje. Si alguien ve alguno que me lo diga.
¿Sabe alguien si este juego usa para algo LUA? ¿Por qué está su librería?
:? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 27 Jun 2014, 21:56
por jjem
Una nueva release candidate para la versión 1.04.


http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.as ... 48&mpage=4

The download is a self-extracting 7-zip file. Simply unpack to the Command installation directory, answering "yes" to any overwrite prompts.

This update can be applied to any existing version of the game, from v1.00 (Build 429) all the way to Build 546.

RC4 RELEASE NOTES (changes since B546)

- 0007737: [B546] Slower Game Performance
- 0007697: [542] Gabriel II missiles never hit
- 0007722: Group/Unit View and the Mission Planner
- 0007745: Ability to set 'Hold Position' for all own-side units
- 0007744: Kite Screech and Vorenzh arcs
- 0007738: Feet and Meters Being displayed in Message Log
- 0005174: Platform display scrolling issue
- 0007730: If you select a land grouping (air base etc) in the mission editor the individual components aren't displyayed as targets in ME
- 0007742: Consistant crash with scenario v1.04 RC3 B546
- 0007731: [B538] Scenario likely crashing because fighters are trying to intercept satellite
- 0007717: Message Log: Deleting itself-truncating
- 0007736: Message Log frequent clearing
- 0007721: [B545] System out of memory crash
- 0007754: If no side is created hitting hotkeys crashes the game
- 0007755: [B547] Out of memory crash
- 0007753: [547] Weapons Display disappeared
- 0007731: [B538] Scenario likely crashing because fighters are trying to intercept satellite
- 0007761: Low 1% Pk with Phalanx Block IB
- 0007756: [B548] Exception when clicking on aircraft
- 0007757: Launching the database viewer crashes the game.
- [FIXED B549] 548 Message log stops updating
- [FIXED B549] RUR-5A
- 0007765: Disengage (Ctrl+E) is not working for groups
- 0007767: [546] Crash - Operation Gurdun
- 0006979: Air independent propulsion bugs
- 0007770: AI should plot around known mines if on a mission
- 0007771: B538 - Hellos on mine clearing missio run out of fuel
- 0006439: [Weapons Modelling] Torpedo homing depth
- 0007769: Launch as Group Crash
- 0007763: [Weapons Modelling] [Build 549} Torp attacks pretty weird
- 0007762: Unit status display on right of UI doesn't always work
- 0007773: Grouped mobile units are instantly visible. Is autodetect on?
- 0007776: Command App not closing running the background
- 0002814: DB3K: JLENS
- 0002891: DB3K: M982 Excalibur guided 155mm round
- 0004490: Submarine torpedo firing arcs off
- 0003631: US Excalibur Artillery Rounds
- 0003146: DB3K: INS Chakra (Akula II)
- 0003596: DB3K: SAR-Lupe satellite
- 0006503: DB3k: Add Portugeuse Navy
- 0006509: Valiant / Churchill class Harpoon capability
- 0006895: Mk46 and Mk48 max depths
- 0005429: European Satellite Updates
- 0007395: DB3k: "Academician Pashin” (project 23130) Tanker
- 0007529: DB3k: New North Korean ASW helo Frigates (maybe)
- 0007368: Generic Depth Charge range
- 0007659: DB3k Update: US National Guard A-7D Low Altitude Night Attack Upgrade 1989
- 0007671: Najin with SS-N-25 Mounts
- 0007689: A-50U Updates
- 0007683: Damaged Airbase reporting that it is overfilled when it actually isn't
- 0007700: DB3k: AL/ALQ-99 H pods in 1989 Issue
- 0007705: DB3k: [542] Type 12l Leander main gun WEZ
- 0007708: DB3k: Seal Loadout for C-2A Greyhound
- 0007713: DB3k: Add Swedish HMS Orion
- 0007714: Add Archer Artillery System
- 0007715: DB3k: Add updated landsort minehunter (Sweden)
- 0007716: DB3k: Add Swedish HKP 16 (Blackhawk)
- 0007740: RAF F-35B needs VTOL capability in db
- 0007733: Clemenceau needs more parking space
- 0007732: Update F-16I
- 0007729: DB3k: Add A900 Mercuur class submarine support vessel
- 0007728: DB3k: Add HDMS Diana (P520) Denmark
- 0007746: Torpedoes: remove level cruise flag & cruise alt from all torpedoes
- 0007760: DB 3000 B416 #2956 Gulfstream G-IV
- 0007766: DB3k Update:Loadout 2534 has 0 mine sonars Adjust to 1
- 0007759: DBk3: Typo in aircraft #2871 CF-104C
- 0007775: Sort Edit aircraft dialog by year
- 0001085: Turkish rocket & SSM platforms
- 0007774: B546 Crash after Sub used up all AIP fuel
- 0001921: DB3k: Taiwan Surface Navy Updates
- 0003581: DB3K: Fajr-3 rocket
- 0003207: DB3K: RAAD ATGM
- 0003598: Mine info
- 0004383: Check Yaogan 6 SAR satellite and make sure it works
- 0004607: TOW, AT-2, AT-5, AT-13, AT-14, Javelin ATGMs as add-on weapons for ground units
- 0005825: Mark Gellis Land Structure Requests
- 0005910: Venezuela DB requests
- 0006367: Add Uruguayan Joao Belo Frigate
- 0007213: DB3k: F-117 Hypothetical
- 0007677: DB3k Update: Missing OECM pods for H-6G (3299)
- 0007032: CWDB: Helipad bases/facilities need ammo dumps
- 0007743: Shaddock B can't engage surface ships
- 0007734: Spanish submarines need default torpedo loadout set
- 0007680: Venezuelan platform requests

* New hotkey: "L" for "Hold Position".

* Significant UI/map modification: Detected non-friendly unit groups (airbases, installations, naval bases, mobile groups etc.) are shown as group entities while in Group view.

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 29 Jun 2014, 10:31
por jjem
Y aún otro más...

http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.as ... 48&mpage=4


The download is a self-extracting 7-zip file. Simply unpack to the Command installation directory, answering "yes" to any overwrite prompts.

This update can be applied to any existing version of the game, from v1.00 (Build 429) all the way to Build 551.

RC5 RELEASE NOTES (changes since B551)
* A number of UI fixes
* Numerous performance tweaks

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 02 Jul 2014, 15:48
por Iosef
Ya hay 553

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 03 Jul 2014, 17:23
por cezeta
Hola que tal?

Vereis, he conocido este juego gracias a los chicos del Escuadrón 69, entre ellos Overlord (no se si tendrá el mismo apodo aqui) y Galahad78.

La verdad es que encuentro el CMANO muy interesante pero antes de lanzarme a la palestra (y dado que el precio supera la barrera psicologica de los 60€)...Pues hay que apostar sobre seguro.

Ya me he informado de que los de Matrix Games son una panda de aficionados que se hacen llamar profesionales. Mientras que la gente de WarfareSims son un grupo de aficionados que estan demostrando ser unos profesionales como la copa de un pino.

Bueno, me gustaria saber hasta que punto está simulada la guerra nuclear. Es decir, he visto que existe la posibilidad de jugar escenarios con armamento nuclear tactico y estratégico...pero siempre en el contexto de la guerra aeronaval.

¿Seria posible jugar un escenario en el cual un pequeño incidente acaba en una confrontación nuclear a escala estrategica donde poder elegir el tipo de ataque (contra-valor vs contrafuerza)? poder escoger entre los diferentes tipos de ataques (MAO-1 a 4) y todo eso?

En el fondo es...simular algo parecido a lo que se vé en la pelicula 'War Games'.

Un saludo

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 05 Jul 2014, 11:53
por Iosef
Bufff, ni idea Cezeta, a mi la guerra nuclear no me llena y no he mirado nada al respecto.

Novedades con el manual:

Welcome to the Command manual addendum pages!
This material acts as supplemental to the existing Command v1.0 manual (bundled with the game and also available in printer-friendly format here) and details the changes and additions to the interface and functionality of the game. We welcome feedback for improving the content of these pages and providing even better and more useful information to new and old players alike.
The information currently detailed on these pages is correct up to version 1.04 (Build 554). Later versions (available as public releases through the MatrixGames forum) are likely to have additional features and changes, please consult the release notes of each published build for details.
Para imprimir: http://www.warfaresims.com/?page_id=2695

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 05 Jul 2014, 13:20
por netskaven
Justo lo que necesitaba, pero no me funciona. ¿Soy el unico?

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 05 Jul 2014, 13:34
por Iosef
no te funciona que??

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 05 Jul 2014, 17:33
por netskaven
Carga la pagina mal. No me funcionan los enlaces, hay errores de codigo, no hay nada que bajar, ...

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 05 Jul 2014, 18:21
por Iosef

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 09 Jul 2014, 12:23
por Iosef
1.04 en marcha

Here is the list of some of the major improvements implemented in this new version.
Configurable strike auto-planner. Your planes plot intelligent paths for their missions (complete with multiple off-axis ingress and egress lines, split-to-attack and form-up waypoints, suitable altitudes for each leg etc.). As always you can tweak the strike plan to perfection.

An extensive array of UI enhancements such as wireframe-only map view, selection-only range symbols, new hotkeys, menu list for quick-jump slots, additional information on the database viewer, configurable ghosted-unit visibility, configurable plotted course visibility, one-click jump to unit mission, single-icon enemy groups and more.

AI and mission editor additions such as configurable sprint-and-drift, optional prosecution areas for patrols (goodbye fainted drawn-out patrol assets and edge-of-envelope SAM shots, hello true SAM-ambushes!), new doctrine options and more.

Improved simulation mechanics such as multiple cloud conditions, refined offboard-sonar modelling, ABM/ASAT guidance refinements, realism improvements for anti-missile engagements, longer-range AI torpedo shots and more.
Significant performance & stability improvements.
A mile-long list of database additions including future Virginia SSGN versions, Tomahawk MMT, M982 Excalibur guided 155mm artillery, KC-46 tanker, MC-130 with the BLU-82 “Daisy Cutter” & GBU-43 MOAB mega-bombs, Chinese “High New” C4-ISR series, the entire Ukraine naval OOB, Oscar-III SSGN, JLENS, tons of Vietnam-era units, hypothetical systems like the F-19A, A/F-117X, Boeing 747 ALCM carrier and generic CATOBAR mini-carrier, and much more.
A los del PDL design team.. nos metemos en la cocina a por nuevos escenarios??

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 09 Jul 2014, 12:28
por PijusMagnificus
Iosef escribió: A los del PDL design team.. nos metemos en la cocina a por nuevos escenarios??

Oido cocina!!

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 09 Jul 2014, 12:36
por Iosef
Hay que repasar los antiguos y darles un barnizado.

Y como nuevo este que tal??

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B56_nw ... sp=sharing

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 09 Jul 2014, 12:58
por PijusMagnificus
Iosef escribió:Hay que repasar los antiguos y darles un barnizado.

Y como nuevo este que tal??

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B56_nw ... sp=sharing

Tiene buena pinta, me gusta el planteamiento, empezamos a trabajar...

Re: CMANO: Command Air/Naval Operations

Publicado: 09 Jul 2014, 13:03
por Iosef
hablamos los tres por gmail. :Ok: