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[WITE] Parches

Publicado: 01 Feb 2013, 11:57
por Haplo_Patryn
Para hablar de ello.

Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 20 Nov 2013, 14:19
por Whizar
Nuevo parche y este con muchos cambios.

Aquí pongo los cambios en las reglas.
V1.07.11– November 18, 2013
Official Release

• New Features and Rule Changes

1. New Game Option - Added "reduced blizzard effect" option. It can be enabled in Game Options for a new game. When using this option some of the First Winter rules are altered. Simply put Combat Value Modifications are no longer random, in worst case they should be equivalent to the old rules’ best case or slightly better, and the player can mitigate those effects to a certain degree by using forts and cities of all sizes.
The detailed rules are as follows:

- The automatic loss of 1 morale for non-Finnish Axis units whenever they are attacked and the final end of combat odds are greater than 1:2
mentioned in patch notes “v1.04.10 - April 18, 2011” is disabled.

- Combat Value of non-Finnish, non-mountain and non-ski Axis units during Blizzard or Snow weather between December 1941 and April 1942 in the First Winter Zone is reduced to 36% plus 4% for each point scored when checking the following conditions (to a maximum of 100% - 16 points):
Month is:
- January, February, March, April +4
Weather Zone of the battle hex is:
- Europe +3
- Southern Soviet +2
- Central Soviet +1

When the unit is in or next to the battle’s hex and the unit’s hex contains:
- Terrain:
1. Heavy Urban +5
2. Light Urban +4
3. City +3
4. Any terrain with a Town +1

- Fort +1 (for each level)

When the unit defends in the battle hex (is not a reserve unit):

- Always +4
- Month is February +4
- Month is March, April +8
- Weather is Snow +6
- Terrain:
1. Heavy Urban +5
2. Light Urban +4
3. City +3
4. Any terrain with a Town +1
5. Light Woods, Heavy Woods, Rough, Mountain terrain without a town +1

- The displayed CV values for Finns, Soviets, and Axis mountain and ski units are no longer doubled during first winter blizzard turns.
Example: A German division in January ‘42 (+4) located in Central Soviet Weather Zone (+1) in a town in clear terrain (+1) with a level 2 fort (+2) is defending (+4, +1 from town again). The score is 13, so the CV will be reduced to 36+13*4=88% of the original CV value. The same division would attack a neighboring hex with 68% of the original CV value.
Note: The player has to remember that CV is also reduced by damage to ground elements when taking part in combat (rule 22.3.2), so the units are weaker than they seem from the values on counters. However, preparing a proper defensive line based on cities, forts and reserves (perhaps at a cost of reduced gains in November ‘41), should allow for holding it successfully in most parts of the front, and the units should be in much better shape for a summer offensive.

2. Rule Change – Air transport of fuel and supplies is changed as follows: 1) Level bombers may not transport fuel. 2) Only 25-75% of supplies are dropped successfully, while only 16-50% of fuel is dropped successfully (was 33-100% for both). 3) Hexes that contain or are adjacent to a friendly air base unit (that is in a valid hex for air operations) will receive all of the supplies and fuel that are dropped (no drop attrition as stated in item 2 occurs).

3. Interface Change - Added the ability to sort units properly according to their Arabic and/or Roman numerals, including subunit designations before “/” sign.

4. New Interface - Added detailed CV attack and defend values under the counter in the unit detail window.

5. Editor - Added the ability to specify individual division numbers and their guard status for Soviet Cavalry and Mountain Corps in the Scenario Editor.

6. Improved AI - Added missing "march madness" rule to AI evaluation functions. Fixed minor mismatch in an AI evaluation function concerning value of ground elements in support units attached to combat units as opposed to ground elements in their parent units.

7. Rule Change (section 9.1.1) – Possible morale gains for a unit being at least 10 hexes from an enemy unit (in refit or not) will now only happen if the unit’s morale is below its national morale, or 50, whichever is lowest. Note it is possible to receive up to 0-2 morale points from this when not in refit mode, and 0-4 points when in refit mode (this has not changed).

8. Rule Change (section 8.4.3) – The air group unit commitment system will only allow the transfer of recon air groups to Wehrmacht airbases.

9. Rule Change/Errata (section 3.3.2) – There was an undocumented +1 morale bonus from victories whenever the morale help level was set >100. Similarly, there was one less loss of morale due to a lost combat when the morale help was set >100. These have now been changed so that these bonuses only apply when the morale help level is set >109. We have also fixed a bug that could cause a unit with morale help level >100 to potentially gain one morale point from a lost battle.

10. Rule Change (section 23.3.1)– If the Rumanian front areas is still frozen, Axis movement into Hungary is no longer allowed on turn 2 of scenarios starting on June 22, 1941. More accurately, movement is not allowed in the area both south of hex row 86 and west of column 45. This has always been true for turn 1, but has been extended to turn 2 as described above. The Axis AI may ignore this rule in order to defend its territory.

11. Formula Change (section 9.1.1) – Reduced the chance that a unit below its national morale will receive the die(10% of national morale) increase in morale. The chance is now 10% (was 15%).

12. Rule Errata (section 9.1.1) – Units that are below 40 automatically gain one morale point in the logistics phase.

13. Rule Errata (section 9.1.3) – The Finnish National Morale is 70 for the entire war.

14. Rule Errata (section 15) – There are a maximum number of units that may participate in a combat. The absolute maximum is 40 units per side (including HQs, on-map and support units). The system will try to include all on-map units if possible, but as the number of units gets large (over 25-30), there is a chance that some support units will be left out of the battle even before reaching the 40 unit maximum.
Y para descargarlo de aquí http://matrixgames.com/products/372/downloads/

Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 20 Nov 2013, 22:51
por Chokai
Gracias, descargado (aunque parece que lo que han hecho es oficializar la beta 1.07.11 como parche, únicamente, sin añadir ningún cambio más). En cualquier caso, gracias por avisar.


Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 16 Dic 2013, 08:17
por Chokai
Nuevo parche beta, esta vez el 1.07.12, también con bastantes cambios:
V1.07.12– December 10, 2013

• New Features and Rule Changes

1. New Interface - It is now possible to see chances to succeed various leader rolls (Morale, Initiative and Admin rolls for all units; Mech and Infantry rolls for non-partisan, non-construction combat and support units; Air rolls for airbases) in the Supply Details window.
2. Interface Change - Improved accuracy and relevance of the information about last supply phase in the Supply Details window, including addition of general supply and fuel handed by HQ units to subordinate units (in parentheses next to “HQ Supply” and “HQ Fuel” percentages). Some elements of supply information are now also available for support units attached to cities and partisan units. The method of rounding values from pounds to short tons was changed to round up positive values, and to round down negative values. For example 1lbs becomes 1t (2000lbs), 2000lbs becomes 1t (2000lbs), 2001lbs becomes 2t (4000lbs), -1lbs becomes -1t (-2000lbs). The method of rounding percentages was also improved, so that for a/b when a=b the percentage will be 100%, not 99%. This change applies to all supply-related information displayed in the game.
3. Formula Change - Improved the formula which decides whether a unit should be motorized or not. By default all armor, mechanized, motorized, SP artillery, HQ and airbase units will be motorized. Support units attached to motorized combat units will be also motorized (such units will be demotorized when attached back to HQ, unless it’s their natural state). Units containing “Motorized “ or “SP “ in their TOE suffix will be also motorized (this is for flavor, to make units like “Motorized Flak Battalion” or “LW Motorized Flak Battalion” or “LW SP Light Flak Battalion” show up as motorized). It may require advancing to the next turn for the motorized status to adjust properly. Previously, support units attached to motorized combat units had requirements like motorized units, but their motorized status was still showing up as non-motorized.
4. Interface Change - Supply status soft factor now includes ammunition status as well, as there is no separate ammunition status soft factor.
5. Rule Change - HQs and support units assigned to HQs may receive beachhead supply.
6. Formula Change - Partisan units will now use ammunition when attacking rail lines.
7. Formula Change - With the “reduced blizzard effect” option turned on, ground element disruption before combat will be halved.
8. Rule Change - Disabled too high level attachment penalty (introduced in 1.7.11) for fort units, construction units and units that are within 4 hexes of the HQ they are attached to.
9. Hardcoded Data Change - Made extensive review of ground element types’ traction type, support requirements, CV, default ammo type, ground class, method of production, target type and general type. Some less used types had these values set to incorrect values. Introduced 6 new ground element types: Carrier-Inf Squad, SP Rocket Launcher, SP AT Gun, CDL Tank, Recon Halftrack and Flamethrower for use by modders. Full list of changes is located in Appendix A.
10. Rule Clarification (section 7.1.1.) - Dense terrain modifier is applied to ground element’s CV during combat (attacker and defender alike) in mountain, rough, swamp and heavy wood terrain as well as in cities with population greater than 14. Ground elements of class “infantry”, “mech infantry”, and “infantry weapons” have their CV doubled. Ground elements of class “SP Weapon”, “Armored Car”, “SP Artillery”, and “AFV” have their CV halved.
11. Rule Clarification (section 17.1.1.) - Once 7 air drops to partisans will be made out of VVS airbases in a single logistics phase, non-VVS airbases will not be used for partisan resupply at all (for smaller number of drops there is a random test, whether to use non-VVS airbases or no).
12. Rule Clarification (section - The value used in morale and experience tests is 130 in December 1941, 110 in January 1942 and 90 in February 1942, instead of 125 all the time.
13. Detailed battle messages now show when an already damaged armored ground element is damaged for a second time and destroyed (as was shown for unarmored ground elements).
14. Ammunition used to hit armored targets is shown in detailed battle messages. AP - regular AP ammo (Penetration), HV - HVAP ammo (HVAP Pen.), HE - regular HE ammo (Anti-Armor), HT - HEAT ammo (HEAT Pen.).
15. Combat rolls will be always using leader’s mech skill for armor, mechanized, motorized and SP gun units (TOE type), while leader’s infantry skill will be used for all other units. Previously checks done when firing and First Winter CV reduction checks were always using leader’s infantry skill.
16. Fixed tooltip for frozen units so it will show CV with greater precision (as for unfrozen units).
17. Disabled additional First Winter damage at start of turn and when moving Finnish, Mountain and Ski units. Disabled First Winter morale loss after lost battle for Finnish, Mountain and Ski units.
18. Reduced Blizzard modifiers changed. Minimum CV changes as follows: attacking in any weather from February to April from 52% to 65% (closer to the original /1.5), defending in blizzard in February from 84% to 80% (closer to the original /1.33). Defensive reserves benefit from defensive bonuses. No penalty to Axis fire effectiveness. Details in Appendix B.

Bug Fixes

1. Fixed a bug with some support units attached to HQ units being resupplied nearly for free. For example a support unit had 132 tons of supply added at a cost of just 1 supply dump from the HQ; also all needs below 1 ton (2000lbs) were resupplied for free.
2. Fixed a bug with HQ units reporting their supply needs as fuel needs. When the supply stock was above 100% of supply needs, this generated negative fuel need and reduced global cost of moving supplies in vehicles and fuel.
3. Fixed a bug with support units attached to combat units, and construction units attached to FBD/NKPS units, not reporting their needs to proper HQ unit, causing said HQ to have supply shortages when it shouldn’t.
4. Fixed a bug with support units attached to combat units not being able to return excess fuel.
5. Fixed a bug with support units attached to combat units to always require fuel (even when full), if another support unit created earlier, attached to the same combat unit, required fuel.
6. Fixed a bug with support units attached to combat units to generate higher vehicle need (1/10 of their parent unit vehicles, instead of 1/10 of their own vehicles) and with support units attached to HQs to generate lower vehicle need (0 instead of 1/10 of their own vehicles).
7. Improved fighter-bomber mission checks, of which only the “bomber” mission was stable, while “fighter” mission was overwritten, when the air group was used in escort or sweep role for the first time.
8. Improved fighter-bomber training checks, where air groups trained as fighters were not properly marked as such by game versions older than 1.7.09.
9. Made sure fighter-bombers on “fighter” mission are treated in the same way as fighters (allowed to bomb in the same way, allowed to escort recon planes, allowed to be selected for standard air mission), while fighter-bombers on “bomber” mission are treated as (light) level bombers (not counting as possible escorts).
10. Made sure that all functions selecting when to set fighter-bomber air groups to “bomber” mission and training are identical.
11. Made sure that when changing tactical bombers to fighter-bombers and fighters to fighter-bombers, training and mission type is correctly set, for both automatic and manual changes.
12. Fixed bug with support units attached to combat units being counted twice in initial combat CV, once as part of parent unit, once as a standalone unit.
13. Fixed bug with dense terrain modifier not being included in initial combat CV.
14. Fixed bug with AI evacuating factories to cities not conected to the rail network (eg. Naberezhnye Chelny), possibly rendering them inoperable.
15. Fixed bug with partisan air supply logic out of non-VVS airbases trying to count transport aircraft in partisan unit instead of an airbase.
16. Morale growth higher than 10 points for partisan units supplied from non-VVS air bases will now be correctly disabled, as is for partisan units supplied from VVS air bases.
17. All fighter groups (defined as fighters, fighter-bombers not on “bomber” mission, night-, jet- and float- fighters) not on bombing flight have now chance to evade flak better, where previously only fighters and fighter-bombers not on bombing flight had this chance.
18. Included often forgot float fighter aircraft type in various fighter-related checks. Currently there is no such aircraft in the database.
19. Included night-, jet- and float- fighters in IAP airbase needs for automatic Soviet airbase creation purposes. Currently there are no such aircraft.
20. Fixed a bug with one flight-related loop to be going outside of flight data range.
21. Fixed AI attachment of Soviet support units to corps units, as the game was trying to attach “Pioneer Battalion” units (no such Soviet TOE exists), instead of correct “Sapper Regiment” units.
22. Updated AI decision process when to build various Soviet support units to account for ground element type changes since the release. This mostly affected building assault gun/tank destroyer units.
23. Updated AI decision process what support units to build for Soviet Army HQ units, as the game was trying to build units with TOEs that no longer exist (for example “Heavy AA Regiment”) or to build units with TOEs that are designated as combat units (for example “Mortar Brigade”), which caused those ghost units to take up unit slots and perhaps affect some other parts of the game.
24. Fixed multiple cases of starting element experience, supply, motorized, and guards status being not set or being improperly set, when a unit was created, depending on which method was used (manual or automatic). Most of these problems were gone in the next turn, but now such units are initialized properly on the turn of creation.
25. Disabled adding supply to units created by the AI, as the function does not work correctly (takes 1000 tons of supply and possibly fuel out of the nearest city, instead of just 1 ton) and was disabled in several other cases of forming new units. Such units get supply in the next logistics phase.
26. Rail construction units will now follow regular units’ rules instead of HQ units’ rules in their vehicle/supply/fuel needs.
27. Fixed a bug with units not on buildup and having trucks equal to their need not to respond to truck shortage by giving up their vehicles.
28. Fixed problem in editor reset formation supply level function to zero vehicle number in units instead of setting correct value.
29. Fixed problem with battle details tooltip text lacking description and having participant’s strength and losses printed twice for partisan and interdiction attacks.
30. Fixed some spacing problems and added missing comas to battle details tooltip text.
31. Fixed problem when opening inventory list caused a blank window to appear after exiting from CR.
32. Fixed problem when exiting from supply details window by using Esc key caused a blank window to appear.
33. Fixed many cases where units being 99 or 100 MP from the railhead would be counted as being out of supply.
34. Partisan supply status and related icon highlight will now be properly set in all cases, and either will be “isolated” or in “air supply”, no longer using Axis off-rail values for some partisan units.
35. Improved detection when to attempt to air drop fuel and added a fail-safe that will revert to supply drop mode if a previous attempt to drop fuel in the same hex failed because of lack of aircraft.
36. Hiwis and pilots in airbases and soldiers in damaged elements will now eat.
37. Hiwis will now require trucks to carry them in motorized units.
38. Horses will now eat half of fodder even when stationary, with the other half reserved for paying for movement.
39. Infantry elements in cavalry units will now require horse wagons to carry them.
40. Fixed problems with airhead supply going to wrong units when those units that should have been resupplied from the airhead were still connected to the main rail grid, but more than 100MP away from it, rather than being completely isolated. This includes a fix for wrong highlight of such units (yellow instead of orange) once resupplied.
41. Fixed several small bugs with air and airhead supply, including a situation when an enemy airbase in neighbouring hex (possible when stacked with a combat unit) would help with air drop penalty, and a situation where cargo stocks were improperly set when doing an airhead supply.
42. Improved how air cargo delivery works (from the individual plane to the units in hex), to ensure units are getting what they really need. Unless there is just one unit in the hex (or a single unit was selected manually), the game will divide cargo proportionally between units, depending on their needs (including support units attached to those units). In case a player wants to add supply dumps to a HQ, it’s better to select it manually, as the above method won’t assign much cargo to a HQ (unless it has many starved support units). Combat units will immediately transfer part of their supplies to attached support units. Supplies and ammo dropped are substracted from source airbase’s supply storage, with ammo being paid for in ARM points and subjected to Soviet Ammo Loss rule. Fuel dropped is substracted from source airbase’s fuel storage.
43. Fixed first winter combat disruption formula to follow rules as written. This should cause 21%-75% CV loss when attacking (0%-36% when defending, including defensive reserves), instead of 99% common with the old implementation.
44. Fixed a bug with AI evaluation of best attack moves that compared wrong values when trying to find out whether the Soviet side has global offensive CV advantage to press more recklessly with assaults (offensive CV of the O.K.H. unit was checked rather than sum total of Soviet offensive CVs; in three places).
45. Support units attached to HQs will be included in global offensive CV for AI advantage evaluation, so the strength balance will be more accurate.
46. Added missing Ski units CV multiplier to AI CV evaluation.
47. AI CV evaluation will now use expected values of all possible CV modifiers (morale, experience, leader rolls, isolation, attack), with some adjustments done to protect the AI from making more failed attacks because of some important rolls (single roll giving a huge bonus to CV).
48. For isolation-related modifiers to CV, proper fort and dense terrain value will be used for support units and units other than defenders in hex (values from their own hex will be used).
49. On-counter CV evaluation will now use expected values of isolation-related CV modifiers.
50. Combat (random), on-counter and AI (non random) CV evaluation were aligned to match in all places, with the exception of necessary differences that had to remain.
51. Accuracy of CV calculations was improved by doing all calculations on number of elements times 100, divided at the end by 100. This increases the strength of smaller units, for which the penalty of doing divisions on integer numbers could be very high (for example 15 / 8 * 8 is 8 instead of 15, which means a 53% loss; with the new method it would be 14, “only” a 6.6% loss).
52. Fixed a bug where AI was using wrong fort value modifiers for terrain in some cases.
53. Fixed a bug where weapons with HEAT penetration greater than zero, but with zero Anti-Armor (HE penetration) were ineffective against armored targets when firing HE shots (affects the following devices: RS-82 Rocket, RP-3 Rocket, 5 inch Rocket, RS-132 Rocket, Molotov Cocktail, Anti-Tank Grenade, Rifle-Grenade, Panzerfaust, Bazooka, PIAT, Bazooka, Panzerschreck, Satchel Charge).
54. Fixed a bug with ammo selection for AP shots where Axis units used Soviet special ammo availability table, and Soviet units used Axis special ammo availability table from the next year.
55. Fixed a bug with secondary (other than in first slot) weapons in ground elements that belong to infantry and mechanized infantry classes having much reduced chance to fire. The idea behind the rule was to limit effectiveness of secondary weapons, like machine guns on tanks and side arms of gun crews, but it doesn’t look realistic when a 10-man squad armed with 8 rifles, a single SMG and a single LMG is severely limited in using that SMG and LMG, which are actually operated by dedicated soldiers.
56. Fixed a bug where large blast weapons (blast 10 and above) were limited from hitting more than one target with a single shot due to ammo expenditure check being made before large blast allowed another hit from that shot (and usually due to rate of fire less than 2, they were already limited to just a single shot at given range).
57. Fixed a bug where penetration reduction from range to target could be applied to HE ammo instead of intended AP and HVAP ammo.
58. Fixed a bug with standard First Winter CV reduction not working for Snow turns in February.
59. Airborne Engineer and Engineer Tank will be recognized as an engineer ground element type.

Appendix A (ground element types changes)

Traction type changes:
● Cavalry Squad from foot to horse
● Naval Gun from horse to none
● Motor-Inf Squad from foot to motorized (in 1 case out of 4)
● AAMG from motorized to horse (in 3 cases out of 4)
● MSW Tank from none to motorized
● Engineer Tank from none to motorized
● Motorcycle Squad from foot to motorized
● Ski Squad from none to foot
● Security Squad from none to foot
● Partisan Squad from none to foot
● Naval Rifle Squad from none to foot
● Heavy Mortar from none to horse
● Support from none to foot

Support requirements changes:
● Naval Gun from 0 to 1
● Special Forces from 6 to 0
● Marine Commando from 6 to 0
● Airborne Engineer from 6 to 5
● Air Landing Section from 0 to 5

CV changes:
● Assault Gun from 5 to 7
● Tank Destroyer from 5 to 8
● Hvy Tank Destroyer from 5 to 9
● Hvy Assault Gun from 6 to 8
● Lt Tank Destroyer from 5 to 7

For AI global offensive CV advantage evaluation all artillery types have a CV of 1 instead of 0.

Default ammo type changes:
● HT CS-Howitzer from AP to HE
● SP AAMG from AP to HE
● Heavy AT Gun from HE to AP
● Light AT Gun from HE to AP
● Partisan Squad from none to HE
● Naval Rifle Squad from none to HE
● Heavy Mortar from none to HE
● Lt Tank Destroyer from HE to AP
● CS Cavalry Tank from AP to HE
● CS Infantry Tank from AP to HE
● Support from none to HE

Ground class changes:
● Assault Gun from SP Artillery to AFV
● MSW Tank from none to AFV (in 4 cases out of 5)
● Engineer Tank from none to AFV (in 4 cases out of 5)
● Ski Squad from none to infantry (in 3 cases out of 5)
● Security Squad from none to infantry (in 3 cases out of 5)
● Partisan Squad from none to infantry (in 3 cases out of 5)
● Naval Rifle Squad from none to infantry (in 3 cases out of 5)
● Tank Destroyer from SP Artillery to AFV
● Hvy Tank Destroyer from SP Artillery to AFV
● Hvy Assault Gun from SP Artillery to AFV
● Lt Tank Destroyer from SP Artillery to AFV

Method of production changes:
● Motor-Inf Squad from ARMAMENTS+VEHICLES to ARMAMENTS (in 1 case out of 3)
● HT CS-Howitzer from ARMAMENTS to FACTORY
● MSW Tank from none to FACTORY
● Engineer Tank from none to FACTORY
● Ski Squad from none to ARMAMENTS (in 2 cases out of 3)
● Security Squad from none to ARMAMENTS (in 2 cases out of 3)
● Partisan Squad from none to ARMAMENTS (in 2 cases out of 3)
● Naval Rifle Squad from none to ARMAMENTS (in 2 cases out of 3)
● Heavy Mortar from none to ARMAMENTS (in 2 cases out of 3)
● Support from none to ARMAMENTS (in 1 case out of 3)

Target type changes:
● Motor-Inf Squad from none to infantry
● Special Forces from vehicle to infantry
● Marine Commando from vehicle to infantry
● Airborne Engineer from vehicle to infantry
● Heavy Artillery from none to artillery
● Light Flak from vehicle to artillery
● Heavy Flak from vehicle to artillery
● Airborne Squad from none to infantry
● Air Landing Section from vehicle to infantry
● Heavy AT Gun from vehicle to artillery
● Light AT Gun from none to artillery
● Heavy Infantry Gun from infantry to artillery
● Light Artillery from vehicle to artillery
● Airborne Tank from none to vehicle
● Partisan Squad from none to infantry
● Naval Rifle Squad from none to infantry
● Light Mortar from none to artillery
● Heavy Mortar from none to artillery
● Hvy Assault Gun from none to vehicle
● Lt Tank Destroyer from none to vehicle
● CS Cavalry Tank from none to vehicle
● CS Infantry Tank from none to vehicle
● Light Armored Car from none to vehicle

General type changes:
● Mortar from direct gun to indirect gun
● Naval Gun from infantry to indirect gun
● HT AT-Gun from none to direct gun
● HT MG/Mor from AFV to indirect gun
● HT CS-Howitzer from none to indirect gun
● SP AAMG from none to direct gun
● AAMG from none to direct gun
● Heavy Artillery from none to indirect gun
● Light Flak from none to direct gun
● Heavy Flak from none to direct gun
● DD Tank from none to AFV
● MSW Tank from none to AFV
● Engineer Tank from none to AFV
● SP Inf-Gun from AFV to indirect gun
● Heavy AT Gun from none to direct gun
● Light AT Gun from none to direct gun
● Heavy Infantry Gun from none to indirect gun
● Light Artillery from none to indirect gun
● Airborne Tank from none to AFV
● Recon Jeep from none to AFV
● Light Mortar from none to indirect gun
● Heavy Mortar from none to indirect gun
● Cavalry Tank from none to AFV
● Hvy Cavalry Tank from none to AFV
● Hvy Assault Gun from none to AFV
● Lt Tank Destroyer from none to AFV
● CS Cavalry Tank from none to AFV
● CS Infantry Tank from none to AFV
● Light Armored Car from none to AFV

Map popup order changes:
● Assault gun from 9 (sp/ht) to 0 (afv)
● Special Forces from 0 (afv) to 4 (airborne)
● Marine Commando from 0 (afv) to 4 (airborne)
● Airborne Engineer from 0 (afv) to 10 (engineer)
● Air Landing Section from 0 (afv) to 4 (airborne)
● Heavy AT Gun from 0 (afv) to 7 (at gun)
● Tank Destroyer from 9 (sp/ht) to 0 (afv)
● Hvy Tank Destroyer from 9 (sp/ht) to 0 (afv)
● Hvy Assault Gun from 9 (sp/ht) to 0 (afv)
● Lt Tank Destroyer from 9 (sp/ht) to 0 (afv)

New ground element types:
● Carrier-Inf Squad (like Mech-Inf Squad; replaces Barge)
● SP Rocket Launcher (like SP Artillery, with support need of 12; replaces Ammo Truck)
● SP AT Gun (like HT AT-Gun, with support need of 12 and CV 5)
● CDL Tank (like Medium Tank, with CV 8)
● Recon Halftrack (like Armored Car)
● Flamethrower (like Infantry-AT, with support need of 2 and HE ammo)

Appendix B (updated Reduced Blizzard effect CV reduction rules)

Combat Value of non-Finnish, non-mountain and non-ski Axis units during Blizzard or Snow weather between December 1941 and April 1942 in the First Winter Zone is reduced to 36% plus 4% for each point scored when checking the following conditions (to a maximum of 100% - 16 points):

Month is:
- January +4
- February, March, April +7
Weather Zone of the battle hex is:
- Europe +3
- Southern Soviet +2
- Central Soviet +1
When the unit is in or next to the battle’s hex and the unit’s hex contains:
- Terrain:
- Heavy Urban +5
- Light Urban +4
- City +3
- Any terrain with a Town +1
- Fort +1 (for each level)
When the unit defends (includes defensive reserves):
- Always +4
- Weather is Snow or month is March, April +5
- Terrain:
- Heavy Urban +5
- Light Urban +4
- City +3
- Any terrain with a Town +1
- Light Woods, Heavy Woods, Rough, Mountain, Swamp terrain without a town +1

Se puede mirar aquí: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3494816


Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 06 Ene 2014, 14:09
por horse
Hotfix 1.07.13 (English version)
This exe has one change:

Fixes a bug with the supply system which was being more restrictive than it should by requiring that HQs have to be within 25 hexes / 100 MP of their supply dump city. It now correctly requires that HQs be within 25 hexes / 100 MP of the railhead.
Mas informacion : http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3499563

Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 15 May 2014, 14:24
por JMoralesG
no hay nada traducido??? no puedo con el google translate! :bang:

Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 15 May 2014, 17:51
por Lannister
¿Nada?. ¿Te refieres a los últimos parches?, o ¿nada nada?.

Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 24 May 2014, 01:42
por tarokun
hola Lanny... que frio esta esto. Ya nadie juega???

Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 24 May 2014, 12:15
por Lannister
Parece que no.
El frío de Rusia nos ha dejado congelados.
En otra época el foro estaba lleno de AARs del WitE pero el invierno llegó...

El WitW no creo que cambie mucho la cosa. Donde si espero cambios es para el WitE 2.

Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 25 May 2014, 16:46
por tarokun
Lannister escribió:Parece que no.
El frío de Rusia nos ha dejado congelados.
En otra época el foro estaba lleno de AARs del WitE pero el invierno llegó...

El WitW no creo que cambie mucho la cosa. Donde si espero cambios es para el WitE 2.
A ver si es verdad. que buena época cuando había aars del wite....

Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 18 Oct 2014, 02:12
por Von_Moltke
Es un juego que podría haber marcado época, pero por no saber equilibrarlo, se ha quedado en "podría".

Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 18 Oct 2014, 14:52
por Lannister
Joer, vale que es taro y no hay que tener mucha prisa en contestarle, pero estabas congelado en Rusia y has vuelto con el bien tiempo, no?.


Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 19 Oct 2014, 23:39
por superfalco
Yo estoy redescubriendo el juego después de unos 2 años sin tocarlo. Si alguien quiere estoy disponible para jugar una MP ya sea gran campaña o un escenario.

Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 20 Oct 2014, 20:00
por Lannister
Casi mejor que esperes al parche nuevo que tiene que estar al caer (un par de semanillas??).

Mira la lista de lo que cambia:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/jr43pi2ldtwsk ... 0.pdf?dl=0

Re: [WITE] Parches

Publicado: 06 Nov 2014, 16:30
por superfalco
Ya está la nueva beta!! :W00t: