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Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 06 Dic 2019, 18:25
por JoBader
DesertRat escribió: 06 Dic 2019, 17:40 I want be BetaTester!! Off Course. II
for beta/alpah version please sign up our news letter. you will get a email when it comes to that point.

yes ladder troleys are dangerous. we now have all deco now as destroid decorations.
I am close to finish the scenario editor. will make video about that soon.
while grafics department is drilling holes for drivers hatches in the next time, I will work on victory locations. :Running:

the plan is this:
on start a scenario player has a negative number of victory points. lets say -100 victory points.
we will see that top righ on screen. in victory locations (hexes and one per building) victory points are stored.
let's say 2 victory location with 200 victory points each. now the scenario starts. from and after the first shoot the
victory points in each VP location go down by 10 VPs per turn.
when conquering them after 10 rounds a player will get +200 - 100 from start = +100 VP, a Victory
when conquering them after 15 rounds a player will get +100 - 100 from start = +0 VP, a draw
when later a defeat as VPs are below zero.
plus/minus VPs for killed enemys (2VPs for a Squad etc)

any critic on that ? I hope I could properly describe it. :army:

Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 06 Dic 2019, 23:16
por nomada_squadman45
I like the model, maybe could be interesting mix dinamic objetives with stactic objetives (same value all the time) and even add the ability to earn points for units retreated from battlefield (is possible have scens based in scape from enemy, hold positions only has a tactical value to cover retreat, you need balance between hold to scape but with time to scape and win).

The model is very similar to the last one introduced by Tiller in the serie "Panzer Battles" but Tiller uses a more complex model where is possible same objetive has different values based in side and where even is possible the objetive value change his value in every turn not necesary in a linear progression.

If you want read about it download the Battles of North Africa 41 patch (in the Panzer Battles section), unzip it and search in manual the user pdf.


The victory model is the same for all game or every scen could have his own victory model? for example made a scen where kill the Tiger tank of a famous SS commander made you lose the battle even when you kill all enemy units without more casualties in your side.

Thank you for the info and good luck finishing the editor :Ok:

PD: i am registered in the newsletter but i never received an e-mail... i dont know if something is not working or simple no news were released :?

Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 07 Dic 2019, 16:29
por JoBader
maybe I will begin a simple VP system at start.


a little bit dirt, and fresh snow

Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 07 Dic 2019, 18:32
por nomada_squadman45
Maybe is better do it, is possible in future add a more complex victory model, first is made game works, have content and offer game modes for everybody.

A little question about victory objetives... they are based in hex or when you have buildings in the hex you can place it in a floor you need conquest?

In the art part... you are going to use a flag or other thing like have the victory hex with a colour hex all around to mark it?

Snow looks cool and vehicle models with soldiers looks very realistic, at the distance you show soldiers and from behind look like miniatures.

and the way to create hexes with textures is :bang: needs a lot of work :nervios:


Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 08 Dic 2019, 13:14
por JoBader
nomada_squadman45 escribió: 07 Dic 2019, 18:32 A little question about victory objetives... they are based in hex or when you have buildings in the hex you can place it in a floor you need conquest?
In the art part... you are going to use a flag or other thing like have the victory hex with a colour hex all around to mark it?
A building can have only one VP location. The Building must be cleared by all enemys to be conquered.
There are VP symbols on top of the hex or roof. Will show in the next Video about the Sceneario Editor.

I would like to have Victory System without turns and points. but that is perhaps not possible.

Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 08 Dic 2019, 14:31
por DesertRat
Mr. Bader: A Victory system using Victory Locations only?

I want be Betatester, Sir. :Ok: Where is the Link to that Newsletter Mister?

Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 08 Dic 2019, 14:41
por JoBader
DesertRat escribió: 08 Dic 2019, 14:31 Mr. Bader: A Victory system using Victory Locations only?

I want be Betatester, Sir. :Ok: Where is the Link to that Newsletter Mister?
yes Victory Locations only. If any ideas, let me know.

Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 08 Dic 2019, 19:32
por nomada_squadman45
Thanks for the info.

I really love the collateral benefit in hexes with buildings+victory point, with this you need conquest full building to take it because something made combat super tactical, you can retreat to superior floors to mantein combat all you can, fixing enemy troops in the building.

If you want avoid have all victory conditions linked with objetives and kill enemy you can do things like made kill X unit made player lose battle, something like this is present in "Armored Brigade" where you can play with HQ unit represents player, if you lose it game over. I think victory based in complete tasks is another option, even is possible made different tasks per side and even randomize them.

As example you can recreate Kelly´s Hero last battle, you need kill 3 tigers to win as allied and for german german side kill 3 guys that move to last tiger, Kelly-Oddball-Big Joe.

Y ahora el prometido video del editor en todo su explendor, facil emplazamiento de unidades, añadir detalles y poner objetivos.

Quizas los marcadores de objetivos deberian ser mas visibles, yo apostaria por usar banderas como en el original, en 3D una grande que sobresalga y sea bien visible, en 2D es mas facil porque es plana, si no tal cual estan ahora pero mas grandes y coloridas, sobretodo la parte de los puntos de victoria

I like victory counters, maybe made them bigger and more visible, other option is use flags, here in the moment you need conquest full building to take objetive a 3rd flag could be needed showing there are troops from both sides in the hex.

Otro punto que me gustaria ver son trincheras completas como complemento a las posiciones defensivas para cañones y claro esta, bunkers y otras obras defensivas (minas, dientes de dragon...).

I feel game needs more defensive works, trenches, dragoon teeth, mines, bunkers... over other features.

La verdad el juego ya no pinta bien porque ha dejado esa linea muy atras, incluso el anuncio de que "Steel Tigers" no estaba muerto sino que estaba de parranda me ha dejado bastante frio... creo que "Second Front" es lo mas cercano que he visto a un sucesor serio e incluso superando a "Steel Panthers".

PD: a little question, is possible you made a group of infantry+commander join to create a single formation? i refer to place 3 infantry units + 1 commander and you made they are 1st squad, only are 1 NATO counter, bigger than normal units counter, and you move it like a single unit. Thanks.

Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 08 Dic 2019, 21:30
por DesertRat
JoBader escribió: 08 Dic 2019, 14:41
DesertRat escribió: 08 Dic 2019, 14:31 Mr. Bader: A Victory system using Victory Locations only?

I want be Betatester, Sir. :Ok: Where is the Link to that Newsletter Mister?
yes Victory Locations only. If any ideas, let me know.

Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 09 Dic 2019, 19:37
por JoBader
nomada_squadman45 escribió: 08 Dic 2019, 19:32
I like victory counters, maybe made them bigger and more visible, other option is use flags, here in the moment you need conquest full building to take objetive a 3rd flag could be needed showing there are troops from both sides in the hex.

I feel game needs more defensive works, trenches, dragoon teeth, mines, bunkers... over other features.

PD: a little question, is possible you made a group of infantry+commander join to create a single formation? i refer to place 3 infantry units + 1 commander and you made they are 1st squad, only are 1 NATO counter, bigger than normal units counter, and you move it like a single unit. Thanks.
yes. Victory Symbiols need improvement.

yes, we will have entrenchments and wire mines later.

player can always move all infantry in a hex together, as long they are not pinned or broken.
Leaders give movment bonus. see MG 42 video for this.
when they move together they will also be attacked together on the move. Leader gives moral boost , but when
he breaks the remaigning troops can be pinned when they have lower moral. when he is killed the can become broken
the more the more stars he had. And yes we also will se special Tank Comanders, which act different to infantry leaders.
also special russian commisars which raise the moral in a building or in a hex...

Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 09 Dic 2019, 22:45
por nomada_squadman45
I see,i notice it but i refer an option to made all units you want work together with a commander be attached to him... something like when you attach a weapon to an infantry unit but instead weapons infantry units and commander working as the "mother unit".

I like the presence of special units like commisars and curious about tank commanders... maybe radios could play a role here? a special commander can use radio to "buff" friendly units?.

Thanks a lot for the info and your time :Ok:

Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 10 Dic 2019, 13:55
por JoBader
nomada_squadman45 escribió: 09 Dic 2019, 22:45 I see,i notice it but i refer an option to made all units you want work together with a commander be attached to him... something like when you attach a weapon to an infantry unit but instead weapons infantry units and commander working as the "mother unit".

I like the presence of special units like commisars and curious about tank commanders... maybe radios could play a role here? a special commander can use radio to "buff" friendly units?.
Leaders (this are not highranked leaders, no generals or battalion/regiment comanders :army: ) allready work together with troops in same hex in a lot of ways.
Only Leaders can recover infantry from broken. They run away togehter with acompanied broken infantry.
They boost their moral when fired on. They make the Squads move faster by 2!. help carrying weapons.
help a lot on firing (not Flamethrowers or TNT), they help be less afraid to get into closecombat vs an armored enemy vehicle.
help fighting in closecombat, help get the ambush advantage before closecombat.
they simply need to be is same hex with the infantry they direct. they can not direct vehicles or guns. only tank leader can do that.
When all your leaders are killed, you will lose the scenario becasue your troops are all broken and nobody will recover them.
when broken they can't do anything but run away. it is a good tactic to not use leader on help firing but place them in cover behind your frontline.
Broken infantry will try to reach them when running away. all above (not Flamethrowers or TNT)is implemented.

Only leaders can use radios. you see radios in the scenario editor video ,in the list of MGs.
Leader with a radio will (not implemenmted) call Artillery strikes what is a complex process lasting more than one turn.
and the Artillery is not very precise and dont know about friends and enemys.

actually doing stresstests with the AI. very far away AI units find their way to the front on the spring map. I think Spring map is a little bit too big
for the PC Power.

Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 10 Dic 2019, 23:00
por nomada_squadman45
Thanks for the reply, looks like the commander offer a lot gameplay, more value compared with other games.

Nueva imagen, ahora le toca al quizas mas conocido casco de carrista... la chichonera rusa :mrgreen:


Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 11 Dic 2019, 09:34
por DesertRat
:shock: :Ok: :Ok: :palomitas: :palomitas: :palomitas: :palomitas: :army:

Re: "Second Front" tactico cartoon estilo Steel Panthers

Publicado: 12 Dic 2019, 22:54
por nomada_squadman45
Ayer no hubo actualizacion porque eran cosas de IA y mejor no tocarle los bits a la IA :P


Hoy toca una imagen del mejorado KV-2 aunque aun sin conductor, hay que actualizar todos los vehiculos y llevara su tiempo porque la IA esta consumiendo tiempo y no son una sino dos ya que una cosa es la infanteria y otra los vehiculos, ya sabeis, como decia aquel gran pensador, escritor, menestro e inginiero de idrocarvuros... "un plato es un plato y un vaso es un vaso... VIVA EL VINO!!!"


Pero eso no es todo, por fin me ha llegado el correo de la lista de correo del juego, llego realmente ayer pero no me salia en la bandeja principal, me lo mete como promociones :bang:

Solventado el problema noticias interesantes.

1- no hay beta aun :Rendicion

2.1- pero el juego se anuncia para 2020!!! chupate esa "Vaporware Tigers" :mrgreen:

2.2- llegara para Mac tambien asi que los usuarios de la manzana pocha no tendran que morirse de envidia :lol:

3- tiene nueva web https://www.secondfront.games aunque la de hexwar o mejor aun facebook son mejores para tener informacion de primera mano.... por ahora.

4:- antes de Navidades entrara otro correo y con un regalito :palomitas:

Great work as usual and waiting the little surprise... could be a PanzerPony??? :P

PD: a little question Jo, is necessary register again in the newsletter in the new web? i imagine no but i prefer ask it.