War in the East 2

Subforo dedicado a los juegos de la casa: Matrix / Slitherine

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Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por Hothawk »

Estimados amigos, no se como mover las unidades aéreas hacia el frente ¿Es automático o puedo hacerlo manualmente?
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Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por Von_Moltke »

Hothawk escribió: 05 Jun 2021, 04:11 Estimados amigos, no se como mover las unidades aéreas hacia el frente ¿Es automático o puedo hacerlo manualmente?
Si pones que te lo gestione la IA y le das a seguir a un ejército si es automático, en otro caso, tienes que mover tu las agrupaciones o las escuadrillas hacia los aeropuertos que quieras.
¡Dios que buen vasallo! ¡Si hobiese buen Señor!
Regular - Feldwebel
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Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por Hothawk »

Gracias von Molke, pero como y en que momento del juego....no doy con la forma de ese movimiento "manual".
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Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por Akeno »

Hothawk escribió: 06 Jun 2021, 00:57 Gracias von Molke, pero como y en que momento del juego....no doy con la forma de ese movimiento "manual".

Hola, Hothwak.

En la sección del manual 17.3.4 MANUALLY MOVING AIR OPERATIONAL GROUPS se explica cómo mover manualmente las unidades aéreas entre aeródromos.

Una vez seleccionado el aeródromo de destino, el movimiento de los aparatos se realiza de forma automática en la siguiente fase logística del juego o puedes forzar a que el traslado se haga de forma inmediata con algunas penalizaciones si el aeródromo de destino todavía no tiene suficiente personal de apoyo de aviación o suministros para dar servicio a los aviones recién llegados (parámetros asignados de forma automática por la IA durante la fase logística).
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Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por Eishen »

Para elegir el aoropuerto es "sencillo"

1- selecciona el grup (caja roja) aeropuerto (azul) o escuadron (verde) que quiers trasladar.

2) tienes dos opciones
2 a con mayusculas pulsadas mueve el raton y vras que va moviendo la zona , siempre del mismo tamaño que la actual y diciendote el sitio en libre enaeropuertos,
cuando ests contento con la zona dale al boton DERECHO del raton

2 B con CTRL pulsado "pinta" un area el el mapa (con boton izquierdo del raton) y te mostrara la capacidad de aeropuertos en esa zona

3) una vez selccionado en la caja de la derecha te aparece el botn "transfer" con el numero de escuadrones pendientes para ese grupo si pulsas te da tres opciones..
con la primera en teoria no van hasta el siguiente turno (el sistema sabe que van a ir y manda el personal de tierra, con la segunda cambian de base en el momento y con la tercera cancelas la orden dada
te intento linkar u nesquema
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Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por Gromt »

Gromt escribió: 08 May 2021, 16:21
cardolan escribió: 02 May 2021, 18:42
Gromt escribió: 02 May 2021, 11:30 Hola,
consulta técnica:
al poco de comenzar una partida el juego no responde, se bloquea. Lo he instalado ya tres veces, con y sin el Net 4.7 y el DirectX 9.
Utilizo el W7. ¿Alguna idea de qué es lo que puede pasar? :?

... y ahora también me manda al escritorio... :bang:
Si no se te soluciona, te animo a darle un vistazo al subforo de soporte en Matrix por si alguien a dado cuenta de un problema similar. Y si no, postearlo tu.

La asistencia en Matrix es excelente. Siempre que he tenido algún problema (y eran chorradas) me han ayudado. Incluso por privado.

También es verdad que siempre es mejor tener la última versión de Windows y drivers para evitar problemas de compatibilidades. Una key en ebay cuesta 6-7€.

Muy a malas, si no puedes arrancarlo, estoy seguro que te harán un reembolso.
No, qué va, no quiero que me reembolsen nada, jejeje, ya habrá solución. :D

Pues al parecer, es lo que dice Akeno respecto a que con W7 y ATI RADEON, el WitE2 no chuta, al menos en mi PC, claro.

He hecho dos pruebas: Primero instalando en un notebook antediluviano para el juego (Celeron N2840 a 2.16 Hz, 4 GB de RAM y una gráfica integrada Intel HD) pero con W10 y resulta que, aunque le cuesta hacer el turno, ni se bloquea ni me saca al escritorio. :x

Y segunda prueba, en otro PC con W7 y un procesador menor y con tarjeta gráfica también inferior a la que tengo yo. Y no hay problema, funciona perfectamente. :x

De momento esperaré a ver si sale algún parche para este problema específico porque de momento no pienso cambiar el sistema operativo por un juego, que tengo muchos y me da pereza reinstalar tanto juego y otros programas. Y si algún forero que entienda bien el inglés ve en el subforo algo relacionado con la solución a lo comentado, pues agradecería me lo comunicara. :Ok:
aunque no ha sido posible conseguir una solución al problema del WitE2 en el PC con el que le doy a éstos nuestros juegos, agradecer a Paulo Costa del Grupo Slitherine por su interés en intentar dar una solución al asunto.

Y disculpad la premura de mi comentario pero debo de solucionar un pequeño problemilla sobre qué narices hacen unos comedores de chicle en MIS ISLAS de Tulagi y Lunga… :mrgreen:

¡Gracias Paulo!

"Cuando un hombre tiene que abusar de la mentira para cumplir con su deber, puede estar seguro de que anda equivocado de verdad o de deber" (Sargento Bevilacqua).
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Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por zuekamo »

salió parche beta 1.01, con muchos cambios y arreglos importantes. A probar el escenario ucraniano :army:

v01.01.00 – Changelog
New Features and Rule Changes
• Far into work on adding an in-game scaling preference option. Since the work is not complete, we have not yet made the preference option visible. Once completed in a future update, the program default will be changed to use application scaling, and players will be able to adjust the scaling using this preference item. As part of this, engine improvements have been made to more fully support ClearType fonts and to improve the placement of certain unit/map elements for better scaling, performance and clarity. Several windows have been redone/improved, as part of getting them to scale. Improvements include: added sorting of additional columns in some windows, information on assignments to HQs now also showing in the HQ detail Elements tab, changed selection of multiple battle reports in the same hex to a drop down list (hover on top left corner of battle report).
• Added a new scenario that is a modified version of the 1941 Campaign (1941 Campaign – No Early End). The only difference between this and the 1941 campaign is that the no early end version does not make checks for Sudden Victory or Sudden Loss. There is still the check at the end of 1944 re the Soviet HWM needing to match the Axis HWM (or Allied control of parts of Germany). This scenario will always contain the latest 1941 campaign changes unless otherwise noted in the scenario update notes (the plan is to keep them totally in sync).
• Rule Errata
o HQs and attached support units in isolated city forts that are forced to retreat are destroyed. Units will be rebuilt per the normal rules, except in this case HQs will also be rebuilt.
o When Follow Path is set to ‘no’ for an Air Directive, each mission created by the AD will automatically set a stage base for the mission when it launches and the aircraft will fly directly to the stage base and then directly to the target. The stage base created is heavily weighted toward the bombers in the mission (so not as useful if you have short range escorts you want to fly in the missions). In this case the player selected stage base is ignored.
o When tracing distance for freight movement from a depot to a unit, the number of MPs will never be more than 4x the number of hexes.
o The Command Range Modifier is slightly different than as explained in the manual. When determining the modifier, instead of subtracting 5 from the range before determining the modifier, you subtract the following:
 Corps HQ – 5
 Army – 10
 Army Group/Front – 15
 High command - 20

o Manpower multipliers for Finland, Italy, and Slovakia are different from that listed in the manual. They are:
 1941,42,43,44,45
 Finland 10,3,3,3,3
 Italy 3,3,3,3,3
 Slovakia 1,1,1,1,1

• Rule Clarification for Leader Dismissal Costs:
• The cost of dismissing a leader is increased by the political rating of the leader being dismissed. If the leader is an Axis Allied leader, the cost is double the political rating of the leader.
• The cost of dismissing a leader is reduced by the political rating of the leader of the Higher HQ for the leader being dismissed (i.e. OKH political rating is subtracted from the cost of dismissing the leader for Army Group North).
• The base cost before items a and b, are as follows All High Command 30, Axis Army Group 30, Axis Army 20, Axis Corps 10, Soviet Front 15, Soviet Army 10, Soviet Corps 5.
• There is a minimum cost of 2.
• Rule change for temporarily motorized units:
o Soviet units may not be temporarily motorized in 1941.
o Corps and division sized units have a minimum AP cost of 3 to temp motorize.
o Temporarily motorized units have to pass an extra admin check when determining their MPs (failure reduces their MPs).
o Soviet motorized units that are brigade size or smaller have a max MP of 35, and this applies to temporarily motorized units.

• Romanian Surrender - Romanian Surrender event no longer triggered by the loss of Constanta, Sulina, Cogealac, or Medgidia. Since this is a data change, it is only in games started with this or a later version of the game.
• Adjusted formula to spread out assignment of ground support over more air units where possible instead of overusing the same units. However, it is still heavily biased towards using air units flying shorter distances.
• Reduced the combat effectiveness of Light Mortar ground type weapons. Increased the combat effectiveness of Mortar ground type weapons.
• Added the ability to cancel an AOGs withdrawal orders on the AOG detail window. Linked any cancellation of withdrawal orders for an Air Command HQ to the withdrawal orders for its associated army level AOG. A cancellation of either, will cancel both.
• Moved Assault Squad category higher on the left side of production screen.
• Changes to logistics:
o Reduced effectiveness of super depots at reducing rail congestion penalties in 1941-1943, with less effectiveness reduction in 1943 than in 1941/42. Net effect is deliveries to super depots earlier in the war will be lower.
o Reduced effectiveness of single rail lines when using super depots. Net effect is potential for less shipments to super depots via single rail lines than in the past.
o Changed the algorithm that selects an NSS as a freight source to make it less likely to pick an NSS that is already heavily utilized.
o Note: Priority 0 depots have never been more or less likely to be picked as a freight source for a shipment just because it is priority 0. Priority 0 depots simply never receive a freight shipment. If you want to ensure getting rid of the freight at a priority 0 depot, you need to disband the depot.

• Significantly increased the incremental (fractional) experience gain each time a pilot returns from a mission. This will reduce the number of missions flown needed to gain a full experience point.
• Rule change – Units in refit and more than 10 hexes from the nearest enemy unit may now gain morale points even if their morale is over 50 (still must be under NM). The morale gain is now 1-2 points, not 0-2.

Bug Fixes and AI Improvements
• Assigning Construction Units to HQ on a city hex sometimes costs 1 AP (should be free). Fixed.
• Units in City Forts were not able to receive ammo from a depot in their hex during defensive combat. Fixed.
• Unit in City fort that renames appears in two places. Fixed.
• Losses reported for units not in the battle when Leningrad is captured. Fixed.
• Fixed several isolation issues:
o Units near Leningrad and Sevastopol were sometimes being counted as isolated when they shouldn’t. This was causing a loss of morale. Fixed.
o Hexes/units on Baltic islands incorrectly isolated. Fixed.
o Soviet units in the Caucasus become isolated when Axis units cut the Caucasus off from the rest of the Soviet Union. The port connections should be enough to prevent isolation. Fixed.

• Upon scenario load/start, factories in cities that have capture dates earlier than the start date of the scenario, are all being set to 100% damage. They should be calculating damage based on time since capture (there is some randomness to this, so values change each time a scenario is started). Fixed.
• CTD when pressing F9 with summary up in ground phase. Fixed.
• Can't move units to Kherson by sea. Fixed.
• Axis Allied flak are supposed to be limited to only their cities. Fixed.
• Some gun/artillery elements firing too close. Fixed.
• CR/HQ filter for Aslt column has typo. Fixed.
• The Logistics Report 'trucks lost in movement this turn' line was always showing 0 so this line was removed from the report.
• Depleted AA support units automatically sent to the reserve were also showing as being in the last city they were in. Fixed.
• MPs to depot in supply detail screen were sometimes incorrect. Fixed.
• Fixed several minor bugs in air group transfer interface.
• Possible MP exploit. Fixed.
• AD creation screen lists max ADs as 10 (should be 32. Fixed.
• When creating an airbase in a non-location hex, hex number is wrong in pop-up. Fixed.
• Changing mode with AD creation visible replaces 1st AD instead of selected AD. Fixed.
• Removed set individual AB supply priority via right click (since AB supply priority is automatically set, there was no reason to have this as it had no effect).
• Editor – Removed AI Line Forming x, y and Formation role from the displays as these are not intended to be editable values.
• Editor - Can't edit aircraft weapon set Last Date. Fixed.
• AI - Ai moves amphibious HQ into city fort. Fixed.
• AI - Amphib moves into swamp hex (from city fort hex). Fixed.
• AI – Soviet AI units warp into Axis hexes inside the Stalingrad pocket. Fixed.
• AI – Soviet AI support units in Theater boxes could be incorrectly attached to on map units (where they could be destroyed) while still showing in the TB. Fixed.
• AI - In Road to Leningrad some Soviet AI airbases ended up under OKL. Fixed.
• AI – The enemy AI moves human player air units to an AI airbase. Fixed.
• AI - Improved Axis defensive AI enemy threat calculations.
• In rare situations, resources/supplies/fuel/oil stored in a city could go negative. Fixed.

Data and Scenario Changes
• Scenario changes in Campaign 41, Road to Leningrad, Destruction of Southwest Front, and Operation Typhoon:
o adjusted for changes to 76.2mm Infantry Gun, 107mm Mortar, & 120mm Mortar pools
o 76.2mm field gun reallocations and pools of field guns, infantry gun, and mortars
o Corrected spelling errors

• 1941 Campaign:
o Fixed Frozen 8th Italian Army
o Fixed 3rd Guards Leningrad Militia Division renaming issue
o 39th Infantry Division no longer renames to 41st Fortress Division
o 41st Fortress Division is now built from scratch
o Removed Flieger Fuehrer Ostsee disband
o Urals Military District and Air Command are now locked in the Far East TB
o Event visibility fixes for events 40,41,43,95,108,114,129,133,134,136,170,171,172,173,174
o Romanian Surrender event is no longer triggered by the loss of Constanta, Sulina, Cogealac, or Medgidia.
o Various small fixes
o Added Dobrogea Rum. Air Command AOG
o Added 101st and 102nd Rum. Naval Recon Sqns
o Made Osinovets a Port Depot
o Changed events 82 and 88 so Albania and Montenegro do not become playable map regions when the Soviets take control.

• Destruction of Southwestern Front:
o Odessa Air Command renames to Southern Air Command on Turn 1
o Event visibility fix for event 133
o Added Dobrogea Rum. Air Command AOG
o Added 101st and 102nd Rum. Naval Recon Sqns

• Stalingrad to Berlin:
o Changed Syasstroy (201,97) to an export port.
o Event visibility fixes as in Campaign 41.
o Romanian Surrender event is no longer triggered by the loss of Constanta, Sulina, Cogealac, or Medgidia.
o Depending on the date of conversion some Infantry Divisions convert to the 44 Volksgrenadier Division while a few convert to the 45 Volksgrenadier Division TO&E. Conversions are now triggered by the turn number rather than depleted status.
o Changed events 82 and 88 so Albania and Montenegro do not become playable map regions when the Soviets take control.
o Correction(s) made to renaming of V Corps change to the XI SS Panzer Corps.
o The 344th Static Div. becomes the 344th VG Div.
o The 353rd ID becomes the 353rd VG Div.
o The 22nd Airlanding Div. does not convert to VG Status
o 1st Hun. Cavalry Brigade was added at Budapest. This is an Axis Elite unit. It is Frozen for 75 Turns. On Turn 76 (April 27, 1944) it becomes the 1st Hun. Hussar Division (The Best Unit in the Royal Hungarian Army).

• Vistula to Berlin changes:
o All VG Divisions now have the 45 Volksgrenadier Division TO&E which became available in November 1944.
o Upgraded some Fallschirmjager Divisions to the 44 Fallschirmjager Division and a few to the 45 Fallschirmjager Division.
o Moved KG(J) 6, KG(J) 27, KG(J) 30, and KG(J) 55 from the Map to the WE TB.
o Albania and Montenegro now start as Soviet controlled off map regions.
o The 353rd ID becomes the 353rd VG Division
o The 251st VG Div. becomes the 251st ID
o The 48th VG Div. becomes the 48th ID
o The 56th VG Div. becomes the 56th ID
o The 95th VG Div. becomes the 95th ID
o The 257th VG Div. added to WE
o Adjusted some Hungarian ground units. Hungarian ground units now have Experience and Morale near their National Morale of 50

• OB Update
o 41a, 41b and 42a Tank Brigades - added 4 x Zis-30
o Removed 14.5mm PTRD Anti-Tank Rifles from the 41b Cavalry Division since they are not in production until Dec 41
o Added 41c Cavalry Division which starts fielding PTRDs in Dec 1941
o Upgraded various ground elements in several OBs
o Added OB 1001 - 42a Ski Brigade - Apr 42
o Added OB 1016 - 42 Airborne Brigade - Apr 42
o Fixed OB 0883 and OB 0877 - Now use the 41 Rifle Squad instead of 42 Rifle Squad
o Fixed OB 0880 - Now uses T-34 M1943

• Leader.dat changes:
o Ld0215 von Pfeffer-Wildenbruch, Karl changed to Pfeffer-Wildenbruch, Karl
o Ld0296 Feuerstein, Valentin changed to Feurstein, Valentin
o Ld0305 von Weikersthal, Walther changed to Fischer von Weikersthal, Walther
o Various Italian Leader changes regarding promotion date and available date
o Ld0707 Nemeth, Joszef changed to Nemeth, Jozsef
o Ld0712 Ruszkiczay, Imre changed to Ruszkiczay-Ruediger, Imre
o Ld0718 Vasvary, Joszef changed to Vasvary, Jozsef
o Ld1037 Nikitin, Ivan change to Nikitin, Ivan S. // Change "Last Date" to April 1942
o Ld1062 Pyatykhin, Ivan reduce his rank to 1 and add a promotion Date

• Leader Photo changes/additions:
o Ld0529 Sogno, Vittorio
o Ld0537 Cappa, Umberto
o Ld0539 Armellini, Quirino
o Ld0541 Basso, Antonio
o Ld0561 Forgiero, Arnaldo
o Ld0592 Morigi, Giorgio
o Ld0718 Vasvary, Jozsef
o Ld1199 Konkov, Vasily

• Hexart.dat and hex.dat changes – Blocked naval exit from the Black Sea near Istanbul.
• Changes to ac.dat:
o re-calculated cruise speed and endurance for many aircraft, very limited changes to overall range unless:
 cruise speed was reduced from max cruise to eco cruise = range gain
 cruise speed was raised from max range to eco cruise = range lost

o drop tanks removed:
 for all German Bf 109/Fw 190 fighter and fighter-bomber, except Bf 109 E-7/F-2
 Fw 190F, Fw 190G (DT-only sets)
 non-German Bf 109 (except recons),
 Soviet P-39

o Pe-2/-3, Yer-2'44: gun change from 12.7 mm UBS to UB
o double max load for certain soviet types from 200 to 400kg to remove extra penalty for using 2x100kg bombs
o add 2x100kg bombload option for La-5/-7 types
o LaGG-3: ends 12/41, upgrades to LaGG-3 '11'
o LaGG-3 '11': delayed to 1/42, ends 6/42, 3 points better in reliability, +1 maneuver
o LaGG-3 '29': delayed to 7/42, +1 durability
o LaGG-3 '66': +2 durability, upgrade changed to La-7
o SM.79 I-II renamed SM.79 (ITA/WI version), some changes to weapon sets
o SM.79 III renamed SM.79bis, +1 durability, internal bombloads removed, change 20mm gun back to 12.7mm

• Changes to ground.dat:
o moved the Rumanian Panzer IVg forward to 12/42 (same as Germans)
o start of PaK40 production to 6/42 with weekly production of 146.
o contracted PaK97/38 production period to not start until 4/42 and end 3/43 with weekly production of 72
o moved 120mm GrW378(r) Mortar start date to 1/42
o set build limit of Soviet 102mm and 180mm Naval Guns to -1 to fix display issue
o Changed production rate and period of 107mm mortar.
o Removed the upgrade of the USV gun to ZiS gun and added update of 1902/30 gun to ZiS gun.

• device.dat – Changed slot 49 from 37mm Cannon T9 to 12.7mm UB MG
• gtype.dat – Unspecified minor changes
• 3 revised aircraft tga icon files, A0166, A0170, A0488
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Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por Hothawk »

Gracias Akeno Y Eishen, muy amables por las respuestas!!!!
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Crack - Major
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Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por zuekamo »

Retomo la serie con el nuevo parche, que parece que ha arreglado los problemas del grupo Odessa del aire.

Alguien sabe como se llaman las colinas que tributan al Dniéster, al norte de Moldavia. Son montañas de 300 m de altura pero tienen buena pinta como posición defensiva.

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Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por Hetzer »

War in the East 2 en Steam el 9 de diciembre


War in the East 2 estará disponible en Steam el 9 de diciembre.

El juego cubre uno de los conflictos más brutales de la historia de la humanidad. Esta amarga lucha hasta el último hombre entre el Tercer Reich y la Unión Soviética está cuidadosamente modelada y detallada, desde la descripción estratégica más alta hasta la más pequeña decisión logística y táctica. GGWitE2 es una revisión completa del inicial WitE.

Es más profundo, más histórico y más grande que su antecesor, siendo la representación más precisa de este teatro de operaciones jamás concebida.

El juego viene con un tutorial excepcional y un completísimo manual de 520 páginas, para ayudar a los nuevos jugadores a comprender la profundidad y complejidad que abarca librar y ganar la guerra real.

La IA también ha mejorado, por lo que los veteranos de WitE también disfrutarán de nuevos desafíos en una campaña expansiva que cubre todo, desde Barbarroja en 1941 hasta la caída de Berlín en 1945.

No te pierdas la retransmisión de XTRG en el canal de Slitherine en Twitch el 29 de noviembre jugando a War in the East 2 en directo.
Crack - Major
Crack - Major
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Registrado: 24 Jun 2009, 21:32

Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por Valter »

Hetzer escribió: 02 Nov 2021, 18:47 War in the East 2 en Steam el 9 de diciembre


War in the East 2 estará disponible en Steam el 9 de diciembre.

El juego cubre uno de los conflictos más brutales de la historia de la humanidad. Esta amarga lucha hasta el último hombre entre el Tercer Reich y la Unión Soviética está cuidadosamente modelada y detallada, desde la descripción estratégica más alta hasta la más pequeña decisión logística y táctica. GGWitE2 es una revisión completa del inicial WitE.

Es más profundo, más histórico y más grande que su antecesor, siendo la representación más precisa de este teatro de operaciones jamás concebida.

El juego viene con un tutorial excepcional y un completísimo manual de 520 páginas, para ayudar a los nuevos jugadores a comprender la profundidad y complejidad que abarca librar y ganar la guerra real.

La IA también ha mejorado, por lo que los veteranos de WitE también disfrutarán de nuevos desafíos en una campaña expansiva que cubre todo, desde Barbarroja en 1941 hasta la caída de Berlín en 1945.

No te pierdas la retransmisión de XTRG en el canal de Slitherine en Twitch el 29 de noviembre jugando a War in the East 2 en directo.
Nuevo hype. :x
Conscript - Obergefreiter
Conscript - Obergefreiter
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Registrado: 01 Nov 2017, 15:34
STEAM: Jugador

Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por Silencioso »

Saldrá en Español?
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Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por Hetzer »

Lo siento pero esto es un 100% no... :sad:
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Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por bladewar »

Silencioso escribió: 05 Nov 2021, 13:58 Saldrá en Español?
en verdad no hace falta, yo no tengo ni papa idea de ingles,voy "mu mal" pero para jugar a este juego no hace falta, todo se entiende bien.
con el traductor de google te vale para ciertas palabras y en cuanto al manual, hay por ahi una copia en español ,que si bien es una traduccion de google, a mi me sirvio perfectamente para aprender....
De hecho tengo un AAr " viewtopic.php?f=41&t=21198 "donde voy sacando ciertos aspectos del juego. y te ayudara en aprender algunas mecanicas.y que seguire mas adelante actualizando (en el AAr esta por el turno 7 y seguire subiendo un poco mas adelante turnos)
bladewar escribió: 16 Abr 2021, 02:05 Voy a iniciar una campaña contra la IA,sera mi primera campaña que juegue en los dos juegos.

Hasta ahora solo habia jugado escenarios (road to leningrado (17 turnos),the Destruction od Southwestern Front (17 turnos) y road to smolenks en el Wite 1.
Comenzare una campaña en modo aprendizaje,por lo que cometere inmensidades de errores,y en las que mi unica meta es jugar, aprender, cometer errores y descubrir cuantas cosas pueda,bien por comentarios de otros jugadores, por recomendaciones, o por desconocimiento de reglas.
Agradeceria siempre que se comentaran las alternativas,errores que cometo,tacticas y mejoras para futuras partidas....quiero coger una base para futuras partidas PBEM.

Opciones iniciales Normales:
moral 100
SIN Asistencia aerea
Control de teatros


Conscript - Obergefreiter
Conscript - Obergefreiter
Mensajes: 157
Registrado: 01 Nov 2017, 15:34
STEAM: Jugador

Re: War in the East 2

Mensaje por Silencioso »

Muchas gracias