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Publicado: 06 Mar 2014, 17:56
por SilverDragon
RAZBAM: Mirage 2000C



Publicado: 06 Mar 2014, 17:57
por SilverDragon
DCS: Mig-21Bis



Publicado: 07 Mar 2014, 20:46
por SilverDragon


Publicado: 07 Mar 2014, 22:41
por Lannister


Publicado: 08 Mar 2014, 11:21
por SilverDragon
Su-33 6DoF Cockpit WIP



Publicado: 08 Mar 2014, 11:46
por SilverDragon
Update #30 WW2

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/50 ... sts/770277
Friday March 07, 2014 Development Update – We're Getting THere
6 comments Liked 17 likes
These regular updates are really hard to do when you’re in pre-alpha. If there’s one thing I learned during this project, it’s that there really was a very good reason for the industry standard to announce and market projects after they’re ready and playable.
I yearn for the days of yore when I could just boot up a game, set up a quick scenario, snap a bunch of action screenshots, and be done with a Friday update in an hour.

Actually, I yearn for the day of even yore-er yore. Seems like it was just yesterday when I could say, hey, I’d like to fly plane X. And a month or so later I’d be flying it. It’s only been, what, 10 years since that was the case. Of course, there’s no going back to that. Even the simplest flying games of today probably can’t do an airplane in a month. I myself can barely stand to look, much less to fly, airplanes from 10 years ago. But I am still a bit sad about all the work that goes into the extra quality. If you were to draw a graph on work hours vs simulation quality, the line grows exponentially.

And while you’re here, close but not quite at the self-imposed 100%, progress is very hard to show.

First of all, here’s where we are with the backer rewards section. We really tried to have it operational last Friday, but internal testing showed that once again we had a logical flaw for larger reward tiers with more than one copy of a stock plane selected. Had to drastically redo the flyable selection this week. Lost all the prettiness and ended up with a painfully simple design, but at least it works.

I guess the page is ready for the world, we just have one final task: to merge the kickstarter and paypal database of backers with the DCS site member list, the hardest part of which is dealing with accounts for backers that do not currently have a digitalcombatsimulator.com user profile.


On the aircraft front, we finally do have a delay on one aircraft model, the P-47 external. We had a long unpleasant saga with trying to get high-quality original blueprints for it last summer. That took longer than anticipated, and what we got was not as thorough as we needed. Once we finally got into animating all the bits and pieces of the aircraft, we’ve realized that our data was not good enough, and that some parts would go out of alignment when moved. We had to go chasing pixels, and start fitting parts back together, animating, measuring, refitting, and trying again. This, again, goes back to my earlier point about standards. In an older game, we’d never care that an aileron slightly clips through the wing when fully deflected. We wouldn’t care that a gear strut does a physically impossible warp a few inches to the side in order to move to the down and locked position. And so with DCS, we have to go and make sure every movement is absolutely perfect, spending more time on these details than on the entire model in an older project.

The 109, our flagship, the pinnacle of our hopes and desires, is still a bit shiny everywhere. Not nearly as bad as two weeks ago, but it still fluctuates. Graphics programmers are slowly but surely moving DCS over to DX11, and it’s a process.

The choice for me is extremely painful - show nothing, or show something that does not look great.


From switch to shining switch

The cockpit programming is complete. All the gauges and switches and systems are working, except, annoyingly from the point of a Friday update, you cannot see it in the cockpit yet. We can see it all in debug mode. However DCS cockpits are done in a peculiar complex way, different from what we’re used to from before, and a programmer cannot simply tell a certain needle to rotate a certain number of degrees. As it is during most of the process, the cockpit mesh is a monolith. In our previous projects, we would simply make each moving part a separate object with a pivot, and the programmer would move that object about that pivot when needed. In DCS, we have to do a lot more work on cockpit animations, doing them manually, and we’re still waiting for them to be complete.

In the meantime, all the gauges gauge, and the switches operate all the systems, the radio talks, the AFN2 guides you to airfields (the only objects at the moment you can guide to), everything works, and this would have been a great time to make a cockpit procedures video, except you can only see all of that happening in debug readouts and not in the cockpit 3D model.

So, since I’ve made too many overly optimistic predictions in the past, I won’t this time. I will only say that it’s very frustrating for me to write these kind of updates, that I really want to have a fully functional plane I can take for a spin and screenshot away, and that we really are tantalizingly close.


Publicado: 12 Mar 2014, 08:12
por SilverDragon
http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... stcount=42
OK, it's late, I'm still awake, just finished few things with Mike /Rudel/.
I have few minutes for update - not a fancy one /I have low-end PC, no fancy screens.../.

In latest set of weapons tests, Roland and I implemented 3 pods available for RU planes: GUV-7800 G, GUV-7800 M and UPK-23-250. Note that I have never saw 21Bis with any of these.

Most integrated weapon is UPK-23-250. Really impressive thing and closest to MiG-21Bis weapon system. I really recommend that one instead of 7800M. It has 2xGsh 23mm guns /which is the same gun 21 have/ and can pack serious punch. Besides, it fits the ASP natively. Pure Eagle weapon, no tweaks or "guessed" stuff. UPK will come with 21 for sure, well see about other things /more integration and tests needed... time?/.

I have no screens at the moment, sorry. Mike might fire few rounds for you if he has some time tomorrow.

As for the Kh-66, it's done also. You will have difficulties with this weapon, although it is a fun and a challenge to use it. Ill tell you just one thing that will create a lot of problems: asymmetric load after one missile is fired. Asymmetric load for heavy payload is not allowed on 21. However, once you get in the cockpit it will be your problem. At the moment it is ours. You'll have to discover other problems and realize why weapon development went the other way.

We only need to integrate new Kh control box although it could be used even without it.

(Note: screens here are 3 days old, that's all I have at the moment.)


Publicado: 15 Mar 2014, 12:09
por SilverDragon
Wags ha puesto nuevas imaneges del sistema de renderización (el nuevo motor EDGE). Atentos a la profundidad de campo, calidad de imagen y curvatura de la tierra :shock:

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=3
Work in progress of the new rendering system in action.

Tengo la impresión que las fotos que puse del FW-190D-9 unos post mas atras también estaban con el nuevo motor EDGE en testeos


Publicado: 19 Mar 2014, 17:29
por SilverDragon
Mig-21Bis Manual in progress

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=1
About the manual

Lot of people asked similar questions: will it be available in their language, how does it relate to original 21 manual, is it near completion etc.

Since we are making 21Bis mod for DCSW, there are differences between simulated 21Bis and real 21Bis (as you must have noted so far). Therefore, the only relevant document for DCS MiG-21Bis will be its manual. This does not prevent you from using any other document you might have, but DCSW MiG-21Bis will be what’s written in its manual.

Manual is near completion, still, I have to write and illustrate missing parts concerning recently added features, most notably new weapon use and complex navigation subsection (e.g. radials interception with RSBN). Note that manual can be finished after we finish everything else (e.g we need finished internal/external model and textures for manual illustrations). Before we conclude it (“lock” it), it has to be approved by Eagle.

Manual in your language? Absolutely.
Once concluded in English, manual will be available for translation to anything community can provide. Document containing the detailed “call for translators” will be presented here on time. Translations that satisfy required standards, quality and are delivered in time will be included in official release. Other translations (rejected, late, partial etc.) can still be presented to community here or elsewhere to support local players, but will not be included in release.


Publicado: 21 Mar 2014, 18:18
por SilverDragon
Tres nuevas imangenes de EGDE:
http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=4
Su-25 in winter.


Publicado: 24 Mar 2014, 20:15
por SilverDragon
Updace 32# WW2
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/50 ... sts/787617
The Backer Rewards Section is Finally Here – in Beta
Comment Like
Well, it took way, way more blood and guts than anyone could ever imagine, but we finally have it.
If you’re a project backer, you can manage your rewards here:

http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/e ... al/backer/

We also have a closed Backers forum here:


This is currently in beta – feel free to play around with this as much as you like.

Please note that this only shows the rewards from the rewards matrix.

Anticipated problems:

Log-in and email mix-ups;
Wrong reward selection;
Wrong tier selection;
Bad logic when selecting eclectic reward combinations.
Missing features:

Not currently showing Completed Rewards for those of you who have already received your product keys;
Not showing non-matrix rewards for higher tier backers, such as custom aircraft paintschemes.
Here’s how this works.

Whether you backed on kickstarter or via paypal, you should be able to use this system.

Please note that the DCS site requires two separate logins, one for the site, and the other for the forums.

The Backer section is linked to the email address you used for your pledge.

If you already have a digitalcombatsimulator.com account linked to that email, you should be able to log in and immediately use the Backer Rewards page.
If you do not have a digitalcombatsimulator.com account linked to that email, please create one. It will give you access to all features on the site, including the Backer Rewards page.
If you already have a digitalcombatsimulator.com account linked to a different email address, unfortunately we do not have an automated way to deal with that. Please email dcswwii@eagle.ru from the email address currently on your DCS profile (not the kickstarter backer email address) and let us know which email address you used to back the project. We’ll be changing the backer email address to your DCS account email address (not the other way around).
Same goes for the forums.

If you already have a forums.eagle.ru account, and it uses the same email you used to back the project, you should be able to log in and get access to the backer forum automatically.
If you do not have a forums.eagle.ru account, create one with the same email you used to back the project, and you should get access to the backer forum.
If you already have a forums.eagle.ru account, but it uses a different email address than the one you used to back the project, unfortunately we do not have an automated way to deal with that. Please email dcswwii@eagle.ru from the email address currently on your forum profile (not the kickstarter backer email address) and let us know which email address you used to back the project. We’ll be changing the backer email address to your forum account email address (not the other way around).
Now, if you are using one email for the digitalcombatsimulator.com account and a different email for forums.eagle.ru, then unfortunately we won’t be able to link them. You’ll have to create a new account with a matching email address in one place or the other.

We'll be adding the missing features in the next couple of days. Hopefully no serious issues will be found in beta, in which case we'll be going live ASAP.

For any issues, please post in the Backer Forum, or email dcswwii@eagle.ru.


Publicado: 24 Mar 2014, 20:26
por SilverDragon
Pilot Mi8 habla del AFM del F-15C
http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... stcount=61
Originally Posted by WildBillKelsoe View Post
I hope they release it this month. .....!
Maybe add 1 week... 10 days: final testing and tuning is bit longer, for high level quality of model dynamic


Publicado: 25 Mar 2014, 15:51
por SilverDragon
Descuentos de primavera:
http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=1
From March 26th to March 31st, Eagle Dynamics will have discounts up to 60% off the following DCS products:

DCS: P-51D Mustang. $39.99 now $15.99 (60% off)

DCS: UH-1H Huey. $49.99 now $19.99 (60% off)

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3. $49.99 now $19.99 (60% off)

DCS: A-10C Warthog. $39.99 now $27.99 (30% off)

DCS: Black Shark 2. $39.99 now $27.99 (30% off)

DCS: Black Shark 2 Upgrade. $29.99 now $20.99(30% off)

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight, Pre-Purchase Beta. $49.99 now $39.99 (20% off)

DCS: Combined Arms. $29.99 now $23.99 (20% off)

A-10A: DCS Flaming Cliffs. $14.99 now $11.99 (20% off)

Su-25: DCS Flaming Cliffs. $14.99 now $11.99 (20% off)


Note: As these are products on sale, purchases during this sale will not be applied to the DCS Customer Bonus System.
Chizh confirma que la cabina del Su-25T 6DoF podrá ser lanzada con el parche 1.2.8. Foro ruso (google translation).
http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... tcount=185
Originally Posted by Mista View Post
1 year has passed since I started this thread ... Where is the long-awaited 6dof-cabin Su-25T c eliminated shoals))?
New 3D cabin Su-25T will be in the near patch


Publicado: 25 Mar 2014, 17:33
por SilverDragon
Mini Update LN Mig-21Bis

We're all hard at work behind the scenes, hence the slight gap in structured information. We've been aiming at providing you with a more "meaty" update, but hopefully this stop-gap measure will provide a small measure of relief until that one is completely ready.

Every feature and system that is required for release is now implemented.
All of these components are undergoing testing and iteration, to make sure everything is working as intended.
In the past few weeks we have also replaced several legacy components, including a full overhaul of the weapons and their definitions. (See weapons thread)

The AFM has been finished for several months.

Essentially -- we are preparing the aircraft for testing and approval.

We've made considerable progress in mission and campaign construction, including tutorial missions. These are going to be voice-acted in the next few days. Another critical learning component: the manual, will soon reach its' final iteration, at which point we can initiate localizated translations.

Art-wise; -Rudel- is now working on the last, and final, exterior component of the aircraft, which is the tail and vertical/horizontal stabilisers.

Livery creation is in full swing on already completed parts. Stencils (decals) have proved to be a major timesink.
We're recreating these in multiple languages, as several countries had localized ones.

In the past few weeks we've also completely overhauled the art of roughly 60% of our custom weapon models and textures.

Apart from the aforementioned; all other art is ready for release.

Hopefully this gives you a small overview of the state of the aircraft,
and we look forward to sharing much more with you in the coming update.

Thank you for your patience and support,

Leatherneck Simulations


Publicado: 26 Mar 2014, 20:58
por SilverDragon
DCS: World Preliminary Changelog
1.2.8 Preliminary Change Log

Note: As a preliminary change log, any and all items listed below are subject to change between now and 1.2.8 release. Additionally, more items may be added between now and release.

DCS World
• Added Su-25T 6 DOF cockpit.
• Added initial Oculus Rift support, this does not include front end GUI yet.
• AGM-114L/K: Increased speed to about 1.4M.
• TACAN added to Lochini International (25X; TBS).
• Corrected detection ranges of ground target by aircraft sensors. This can determine spotting of enemy ground units when Fog of War mode is enabled.
• MQ-1 Predator: The radar has been removed.
• Corrected wingtips vortex position for flyable aircraft.
• Corrected HE warheads for unguided rockets.
• SAM Hawk: Decreased altitude detection range from 25 to 22 km. Increased missile battery control time from 60 to 80 seconds.
• SAM SA-11 Buk. Increased max speed from 3.2 to 3.4M.
• MPQ-53 and SA-10 SR radars: Decreased minimum RCS detection level of target from 0.15 to 0.04 sq.m.
• Fixed client crash when attempting to add task 'Fire At Point' for a dynamically created group.
• Su-25T: SPO-15 sound is now muted when electric power is OFF.
• "LockOn" label has been deleted from FC3 module description in Main Menu.
• User images in Kneeboard will no longer disappear after window switching.
• ME: Fixed toolbar becoming inactive in some conditions.
• ME: Corrected location of the buttons in mission goals window.
• Added internal cargo trigger.
• Reworked chaff and flare rejecting logic for AA and SAM missiles.

DCS Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight
• Corrected campaign and single missions.
• Emergency jettison switches are now wired correctly.
• Fixed swapped buttons on the UV-26.
• Hardpoint racks and additional armor can now be disabled.

DCS: UH-1H Huey
• ADF AN/ARN-83: Audio signal can now be heard in all modes.
• Fixed animation of control lamp on flare dispenser control panel.
• Fixed side M134 bracket arms clipping with side doors.
• Added 3D model for wipers motor in cockpit.
• Barrel block of M134 minigun now rotates in correct direction.
• Pilot and co-pilot sights are now removed from the "civilian" variant.
• Added additional armor option to the ME.
• Fixed blurred texture of the tail rotor when damaged.

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3
• Added F-15C Advanced Flight Model (AFM)
• Added Su-33 6DOF cockpit.
• Su-25: SPO-15 sound is now muted when electric power is OFF.
• A-10A: "Minimum Speed" sound is no longer heard during repairs.
• MiG-29: EOS has had its detection range reduced to realistic performance levels.

DCS: P-51D Mustang
• Left smoke generator will no longer be present when user added to loadout through in-game menu {LAlt + '}.
• Decreased count of tracers in the guns.

DCS: Ka-50 Black Shark 2
• Corrected gun shell cases appearance point.

DCS: Combined Arms
• Corrected color of bullet tracers for 23 and 30mm SPAAG and 2A42.
• Added SAM unit acquisition/search radar display.
• Added ability to control naval units from the Command Map.
• Laser ranging and automatic barrel elevation for tanks.
• Increase destructiveness of 155mm artillery round.
• Control of air units now possible for clients in multiplayer.