Página 19 de 97


Publicado: 18 Abr 2014, 20:40
por SilverDragon


Publicado: 18 Abr 2014, 20:52
por Gonzalo
COmo comparas este modulo con el steel beasts Siver??, este ultimo lo juego y es una pasada y he leido malas criticas del combined arms. Que vehiculos blindados en concreto simula con mas detalle??, es que recuerdo leer que era muy arcade y demas. He busacdo informacion y visualizado videos pero no me aclaran. Se que no esta al nivel de sim de steel beasts ni de las aeronaves del propio DCS pero podria ser algo como flaming cliffs???


Publicado: 19 Abr 2014, 00:42
por SilverDragon
El sistema actual de Combined Arms no se centra en simulación "hardcore" de vehiculos, sino en control sobre el campo de batalla de unidades aereas, terrestres y maritimas en plan comandante terrestre en cooperación con los jugadores de modulos hardcore y FC3, actualmente el control de vehiculos es totalmente secundario, pero la comunidad ha pedido mas realismo, por lo que Eagle Dynamics ha comenzado ha actualizar combined arms con mejoras en CA 1.5. Lo siguiente será fisica realista en los vehiculos en plan del modelo de vuelo de los aviones y helicopteros, ademas de otras mejoras.

Lo siguiente en que está tambien trabajando es un modulo de un blindado hardcore (Tanque o IFV) que se ha hablado en el Newsletter de marzo. ED también se ha hecho con documentación de interiores y funcionalidad del M1A2 SEP. Ahora a lo que llegue o cuando lo veremos no hay fecha definida.

Mientras WW2 Update
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/50 ... sts/815537
Friday April 18, 2014 Development Update – Landing the 109

Hey everyone,
Here’s some more on the Bf 109K-4.

We’re pretty much done with the cockpit and external animations. The last remaining set of cockpit tasks should take no more than 2-3 days; plus we’ve compiled a final list of fixes and updates needed to the cockpit and external models based on internal testing, which should take no more than 10 days or so for the modeler to implement.

We’re having an internal discussion on what exactly to consider an alpha stage for the 109. Obviously we owe our backers an alpha version. My own feeling is that we’re pretty much at alpha, while some at ED feel that this is very far from a version that can be given out. Next week, our plane will look like a 109, sound like a 109, and all the gauges and internal systems will operate as those of a 109. However it will not fly exactly like a 109. The engine model and the aerodynamic model is what takes the most time to perfect in DCS.

We’ll have another big internal discussion on this on Monday.

For now, here’s some screenshots of some more cockpit animations, working AFN2, and a near-perfect three-point landing.

(please note that the new render is still in development, so you're seeing some glitches in trees and shadows and other components)



Publicado: 19 Abr 2014, 01:16
por SilverDragon
Small Update 17.04.2014
some screens of the current state of work. Today I remodeled the circuit breaker panel of the front console (screens below).
I also applied AO's to some objects... since the mental ray texture baking brought out some results which I don't understand (as usual ), I switched to Vray and/or Scanline Light-Tracer which showed
much more better results. Thanks again for your patience



Publicado: 19 Abr 2014, 11:22
por SilverDragon
Parece que el proyecto de C-101 de AvioDev va adelante, nuevo video:

Después de unos meses de duro trabajo, el proyecto sigue avanzando, y antes de presentar el proyecto oficialmente (próximamente), queremos traeros un pequeño teaser, donde mostramos el comportamiento del arranque del sistema TARSYN en nuestro C-101. Estad atentos!


Publicado: 19 Abr 2014, 19:36
por Viajero
Que recomendais a los que empiecen con este DCS? de la WWII solo esta el P-51?


Publicado: 19 Abr 2014, 20:41
por Lannister
Te recomiendo el a-10 pero si no tienes tiempo o prefieres la 2gm el p51 que esta genial. Para ir pillando el truquillo hasta que nos lleguen el 109 y el 190 sobra.
Aún recuerdo cuando KAL, nantuck y yo enredabamos con el mustang, me lo pasé pipa.


Publicado: 19 Abr 2014, 22:10
por CM
Viajero escribió:Que recomendais a los que empiecen con este DCS? de la WWII solo esta el P-51?
¿Es para tí?

¿Te gustan los simuladores de vuelo?


Publicado: 20 Abr 2014, 15:04
por SilverDragon
Tened en cuenta que la versión 1.2.8 Beta trae tanto el Su-25T (nivel FC3) y el TP-51D (Hardcore) gratuitos en el programa base.


Publicado: 22 Abr 2014, 11:17
por SilverDragon
VEAO anuncia "Warbirds Collection":

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=1
Announcement: DCS Warbirds Collection

VEAO Simulations Ltd, London, 22nd April 2014.

VEAO Simulations are pleased to announce that we are in contract to develop the “DCS Warbirds Collection” for the DCS World flight simulator.

For the first iteration, the following aircraft modules are being developed:
HA-112 Hispano Buchon
Supermarine Spitfire Mk XIV
Curtiss P-40F

All aircraft will have the External Flight Model (EFM) and Advanced Systems Modelling (ASM) to DCS fidelity standards. As with all of our modules, we will develop these aircraft to military specifications.

The modules in the collection will be released separately, as they are developed, and will be sold for $39.99 each.

We expect the first module to be ready at the end of this year (Q4 2014) with the remaining modules expected for release up to Q2 2015.

Future aircraft in the collection are being discussed, as well as terrain maps, and further details will be announced at an appropriate time.

A separate team is working on these modules which will not affect development of any current module.

We would like to thank the Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics for their continued support, as well as you, the community, for the overwhelming support you give us.

Chris and the VEAO team.


Publicado: 23 Abr 2014, 11:02
por SilverDragon
Aviodev busca personal:
http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=1

Wanted: Flight model developer to create advanced
flight model for C-101 AvioJet and future projects.
Must have strong engineering background. Please
apply via Private Message.

Buscamos: Desarrollador de modelo de vuelo, para crear
un modelo de vuelo avanzado para el C-101 y futuros
proyectos. Se requiere una base sólida en ingeniería.
Por favor contactar vía mensaje privado.

Deseable buen nivel de inglés, hablado y escrito.

The C-101 project is developed by AvioDev who are officially
licensed DCS developers. The aircraft is in the advanced
stages of development, and we will make an official
announcement soon.

El proyecto del C-101 está siendo desarrollado por AvioDev,
desarrolladores oficiales para DCS con licencia. El avión se
encuentra en un estado avanzado de desarrollo, y realizaremos
un anuncio al respecto pronto.

Best regards,


Publicado: 23 Abr 2014, 15:31
por CM
¡¡¡Cuando carajo van a sacar no más el Apaaache!!! Maldiiitos gringos huevones chingooosos. Dejense de tanta chingada de avioncitos de una veeez.


Publicado: 25 Abr 2014, 10:46
por SilverDragon
Hay muchos factores de por ahora no permiten un apache dentro de DCS: World. Y ED es rusa, no americana (los patrocinadores y 3rd party son internacionales) como son la falta de Multicrew y la licencia de la compañia para hacer el aparato.

DCS: World 1.2.8 Beta Release Candidate 3 update:

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=8
DCS World
IR missiles. The lock range increased.
AI aircrafts: The killed pilot will not disappear from the cockpit.
The uncontrolled aircraft on the ramp will not ejecting the nonexistent pilot after taking damage.
TF-51D. Quick Start missions corrected.
Su-25T. Cockpit. Autopilot lamps are working now.
Su-25T. Autopilot override key commands changed to [LAlt + A].
Su-25T. Glideslope error ring and director ring are placed correctly.
FFB function with ALT-TAB corrected.

Added English flight manual of F-15C.
Some issues with copy protection of A-10A and FC3 are fixed.
Fixed some FFB issues.
The blackout at high G is fixed.
Su-25. The plate of airbases list in the cockpit are corrected.
Su-25. Missed cockpit textures behind the right shoulder was added.
Su-25. The gaps in the gunsight are removed.
Su-27/33, MiG-29. HUD. Glideslope error ring and director ring are placed correctly now.
F-15C. 3D models of pilot and parachute are corrected.
F-15C. Added hydraulic failures influence.
F-15C. Ailerons maximum deflection angles are increased.
F-15C: Elevator maximum deflection angles are corrected.
F-15C. Obsolete autopilot commands are removed.
F-15C. Added engine destruction by fire.
F-15C. Added working fuel quantity indicator.
F-15C. Flaps are down at hot start on ground.
F-15C. Wing fuel tanks can be damaged.

DCS Combined Arms
Missing lifebar for ground units on F10 view fixed.
Tank’s fire solution issue are fixed.
Command bar. After target designation the aircraft will attack units if even they are moving.
Aircraft can be activated from Command Bar in Uncontrolled mode.
Fixed options “Computer firing solution”.
Helicopters can easily destroy heavy tanks colliding with them is fixed

Fix TV3-117 engine start failure (after engine cut-off, and then again engine starting)
Impact of a surface to the helicopter wheels is corrected.

Flight manual corrected.


Publicado: 25 Abr 2014, 10:58
por SilverDragon


Publicado: 25 Abr 2014, 11:09
por SilverDragon
The_Fragger: Bo-105 PAH1A Update:
Today I finished the Magnetic Compass (Schnapsglas Kompass)