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Publicado: 25 Abr 2014, 21:25
por SilverDragon
Update 36 WW2
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/50 ... sts/822941
Hello folks,
Today’s update is a small miracle.

By late night Moscow time, as we decided to take some screenshots, we realized that the game’s WIP render stopped working for everyone. Programmers responsible had already gone home hours before. I began writing an apologetic update, and then, somehow, someway, our ingenious junior aircraft programmer managed to get the game working on his machine.

So, I’m very happy to present to you the 109 in combat.

(please note that his version of the 109 has many animations not working, such as landing gear and propeller arc, and has a lot of other system stuff showing. We decided not to mess with his development environment because time is very precious)


On the development front, most of the tasks this week had to do with the cockpit and the sound. The 109 is beginning to sound very mean and very authentic. Our wonderful sound engineer also wrote an incredibly rousing theme for the 109, but I won’t be posting it just yet. The wonderful composer, talented but naïve in the ways of the world, submitted the latest version with a background sound effect of a certain historical leader reading a speech to a rousing roar. We’ll make sure it is removed of course, but this being late Friday night in Moscow, it won’t happen today.

Other than that, the tasks remaining for the 109 are, in that order: finalize and test cockpit procedures; finalize sound; DB 605 engine tuning for medium and high altitudes; finalize manual; overall testing; finalize external animations; finalize damage model visuals; finalize flight performance; create game interface.

The plan will likely change, especially in the smaller sub-tasks that I am not listing for each major step. However, the first two tasks (sound and cockpit) should complete next week, and DB 605 tuning, unless something goes horribly wrong, should take be done, well, so quickly that I cannot even force myself to write out the task duration publicly. And then, ladies and gentlemen, we’ll just need to test this here thing for serious and crash bugs for as long as it takes that to ensure they do not exist.

The biggest task for the coming days for me personally is to finish up the 109 manual. There’s not much work to be done, just write out all cockpit procedures and make sure all the buttons and checklists are correct. Shooting to have the manual finished by, oh, May 10th.

I’ll wrap this up with a couple of beaaautiful diagrams done for the 109 manual by our very talented graphic artist.


The manuals are looking very spiffy. Cannot wait to see them in print!

Have a great weekend!


Publicado: 26 Abr 2014, 00:02
por lolopedo
He desenpolvado el A-10 que tenia casi sin tocar.

¿Alguien lo vuela por aqui para hacer una quedada y que me sirva un poco de guia?


Publicado: 26 Abr 2014, 11:47
por Lannister
Con tiempo a mi no me importaría.


Publicado: 26 Abr 2014, 12:02
por lolopedo
Lannister escribió:Con tiempo a mi no me importaría.
Gracias Lannister. Te mando un mp.

De momento vuelvo a controlar el despegue y el aterrizaje, voy viendo videos muy instructivos por internet y aprendiendo poco a poco.


Publicado: 26 Abr 2014, 12:33
por SilverDragon
ED continua trabajando en el tema de luces:

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=7
Continued work on lighting.


Publicado: 28 Abr 2014, 15:42
por SilverDragon
DCS: World 1.2.8 Final Changelog
http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=1
DCS Change Log

DCS World
Added FREE TF-51D for DCS World! This is the P-51D with the weapons, radios and rear tank removed with a jump seat added in the back. This does not include dual controls.
Added Su-25T 6 DOF cockpit.
Added initial Oculus Rift support, this does not include front end GUI yet.
AGM-114L/K: Increased speed to about 1.4M.
TACAN added to Lochini International (25X; TBS).
Corrected detection ranges of ground target by aircraft sensors. This can determine spotting of enemy ground units when Fog of War mode is enabled.
MQ-1 Predator: The radar has been removed.
Corrected wingtips vortex position for flyable aircraft.
Corrected HE warheads for unguided rockets.
SAM Hawk: Decreased altitude detection range from 25 to 22 km. Increased missile battery control time from 60 to 80 seconds.
SAM SA-11 Buk. Increased max speed from 3.2 to 3.4M.
MPQ-53 and SA-10 SR radars: Decreased minimum RCS detection level of target from 0.15 to 0.04 sq.m.
Fixed client crash when attempting to add task 'Fire At Point' for a dynamically created group.
Su-25T: SPO-15 sound is now muted when electric power is OFF.
"LockOn" label has been deleted from FC3 module description in Main Menu.
User images in Kneeboard will no longer disappear after window switching.
ME: Fixed toolbar becoming inactive in some conditions.
ME: Corrected location of the buttons in mission goals window.
Added internal cargo trigger.
Reworked chaff and flare rejecting logic for AA and SAM missiles.
Improvements to the multiplayer scoring system.
Fixed Command Start not functioning for AI aircraft.
GUI Error, when you try to Record video is fixed.
Fixed flashing icons on F10 map.
Aircraft can be activated from the Command Bar if selected Uncontrolled mode.
Fixed setLandObject - now sets ID for all objects.
Fixed several issues in the input system.
Radio for ground units now works.
Fixed crash if allocation was made in third party code.
AI aircraft. Pinpoint strike. Fixed attack of map objects.
AI planes will no longer land on occupied runways.
Corrected Tu-22M3 model bugs.
Fixed saving of failures during the mission for clients.
IR missiles. The lock range increased.
AI aircrafts: The killed pilot will not disappear from the cockpit.
The uncontrolled aircraft on the ramp will not ejecting the nonexistent pilot after taking damage.
FFB function with ALT-TAB corrected.

DCS Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight
Corrected campaign and single missions.
Emergency jettison switches are now wired correctly.
Fixed swapped buttons on the UV-26.
Hardpoint racks and additional armor can now be disabled.
Full function ADF (MV) ARK-9, ADF (UHF) ARK-UD.
Added instruments: magnetic compass, G-metr, outdoor thermometer.
External electric power supply bugfix.
Blade of main rotor gone off when runway start from a ship is fixed.
Taxi light switch command added (‘RCtrl + L’ by default).
Fixed right landing light.
Additional equipment weight will be accounted in total weight.
Fixed incorrect track replay with pedal trimmer.
Landing lights retract and rotate using key commands.
Fixed crash in en_SpringMi8-12.miz of campaign.
Fixed automatic rectifier engaging.
Fix TV3-117 engine start failure (after engine cut-off, and then again engine starting)
Impact of a surface to the helicopter wheels is corrected.

DCS: UH-1H Huey
ADF AN/ARN-83: Audio signal can now be heard in all modes.
Fixed animation of control lamp on flare dispenser control panel.
Fixed side M134 bracket arms clipping with side doors.
Added 3D model for wipers motor in cockpit.
Barrel block of M134 minigun now rotates in correct direction.
Pilot and co-pilot sights are now removed from the "civilian" variant.
Added additional armor option to the ME.
Fixed blurred texture of the tail rotor when damaged.
Added Sling Load mission capabilities
Update DCS UH-1H Flight Manual_EN
Cargo camera can be enabled after cargo hooking.
Cargo rope disappear Bounding box edited.
Helicopter will not destroy tank after colliding with it.
“Beta” label removed in the Main menu for UH-1H.
Removed gunsight reticle in civilian variant.
3D. Fixed gaps in cockpit model.
3D. Windows glass shape edited.

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3
Added F-15C Advanced Flight Model (AFM)
Added Su-33 6DOF cockpit.
Su-25: SPO-15 sound is now muted when electric power is OFF.
A-10A: "Minimum Speed" sound is no longer heard during repairs.
MiG-29: EOS has had its detection range reduced to realistic performance levels.
Russian fighters. The angular size of HUD indication was reduced to real volumes.
A-10A: Bombs fall with undershoot in CCRP mode is fixed.
Su-33. Mirrors will have an image reflection.
Russian fighters. BVR. Corrected range of target marks on the HUD.
Fixed issue with Su-33 take-off from carrier.
Su-25. The plate of airbases list in the cockpit are corrected.
Su-25. Missed cockpit textures behind the right shoulder was added.
Su-25. The gaps in the gunsight are removed.
Su-27/33, MiG-29. HUD. Glideslope error ring and director ring are placed correctly now.

DCS: P-51D Mustang
Left smoke generator will no longer be present when user added to loadout through in-game menu {LAlt + '}.
Decreased count of tracers in the guns.

DCS: Ka-50 Black Shark 2
Corrected gun shell cases appearance point.

DCS: Combined Arms
Corrected color of bullet tracers for 23 and 30mm SPAAG and 2A42.
Added SAM unit acquisition/search radar display.
Manpads controlled by players.
Added ability to control naval units from the Command Map.
Laser ranging and automatic barrel elevation for tanks.
Increase destructiveness of artillery rounds.
Control of air units now possible for clients in multiplayer.
All ground group shoots on one target.
Corrected time reloading for artillery.
New Main Menu theme.
Flyable AC can detect laser ranger emission produced by controllable ground units.
Minimum attack distance for ATGMs has been fixed.
BTR-RD. 9M113 missile model reference corrected.
Corrected infantry descent on helicopters.
3D. Added new model and animation of ATGM 9M113.
The lock and tracking range of SAM radars is increased.
Elevation of missile launchers corrected to prevent sinking missiles after launch.
Added Command Panel for tactical commander to the F7 View.
Command bar. After target designation the aircraft will attack units if even they are moving.
Aircraft can be activated from Command Bar in Uncontrolled mode.
Fixed options “Computer firing solution”.
Helicopters can easily destroy heavy tanks colliding with them is fixed.


Publicado: 28 Abr 2014, 15:44
por lolopedo
¿cuales son los siguientes aviones o helis que van a salir para el DCS?

Y otra duda, ¿como actualizo a la nueva version? (juego sin Steam), ¿hay que bajarla completa o se puedes actualizar?


Publicado: 28 Abr 2014, 16:11
por SilverDragon
FC-3 F-15C modulo segregado disponible:
http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/e ... cts/eagle/


Publicado: 28 Abr 2014, 16:13
por lolopedo
SilverDragon escribió:FC-3 F-15C modulo segregado disponible:
http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/e ... cts/eagle/
Gracias Silver, pero no me entero muy bien.

Segun veo es para el Flaming Cliffs, ¿se puede jugar igual en el DCS World?, tengo entendido que el FC es menos realista que los DCS.

Perdon por preguntar cosas que seguramente estaran contestadas :ojeroso:


Publicado: 30 Abr 2014, 19:35
por Ostwind
lolopedo escribió:
SilverDragon escribió:FC-3 F-15C modulo segregado disponible:
http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/e ... cts/eagle/
Gracias Silver, pero no me entero muy bien.

Segun veo es para el Flaming Cliffs, ¿se puede jugar igual en el DCS World?, tengo entendido que el FC es menos realista que los DCS.

Perdon por preguntar cosas que seguramente estaran contestadas :ojeroso:
En principio es un módulo independiente, pero no es tan hard como otros (el FC es un poco más ligero, aunque realmente ahora mismo no sabría decir cuanto lo es el FC3).
lolopedo escribió:¿cuales son los siguientes aviones o helis que van a salir para el DCS?

Y otra duda, ¿como actualizo a la nueva version? (juego sin Steam), ¿hay que bajarla completa o se puedes actualizar?
En teoría hay más aviones en desarrollo...SilverDragon nos va informando puntualmente...creo que el que más pinta tiene de salir será el Mig-21, y el Fw-190 cuando toque.
Para actualizar, al iniciar el DCS World te pregunta automáticamente si quieres actualizar. Si le dijeras que no, luego hay que hacerlo manualmente (yo lo hice una vez pero ahora no recuerdo exactamente como -tampoco es nada complicado-).


Publicado: 30 Abr 2014, 20:50
por SilverDragon
FC-3 está hecho para la gente que no quiere estudiar manuales de 200-300 paginas para volar un aparato. Avionica simple (aunque el modelo de vuelo va camino para que todos los aparatos de FC-3 van a conseguir el modelo de vuelo avanzado).

Fw-190D-9 y Mig-21Bis está en sus etapas finales de desarrollo, esperemos que mayo - junio sea su salida (incluyendo que Bae Hawk T.M1 que tiene problemas legales con la Bae para su publicación).

Mi lista de lo que se está realizando la puedes en el mismo foro de ED, espero que os sea de ayuda: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=116893

Para actualizar, a menos que tengas una versión muy vieja, tienes en el menu de windows, del juego un icono de update de la versión.

Mientras. F-100D Update
http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... tcount=125
Regarding the F-100D:

3D Cockpit:
Work on this has been pretty much minimal due to availible time for a while.
Other than Limited time, I also wanted to study and experiment with several methods to aid in building the cockpit.

Once Time allows I will begin using these methods in a trial basis in a separate 3D scene before moving them to the F-100D Cockpit Scene.

Like I've stated before, Cockpits arent my thing, I'm used to building external meshes. So I'm having to learn and re-evaluate things as I do them.

In December I had started re-building over the external shape, (side panels, floorboards etc),
The Methods I'm studying will be used to re-build the canopy frame, canopy, and adding details to the cockpit once it's basic shape is completed.

Once that's all done and Texturing is finished, I will resume work on the panels, switches, gauges, and their animations.

Once the cockpit is in a basic functional state (All gauges/switches animated and imported to DCS), It will be passed onto the system coders to integrate systems.
While Systems are being coded, I will continue to Building up the details in the cockpit and also resume external Mesh.

External Mesh:
Still havent 100% decided if I want to continue using the one we licensed or start dedicating the time to building up from scratch
(which I had started to reference using XSections in Max).

I've also been planning/working on Improved Afterburner Effects for Vietnam Era Afterburners, which I will move into testing sometime in the next 2 months.

AI Only/MIG-21 Adversary Release?:
I'd like to do it, If I can get time to finalize the external mesh and stuff, But it's not 100% my decision.
External mesh needs some work and I need to modify the Pylon Permissions some more, as well as Gear/SFM for AI.
If Anything I'll put whatever free time I have in the next few weeks on getting the External Module Ready for that just in case.


Publicado: 30 Abr 2014, 21:53
por SilverDragon
Aviodev C-101 Update

Another work-in-progress preview prior to the official presentation.


Publicado: 01 May 2014, 21:33
por SilverDragon
Leatherneck-Simulator Update:

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=1
Found by some very attentive community members before ready for primetime; there is not much point in closing it down anymore.

It is in a BETA stage at best; so do expect some errors and issues.
Feel free to report any you might find though.

A lot of content will be added as we go along (or rather; as we get some more time on our hands). It's fairly meagre at the moment. Videos, support system and so on.


Known (major) issues:
- Incorrect (or total lack of) rendering of HTML5 content on various browsers.
- Broken padding and layout on various mobile devices
- Various grammar / spelling errors
- No localization
- Lack of content
- Hosting/Bandwidth issues (failure to load, slow loading times)



Publicado: 02 May 2014, 01:45
por SilverDragon
VEAO y LeatherNeck, realizando una presentación conjunta del Mig-21Bis el 24 y 25 de mayo de 2014 en el Imperial War Museum y en Duxford Air Show de este año

VEAO Simulations and Leatherneck Simulations are pleased to announce that in partnership we will be showcasing the MiG-21 by Leatherneck at the IWM D-Day Anniversary Air Show on May 24th / 25th 2014 at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford, England.

Along with the VEAO Hawk, you will be able to get up close and personal with the MiG-21 and try her out in the Fighter Collection's hangar 2 during the weekend.

For details of the air show and to purchase tickets, please visit here:
http://www.iwm.org.uk/events/iwm-duxfor ... y-air-show

We are pleased to be presenting the MiG-21 to the public during this air show and future air shows at Duxford and look forward to seeing you there.

The VEAO and Leatherneck teams.


Publicado: 03 May 2014, 13:28
por SilverDragon
Mig-21Bis texture update: