WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Registrado: 12 Nov 2011, 15:19
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Ubicación: a la sombra de la Alcazaba de Malika en Al-Andalus

Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por Ronin »

CM escribió:
Ronin escribió:Lo del lenguaje lo habeis visto? en el manual en la pagina 2 habla de que se puede poner en español, el SPWAW
Yo nunca he visto la opción de ponerlo en español. Tengo las versiones de pago y tampoco :D

Pagina dos del manual PDF :

Running SP: WAW
To start the game either double-click on spwaw.exe or use the Steel Panthers: World at War icon
found under the Windows Start and Program buttons.
LanguagesSP: WAW is available in English, Finnish, Polish, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Danish.
Other languages will be included in the future.
¡¡¡Cuanto echamos de menos el esplendor de Al-Andalus!!!

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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Registrado: 12 Nov 2011, 15:19
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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por Ronin »

CM escribió:Y bueno, que se puede decir del majestuoso SPWW2 (las versiones que sean) :D

Recuerdo que descargué la versión gratuita y me dije, ¡¡¡que juegazo, cuantos escenarios y gratis!!! Años me pasé jugando con la versión gratiuita. Al final compre las de pago por razones obvias. Por una parte compré la versión WinSP (para aumentar la resolución del juego, que por cierto, se ve genial) y por otra parte compré la versión SPWW2 Meg. Camp. (para jugar campañas)

Este juego siempre ha estado en el disco duro de todos los PC que he tenido.
Es un juego táctico maravilloso, esplendido. Fácil de jugarlo y a la vez técnico, todo un reto. Con multitud de opciones y realistas. Parece mentira que a día de hoy siga siendo el juego que es.


SPWW2? para mega campañas? te refieres al SPWAW, verdad? la de pago del WinSPWW2 no tiene mega campañas, cierto?.
¡¡¡Cuanto echamos de menos el esplendor de Al-Andalus!!!

Regular - Feldwebel
Regular - Feldwebel
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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por peregrino05 »

A mi me atraeria la cosa pero mi red es muy mala, tal vez mas adelante.
De todos modos si como yo teneis un pc windows 7,8 hay muchos simuladores de DOS que hacen
que en general vaya muy bien la cosa
"Hemos venido a traeros la libertad e independencia, pero si alguno se mueve sin mi permiso, le hago fusilar "

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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por Piteas »

Ronin escribió: SPWW2? para mega campañas? te refieres al SPWAW, verdad? la de pago del WinSPWW2 no tiene mega campañas, cierto?.
No, no tiene. Es la de los gráficos HD.
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por CM »

Ronin escribió:
CM escribió:Y bueno, que se puede decir del majestuoso SPWW2 (las versiones que sean) :D

Recuerdo que descargué la versión gratuita y me dije, ¡¡¡que juegazo, cuantos escenarios y gratis!!! Años me pasé jugando con la versión gratiuita. Al final compre las de pago por razones obvias. Por una parte compré la versión WinSP (para aumentar la resolución del juego, que por cierto, se ve genial) y por otra parte compré la versión SPWW2 Meg. Camp. (para jugar campañas)

Este juego siempre ha estado en el disco duro de todos los PC que he tenido.
Es un juego táctico maravilloso, esplendido. Fácil de jugarlo y a la vez técnico, todo un reto. Con multitud de opciones y realistas. Parece mentira que a día de hoy siga siendo el juego que es.


SPWW2? para mega campañas? te refieres al SPWAW, verdad? la de pago del WinSPWW2 no tiene mega campañas, cierto?.
Me he liado :roll: :mrgreen:
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Registrado: 17 Ene 2005, 00:06
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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por CM »

Ronin escribió:
CM escribió:
Ronin escribió:Lo del lenguaje lo habeis visto? en el manual en la pagina 2 habla de que se puede poner en español, el SPWAW
Yo nunca he visto la opción de ponerlo en español. Tengo las versiones de pago y tampoco :D

Pagina dos del manual PDF :

Running SP: WAW
To start the game either double-click on spwaw.exe or use the Steel Panthers: World at War icon
found under the Windows Start and Program buttons.
LanguagesSP: WAW is available in English, Finnish, Polish, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Danish.
Other languages will be included in the future.
Últimamente estoy muy denso...

Quise decir que en el juego no hay opciones para cambiar el idioma. En el manual lo pone pero no se por qué :?
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Conscript - Obergefreiter
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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por DerBaron »

Recién salidito... :D

winSPWW2 2013 Patch:
The 2013 Patch updates winSPWW2 to version 6.0

7 New Scenarios
45 Revised Scenarios
1 New Campaign
5 Revised Campaigns
15 Revised Campaign files
7 New Maps
1 New Sound file
154 New or revised Photos
76 New or Revised Icons
36 Updated OOB files
27 Revised Icon Graphic files
5 New or Revised Text files
Upgraded SHPEdit
Upgraded MOBHack
Upgraded Cost Calculator
Upgraded ScenHack
Upgraded Camo Map Editor

Artillery overload has been added. Over-spending on artillery will now credit your opponent with extra Victory Points as a penalty for doing so. When the artillery value of a force exceeds a specified amount ( see below ) the arty percentage on the purchase screen is shown in yellow as a warning that you have entered artillery overload. If this happens an amount of the overload is allocated to your opponent as Victory points, specifically 50% of the excess amount of points spent on extra artillery. (Hover your mouse over the Artillery Mode change button to see what free VP you have granted to your opponent should the percentage value go yellow due to artillery overload.)

In an assault your artillery points spend is unlimited. The advancing side in an advance/delay can have 30% of his points as artillery before overload applies. In a meeting engagement, both sides are allowed 20% of total points as artillery. All others are limited to 15% of total points to be spent on artillery before overload penalty.

Campaign cores do not limit artillery bought, but if you overload on it then you may well be handing points to the enemy especially when defending. Air units or ADA do not count as artillery points, only mortars, howitzers etc. that can fire indirectly. Ammo resupply units do count as artillery points, as they are a human use only unit against the AI. Artillery overload points are reported at the end of the first turn, and also on the totals screen at end game.

Artillery can no longer be plotted (including air transports and spotters) on turn 0, or 1 if the battle is a meeting engagement or you are the delayer or defender. A scenario designer can still plot artillery as he desires in his scenario, however. The AI may still plot fire as before. This is deliberate to penalise a human player who packs the approach roads. Note that the bombardment screen may still be entered to plot FDF gold spots, or toggle the blast radius display. The arty units just will not show up till post turn 1 if unavailable in the scenario for pre-game bombardment

Windows 8 changes have been made to the Game Options launcher programme. The Game Option programme should now report “Windows 8 or higher” if you are playing in Windows 8. In Win8 the windows Vista and 7 batch command file used to remove the aero interface in full-screen mode is not run as it is no longer needed in the newer version of Windows.

Vehicles which have moved are less likely to turn in response to enemy fires the further they have travelled, especially non-turreted or those turreted vehicles which have exceed their stabiliser value in hexes moved. Turreted vehicles which have moved too far to turn the hull to face may still turn the turret to face the enemy firer, however.

Germany late in the war as well as USSR and Finland will now buy demolitions in the delay or defence, especially in city maps.

The US Army WW2 LC now starts later, avoiding the Aleutian campaign now - in Torch (user has option to choose Pacific if desired of course). Torch battle locations were also fixed, and the Vichy French opponent is valid now. The first LC battle in Torch will tend to be an amphibious assault versus Vichy France. If you want to avoid than then advance the start month by 1 to avoid the tussles with Vichy and go straight to Germany as the opponent in Tunisia. The Aleutians are now only available for generated battles at the appropriate date.

Unit Class 206 was Mountain Support. It is now Mountain Infantry AT as that was what it was mainly being used for and it now uses the Inf-AT graphic.

HMG's (50 cal and 14.5s) at 300m or less firing HE ammo are slightly more effective in AP penetration value.

Vehicles will no longer spin and face to the right when firing at enemy in their own hex

Vehicle smoke dischargers now make 1 "chuff" sound and deploy all 3 smoke bursts simultaneously (no sequence of 3 separate firings and noise sequences as before).

Infantry popping smoke when pulling back or treating now do so at full smoke value, rather than the partial screen they laid previously.

Buttoned vehicle movement cost is increased by 1 per hex.

AAMG’s are now reduced further than other weapons if suppressed, but they will longer go straight to 0 shots if suppressed.

AFV suppression effects are now reduced. Only AAMG shots are reduced by being buttoned. (An “AFV” is considered a vehicle with hull steel armour of 1 or more all round for this piece of code).

Cultivated fields now cost one MP per hex more to traverse, so are no longer the same as clear terrain.

A weapon Sound Byte has been added to the weapons data in Mobhack. It overrides any sound entered in the unit field and will make adding new sounds for weapons much easier than having to apply them to each unit.

Infantry assaults now require 2 free MP. If there is insufficient MP the unit fires at the tank instead of close assaulting. As well, a failed infantry assault on armour can now result in casualties to the assaulting infantry element.

A new Movement Class for snowmobiles (8) has been added. This makes any unit given that M/C move as the snowmobile unit class currently does over snow.

A hit on a vehicle which does not have protected passengers (soft vehicle, non-APC AFV) does not now always cause a dismount event with attendant possible casualties. It will now force a dismount only 70% of the time.

Map vision algorithm changes have been made. The game is now more likely to produce both high (70-80 hex visibility) sunny days and also some night (1-4 hex) visibility conditions. Rooster trails of dust from moving vehicles in deserts and dry summer conditions etc. have been adjusted upwards by 10 hexes to allow for the higher typical visibility. (Previously the game tended to produce too many low visibility days of 20-40 hexes maximum visibility, i.e. an overcast day).

Woods and orchard hexes now cost 2 MP more for vehicles to traverse. Vehicular travel through woods was too easy before.

The victory hex placement routine will now try to avoid houses as well as lake and impassable terrain when placing tiles. This is chiefly to avoid the AI disabling vehicles by crashing into houses.

The delayer now gets 36% of the advancing sides points (was 40% before).

Blast circles are now shown in green on winter maps as that is more visible on a white background.

New game screen borders and backgrounds have been added. We have found the new background helps make the screen text easier to read.

X/Y hex co-ordinates now show all the time. Previously the map co-ordinates disappeared as soon as you moused over a unit, which in many cases, was exactly when you needed to know what hex a unit was in.

The Map editing shortcuts have all been redone and the shortcut key has been added to the text description that appears at the top of the map. Some shortcuts keys are the same as they always have been but many are changed. All changes are noted in the game guide and in the text files that can be called up for in game help.

26 pages of suggested OOB changes and/or corrections have been reviewed, researched and applied to the game along with a number of changes we made to enhance OOB accuracy and / or completeness

As usual we remind everyone that on going secure PBEM games WILL fail if this patch is applied while they are being played.
“Si todos tus objetivos se han cumplido, es que eran muy pequeños...” - Herbert von Karajan
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 7219
Registrado: 12 Nov 2011, 15:19
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: a la sombra de la Alcazaba de Malika en Al-Andalus

Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por Ronin »

Gracias :Ok:
¡¡¡Cuanto echamos de menos el esplendor de Al-Andalus!!!

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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por CM »

Gracias por el aviso :Ok:

Que gozada la mejora en los gráficos de las unidades en el mapa :babas: :W00t: :aplauso:
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por nadia911 »

Por fin, me estaba comiendo la espera... a descargar y jugar este fin de semana!!!
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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por Piteas »

Si es ponernos a hablar y hala, se actualiza :mrgreen:
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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por Maulet »

Piteas escribió:Si es ponernos a hablar y hala, se actualiza :mrgreen:
yo estoy en los altos del golán, a ver si puedo echar a los israelís :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por Gonzalo »

Estoy probando las versiones gratuitas.Merece realmente la pena comprar las otras??
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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por Piteas »

En el caso del WinSPWW2 si te gustan los gráficos con más resolución, sí.
En el otro, en el caso de que quieras perder tu vida social con las megacampañas.
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Re: WinSPWW2. Alguien se apunta?

Mensaje por nomada_squadman45 »

Por curiosidad, alguien tiene la version completa de los WinSP??? y si es asi podria subir una captura de pantalla??? realmente mejorar la resolucion es una gran ventaja porque con zoom al tope (metido o quitado) se ve un pijo...gracias.

Yo aun tengo la caja de la version Gold del Steel Panthers, toda roja ella... aunque algo desteñida por el sol... ver el manual es una gozado no como hoy en dia... aun me acuerdo de aquel verano de 1997, era un regalo por fin de curso pero como "palme" comentario de texto (vieja harpia... lo hizo por joder) toco esperar una semana mas... pero como se podia jugar batallas rapidas sin el CD trolololo mira que le di a los Tigres rumanos :mrgreen:

PD: los SP de shrapnelgames realmente no son suyos, hace años (hablo de inicios de la decada pasada... jodo, que viejo soy!!!) un grupo de fans le dio un lavado de cara a los SP y saco una version graficamente mejor que la de matrixgames de ese punto nacieron el SPBMT y SPWWII luego lo compro shrapnelgames... que recuerdos snif snif.
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