Adelanto de los que habrá en el SF - Normadía

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Adelanto de los que habrá en el SF - Normadía

Mensaje por Leta »

Hacía tiempo que no entraba en el blog de Battlefront y echando un vistazo he encoantradop estas palabras de Steve acerca del próximo juego (juego completo, no módulo) con el motor CMX2 que ya sabemos que será WWII en Normandía:
Steve Grammont escribió: Introduce a new Quick Battle system - It's been clear to us for quite some time that the existing system has some serious shortcomings in the eyes of many players. Therefore, a new QB system is a very high priority for the next major release. The primary improvements are some form of unit Cherry Picking system and semi-randomly generated maps. Think of this as a bridge between the good features of both CMx1 and CMx2 QB systems.

Features necessary for simulating WW2 ETO - Many of the things people have felt are missing in CM:SF aren't supposed to be there or aren't really all that relevant or necessary to the Syrian setting. Obviously moving to France means that some of these things need to be included. Besides the obvious stuff (temperate terrain/weather and WW2 units) major things to expect are water, bridges, AT guns, on map mortars, infantry riding on tanks, expanded defensive works, and other stuff like that. Obviously TacAI goes right along with this since these things all require new TacAI and/or improved existing TacAI. (note that TacAI is a long term "work in progress" and will never, ever be considered "done").

Features not necessary for simulating WW2 ETO - Some of the things that make contemporary warfare what it is are things which WW2 fans find "not fun". This has caused some to be unhappy with the Syrian setting simply because it isn't WW2, regardless of all other factors. Things like the extremely high lethality, asymmetric forces, the lack of "familiar" equipment, the whiz-bang technological stuff, etc. It should be obvious that this stuff will not come along for the WW2 titles, however it appears that this can get forgotten at times. Consider this a reminder

Some additional MultiPlayer options - I don't want to over comitt us here, but I will say that it is likely that there will be a form of TCP/IP WeGo for the Normandy game. Will it be exactly what WeGoers want? Probably not due to some technical issues and the time we'd need to make sure we could work around them. Therefore we have come up with what we feel is a viable compromise system that shoudl give WeGoers most of what they want. More on that in a couple of months when we get into the coding.

Graphics improvements - We're as unhappy as some of you are about the inconsistent performance of CM:SF's graphics on various systems. As some of you know, we've been frustrated from the start by videocards and their drivers not doing what they should. We have some ideas on how to work around the problems better and also fix some of the oddities that some of you have experienced more than others. Time is limited so some of the graphics glitches people have noted have not been high up on our fix list so far. Besides straight graphics stuff I'm alos thinking about some of the WeGo playback issues.

Some changes to the UI - Any game developer will tell you that designing a UI that makes a majority of gamers at least moderately happy is a tough task. Many have forgotten that CMx1's UI was generally frowned upon when first experienced. Complaints generally only died down when people got used to how it worked. CMx2's UI has also taken a lot of punches and, with some patched improvements, people have also gotten used to it. However, it is my sense that there is more resignation than acceptance than we would like when compared to CMx1. So it's not quite back to the drawing board, but we are are exploring ways to improve what we have.
El artículo completo, aquí: Blog de Battlefront

En resumen:

- Mejoras en la Quick Battles como mapas con elementos aleatorios y posibilidad de escoger tropas al detalle como el el CMX1.

- Nuevas posibilidades: agua, ríos, puentes, morteros on-map, infantería montada en tanques, cañones AT, posiciones defensivas extensas, etc. Y una TacAI que lo pueda manejar, claro.

- Cambios en el Multiplayer: TCP/IP con WeGo.

- Mejores prestaciones gráficas para las tarjetas que han dado problemas con el CMSF.

- Mejoras en la interfaz para hacerla más manejable.

No se a que están esperando estos malditos. Yo lo quiero ¡YA! :evil2:
Escucha el podcast de PDL !
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Re: Adelanto de los que habrá en el SF - Normadía

Mensaje por Boce »

Bien!!!!!!!!!! :aplauso: :aplauso:
Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Re: Adelanto de los que habrá en el SF - Normadía

Mensaje por Nihil »

A mi con este no me pillan, nada de compras compulsivas :mrgreen: ya habrá tiempo de ver si lo que prometen y la realidad tienen algún punto en común.
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Re: Adelanto de los que habrá en el SF - Normadía

Mensaje por Niessuh »

yo lo que quiero es que cada vez que muevas un peloton de infanteria no pases por la experiencia traumatica de no saber donde van a acabar. Y que el wego no sea un arreglo de ultima hora...
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Re: Adelanto de los que habrá en el SF - Normadía

Mensaje por Derrengado »

No suena mal , pero hasta ver los resultados nadie deberia lanzar las campanas al vuelo.