Escenarios para CMANO

CMANO - Command Modern Air/Naval Operations
Harpoon, etc

Moderadores: Hetzer, Moderadores Wargames

Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2845
Registrado: 05 Mar 2011, 08:25
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Dandole caña a Incontinencia Suma

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

Actualización del Community Scenario Package, nuevas versiones de algunos escenarios y 6 nuevos

Boston’s Battle, 1963 : This is an “alternate” scenario to Boston’s Brawl, 1963. The assumption is that the American Surface Action Group centered around the Boston is on patrol off the coast of West Africa, instead of being in the South Atlantic, and is called upon to destroy a Soviet Surface Action Group.

One Final Old-fashioned Banana War, 1947 : An economic slump in Mexico following the end of the WWII commodity boom leads to political unrest in the country, and thus the US military finds itself heading south once again, this time at the request of the Mexican government.

Best of the West, Worst of the East, 1982 : Thanks to recently-declassified documents we now know that, had the Cold War escalated to a superpower conflict, the Soviet Navy would preferably keep its modern nuclear submarines in close escort to their all-important strategic missile subs in their bastions, and instead send their modern diesel subs to interdict NATO resupply lines. So as the turbulent early 80s spin up to a bonafide crisis, the Red Banner Northern Fleet’s diesel sub force puts out to sea to challenge NATO’s awesome anti-submarine screens….. and you are in command.

Rollback – The First of Many, 1998 : The US military attempts to get rid of Saddam Hussain’s regime via a number of active measures, first and foremost being a series of carrier-launched strategic strikes. This hypothetical scen features the A/F-117 “Seahawk”, a carrier-suitable variant of the F-117 that was nearly adopted by the US Navy in the late 90s.

Rollback – Hoisting the Net, 1998 : In addition to airstrikes, the US Navy took other measures to isolate the Hussain regime, one such being the identification and interdiction of supplies headed for Iraq. The USS Denton has been tasked to identify and seize a large container ship enroute to the port of Latakia. Will this be a run-of-mill call?

Birmingham Strikes, 1992 : Sierra Leone has plunged into a brutal civil war with the deaths of tens of thousands. The rebels, known as the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) were infamous because of the atrocities they committed. The RUF captured a large number of weapons from Sierra Leone (and later from some of the UN peacekeepers dispatched to the area), but received further assistance and material from outside countries such as Libya. In this not-so-hypothetical scenario a small British task group centered on the destroyer HMS Birmingham is tasked to disrupt RUF operation in its vicinity.
Otros nicks: Meroka37
Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2845
Registrado: 05 Mar 2011, 08:25
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Dandole caña a Incontinencia Suma

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

Nueva actualización del Community Scenario Package (número 23) con 10 nuevos escenarios

◾Caribbean March 21st, 2022: Venezuela has attacked the islands of Curacao and Aruba and occupied them. The Dutch government has launched a counter-offensive to retake the islands. You are in command of the Dutch TF and the Air Force Base at St. Maarten, stocked with new F-35s. But Venezuelan forces are similarly upgraded with fresh Chinese equipment. Can you take the islands back?

◾Carrier Battle Group ASW Test, 1984: It has been said that a carrier’s biggest threat is not aircraft, but submarines. Time to put this theory to test. Multiple Soviet submarine threats are expected in the path of a CVBG. The CVBG needs to transit the area and defend itself at all times.

◾Etendards in Her Majesty’s Face, 1982: The Falklands conflict has gone on longer than it did historically. Having run out of Exocet missiles, the Argentines now prepare their Super Etendards for an attack on the British task force using conventional bombs.

◾The Irish-Spanish Fish War, 2015: Tensions have increased between Ireland and Spain. Ireland has responded by closing its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to Spanish fishing boats. However, there have been reports of Spanish trawlers continuing to fish in Irish waters, and that Spain has even sent military vessels to make sure its fishing boats are not harassed. Ireland, not surprisingly, considers this a breach of international law and a gross provocation.

◾Mission of the Ile De Sein, 2015: The waters surrounding Île de Sein are part of a protected seascape lying within France’s 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The responsibilities the French navy include protecting these natural resources from poaching, illegal dumping of chemicals, and other threats. This authority is now being challenged by Russian organized crime.

◾Regulus, 1961: The Berlin Crisis is smoldering. Sneak a Regulus missile submarine through the Kurils and be prepared to
conduct a nuclear strike on the industrial sites in Komsomolsk-na-amur. Naturally, Soviet forces in the area are on high alert.

◾The Battle of Mitu, 1995: This scenario assumes that violence from the FARC conflict with Colombia has spilled over into Brazil. Brazilian citizens have been kidnapped and killed. Among other crimes, FARC is blamed for the brutal murders of a Brazilian police captain and his family. FARC currently occupies the Colombian town of Mitú, close to the Colombia-Brazilian border. Brazil has decided to raid this FARC stronghold.

◾The Battle of Seogeom-Ri, 2015: South Korean and North Korean forces are clashing again. At stake is the South Korean island of Seogeom-ri, which lies close to the border between the two countries.

◾The Five Powers, 2020: China has been aggressively pushing it’s territorial claims in the South China Sea for over a decade, by the late 2010s it has begun to push those claims ever farther to the south and east. In response the Malaysia activates the Five Powers Defense Agreement; with Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand immediately retasking forces to the assistance of Malaysia, and the UK promising support as soon as possible. Can the Five Powers stem back the Red Tide? (NOTE: A highly entertaining AAR of this scenario can be found here)

◾The Moheli Crisis, 1999: A bloodless coup took place in Comoros in 1999. This scenario assumes the coup was more violent and chaotic. Rebels have seized control of the island of Mohéli. French nationals living on the island have been taken hostage and the rebels are threatening to kill them unless their demands are met–the rebels believe that France will pressure other factions in the Comoros in order to protect their citizens. As might be expected, France has taken a dim view of these actions and is mobilizing.
Otros nicks: Meroka37
Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2845
Registrado: 05 Mar 2011, 08:25
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Dandole caña a Incontinencia Suma

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

He sacado nueva actualización del Community Package con 9 escenarios nuevos y actulización de una docena.

Como siempre a descargar aquí

They Came From The Museum, 2015: Soviet/Russian tactical aircraft have a long history of ‘inexplicably’ showing up in various conflicts under the hands of ‘rebel’, ‘advisor’ and otherwise non-official pilots. This scenario assumes that the “little green men” in Ukraine take this strong tradition one step further and piece together a hodgepodge air force from various odd sources, including a number of exhibits from the Luhansk Air Museum. How will these Cold War cast-offs and their mysterious pilots fare against Ukrainian air defences?

The Battle of Langkawi, 1973: By 1973, the communist insurgency that erupted in Malaysia has taken control of most of the state of Kedah. They have captured a number of artillery pieces, armored cars, and other military equipment, including a number of aircraft. An international coalition, led by the UK, and including forces from Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore are assisting Malaysia in its fight against the insurgents. However, the Soviet Union, China, India, North Korea, and Cuba have all recognized the self-declared People’s Republic of Kedah – and will actively assist it against blockades of its ports in the Kedah region, including the island of Langkawi.

The Clash Of Titans II, 2018: India started the year with intensive naval activity in both Indian Ocean and Arabian sea. The brief Indian incursion into littoral waters of French island Reunion was condemned by French diplomacy. Further diplomatic tension eventually resulted in a double embargo between France and India. A week ago, the French CVBG led by the Charles De Gaulle CV left Toulon naval base and headed to Suez. INS Vikramaditya with its escorts was ordered to head towards the Gulf Of Aden. Politics will continue by other means from now on.

Closing the Kurile Gap (The War That Never Was) – US, 1989: The Soviet Pacific Fleet would have faced a difficult problem with geography if the Cold War ever went hot. Their largest base, Vladivostok, faces the Sea of Japan. Any units transiting to the Pacific either need to pass through the narrow Tsushima Strait, flanked by likely-hostile South Korea and Japan, or they need to head northwest and pass through the disputed Kurile Islands. The other major Soviet naval base, Petropavlovsk, opens to the Pacific. However, it is located at the end of the remote Kamchatka peninsula and has long, vulnerable supply lines. This scenario examines the Soviet Pacific Fleet’s ability to break out through the Kuriles, and the US Navy’s role in plugging the gap.

Closing the Kurile Gap (The War That Never Was) – USSR, 1989: The Soviet side of the above scenario.

■Those Who Face Death, 2014: In this hypothetical “from the headlines” scenario ISIS has captured much more intact military equipment from the Iraqi and Syrian Armies; they also have the technical capabilities to put it to use. Expect to see American, Iraqi, Syrian, Iranian military equipment. You are hunting a convoy of artillery and APCs heading to Mosul from the south before turning west towards the Yazidi camp at Mount Sinjar. You will need to airdrop supplies and parachutists to the Yazidi camp to achieve success. You are sending British and American aircraft from bases in Turkey, Kuwait, and Cyprus.

Log Bridge, 1989: World War III has been raging. The fighting over Keflavik has been so heavy that what remains of the airfield, currently held by NATO, is unusable. At the same time, the fighting in Europe has pl aced demands upon available resources that preclude either side sending long range aircraft to attack or defend Iceland. The fate of Iceland will therefore be decided by a decisive surface battle. The big guns are coming out – literally.

Nuclear Storm, 1991: Desert Storm is underway, and the unthinkable has happened: Saddam’s forces have launched chemical attacks on coalition troops, with significant casualties. Now a retaliation is in order – to illustrate within limits that some lines are not to be crossed.

No Time for Mischief, 1995: Mischief Reef is in a disputed area of the South China Sea. In 1995, China angered the Philippines by occupying the reef and constructing structures on it, ostensibly as shelters for fishermen. In history, the matter did not escalate into violent confrontation. This scenario assumes the government of the Philippines has taken a more aggressive approach, assuming that if worst comes to worst they will be backed up by the United States.
Otros nicks: Meroka37
Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2845
Registrado: 05 Mar 2011, 08:25
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Dandole caña a Incontinencia Suma

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

Actualización del Community Package con 16 nuevos escenarios y actualización de otros.

Busy Day in Burundi, 1976:
Widespread unrest has followed a sudden coup in the country, with rebel groups gaining control of military equipment. With the toll of civilian deaths increasing, an international coalition led by France and the United Kingdom has positioned itself to take action. SAS teams on the ground must cooperate with air support to hunt down rebel strongpoints.

Homerun, 1956:
From 1952 onwards, RB-47 recon variants of the new B-47 Stratojet bomber started overflying the north of the Soviet Union in photo-recon and ELINT missions. By the mid-50s these flights were getting to be really hazardous as Soviet air defences were becoming both more capable and more aggressive. This is such a mission.

Indonesian War #1 – Convoy Lion, 1995:
In the 1990s Indonesia became increasingly aggressive about protecting its territorial rights, hunting down rebels in various provinces etc. Its occupation of Timor has been marked by increasing reports of violence and oppression. This includes an effective blockade of the island, which has led to shortages of food and medicine. The British Parliament voted to support “all reasonable efforts including the use of force to compel Indonesia to allow humanitarian aid to reach Timor.” The Australian government passed a similar measure the same day and Australia has been given operational control of the mission. A hastily organized convoy escorted by British and Australian naval units is now en route to the island of Timor. Indonesia has responded by stating that attempts to enter its territorial waters without permission will be treated as an act of war.

Indonesian War #2 – Air Battle Over Java, 1995:
Indonesia attempted to stop the joint Australian-UK convoy and hostilities took place on April 17, 1995. As a result, the British and Australian governments have decided to eliminate Indonesia’s ability to attempt further attacks against their ships and aircraft. The first and perhaps most important step in achieving this goal is to cripple Indonesia’s air force.

Indonesian War #3 – Spartan Goes Hunting, 1995:
After inflicting serious losses on Indonesia’s navy and air force, the governments of Australia and the United Kingdom have decided to employ commerce raiding to put economic pressure on Indonesia and force them to sue for peace. As part of this, the nuclear submarine HMS Spartan been given a free hand.

Better Bullets (AMRAAM), 1987:
With development of the AMRAAM missile undergoing the all-too-common teething problems, an exercise is being held to justify its importance. This is an exercise presenting the possibility of a hostile air power using a similar missile against the USAF. The opponent is armed with advanced AMRAAMs and crewed by expert pilots, so expect a brutally difficult fight.

Better Bullets (SARH), 1987:
With development of the AMRAAM missile undergoing the all-too-common teething problems, an exercise is being held to justify its importance. In this variant the opponent is armed with SARH weapons only (like the AIM-7 and AA-10) and crewed by expert pilots, so expect a difficult fight.

Kuril Islands, 1999:
Japan has established a major seabed-mining operation 20 nmi west of the island of Kunashiri. Hostilities between Japanese Maritime Defense Force (JMDF) and Russian forces have broken out over economic rights concerning the Kuril Islands. Russian Naval forces have established a formidable blockading surface and submarine units also supported by several squadrons of long range strike aircraft based out of airfields. You are in tactical control of all U.S. forces which include USAF land-based aircraft and JMDF forces in the area. You must defend your forces against attack and take control of as much territory as possible, until a United Nations settlement can be negotiated.

Offensive CAP Belarus, 2015:
Backed by Russia, Belarus has invaded Poland’s eastern provinces in force. Further Russian forces will be brought into action when the Belorusian Army’s offensive stalls. The USAF 555th Fighter Squadron (555 FS, 24 F-16C) and the Polish 40th Tactical Squadron (40.ELT, 24 Su-22M4) have been tasked to strike key logistic and support sites in Belarus to complicate enemy reinforcement efforts. They will be supported by a NATO E-3 Sentry and four EA-18Gs from the US Navy’s VAQ-139. Your task is to provide air cover for the operation using the 18 Typhoon FGR.4s of 1 Sqdn RAF. Enemy air activity is expected to be heavy.

Bay Of Bengal, 1999:
India has mobilized amphibious assault forces again Sri Lanka. The US embassy in Sri Lanka is urging all Americans to leave the country. The Indian CVBG is operating in the Gulf of Mannar. Russia and China have deployed naval bombers to India. Indian submarine activity in the region is significant. Sri Lanka fears Indian military buildup in preparation to final invasion force and collapse of the government. The United Nations has requested that a U.S. CVBG be sent to the area to stabilize the region. All Indian naval forces are considered hostile.

Operation Black Buck 1, 1982:
The Falklands conflict begins in earnest. As the Royal Navy Task Force arrives to enforce a 200nm exclusion zone around the islands, RAF Vulcans fly the longest-range bombing mission in history to date, to fire the opening shots of the war.

April Storm #1 – The New Eastern Front, 1996:
Boris Yeltsin was removed from power in late 1995. His replacement, a former general in the Red Army, has set an aggressive tone for the new Russia. In the first week of April 1996, Russia and Belarus invaded parts of eastern Poland. About one quarter of Poland is now under Russian control. The UN has been unable to effect any change. NATO has warned Russia that the current situation is intolerable and that it must withdraw from Poland or face serious consequences.

French Forces in the Gulf of Sidra, 1981:
France frequently skirmished with Libya in various flashpoints in northern Africa (e.g. Chad) during the 1980s. In this hypothetical scenario, Libya raises the stakes by directly attacking a French naval task group in the Gulf of Sidra.

Boston’s Brawl, 1963:
Hostilities broke out between NATO and the Warsaw Pact in late 1963. A small force centered on the missile cruiser Boston is tasked with prosecuting all WP forces in its patrol area, between the Falkland islands and Argentina.
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por seaman »

Bueno no se si va aquí, así que el admin tiene libertad de moverlo.

Se trata de mi primer escenario y lo pongo a disposición para todo aquel que desee testearlo con la finalidad de pulirlo: ... sp=sharing

Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2845
Registrado: 05 Mar 2011, 08:25
STEAM: Jugador
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

seaman escribió:Bueno no se si va aquí, así que el admin tiene libertad de moverlo.

Se trata de mi primer escenario y lo pongo a disposición para todo aquel que desee testearlo con la finalidad de pulirlo: ... sp=sharing

Probandolo, tiene muy buena pinta de entrada!
Otros nicks: Meroka37
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por seaman »

PijusMagnificus escribió:
seaman escribió:Bueno no se si va aquí, así que el admin tiene libertad de moverlo.

Se trata de mi primer escenario y lo pongo a disposición para todo aquel que desee testearlo con la finalidad de pulirlo: ... sp=sharing

Probandolo, tiene muy buena pinta de entrada!
¿Qué tal la cata Pijus?
Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2845
Registrado: 05 Mar 2011, 08:25
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Dandole caña a Incontinencia Suma

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

Nueva actualización de el Community Package con 14 nuevos escenarios y actualización de otros tantos, como siempre a descargar aquí

■Saudi Arabia Crisis – Attack of IS, 2016: The IS terrorists control Yemen and part of Somalia and Saudi Arabia. Western forces are massing on Israel, Oman and Kuwait as a prelude to invasion of Saudi Arabia to counter the IS. But Iranian-backed elements within IS have one more card to play…

■Battle of Yavin, 1980: A plucky, rag-tag, and surprisingly well armed band of rebels has identified a weakness in an Imperial battle station. You’re one of the pilots flying fighter cover for the attack. Good luck!

■Benny’s Sweep, 1958: Pro-Communist rebels operating in the Philippines have seized control of part of the island of Luzon. Worse, the rebels are receiving aid from the Soviet Union, which hopes to trigger a Vietnam-like civil war in the Philippines. The situation is intolerable to the United States, but at the moment other international obligations mean that the only forces available to assist the government of the Philippines is a small task force based around the aircraft carrier Bennington.

■Kitty Comes To Kamchatka (The War That Never Was), 1989: Petropavlovsk is the only major Russian naval base that opens directly to the Pacific. That fact, plus its proximity to Alaska, made it a prime NATO target during the Cold War. This scenario, based upon the book by Michael A. Palmer, examines the ability of a single Carrier Task Force centered on the USS Kitty Hawk to attack and neutralize this important facility.

■Meteors Over Korea, 1952: A fictional raid conducted by Australian forces against the port of Haeju during the Korean War. When Australian forces, flying Gloster Meteors, first encountered North Korean MiG-15s, they suffered significant losses. Following this, the Meteor was used primarily as an attack aircraft rather than as an interceptor. This scenario assumes that no other forces were available to assist the Australians during this mission and that, for this reason, the Meteors from No. 77 squadron were employed both as attack and as escort aircraft.

■Northern Fury 6 – Keflavik Capers, 1994:
War started Sunday and Keflavik was one of the first targets, a surprise missile attack which closed the two main runways and destroyed seven aircraft on the ground. You need time to reinforce and get the base onto a real war-footing. You must inflict damage and slow Soviet progress. Critical to success is the evacuation of non essential personnel and civilians.

■Northern Fury 7 – Plug the Gap, 1994: Steaming North as the fourth day of a new global war opens, you are in command of the HMS Invincible Task Group, and are heading into harm’s way! Dawn yesterday saw an amphibious assault around Trondheim. It looks like the Norwegians with the able help of 3 Royal Marine Commando Bde are holding, but pressure from the north is forcing the Norwegian Army to collapse southwards. Narvik fell late yesterday afternoon. STANAVFORLANT is withdrawing in tatters with the remaining surface units of the Norwegian fleet – they are out of it for a bit. Reports from Iceland are vague but it appears that Spetsnaz forces have captured several out-ports and key radar installations have been knocked out. Critical to success is the transport of two parachute battalions to establish initial defences in the Shetland and Faroe Islands.

■Northern Fury 8 – Hold the Line, 1994: You are the commander of the USS Enterprise CVBG, (CVN-65). Due to heightened tensions, your refit/re-fueling was rushed through and completed 8 months ahead of schedule. On the 12th of Feb, while completing your workup trials off of Puerto Rico, you were sent a FLASH message to precede north at best possible speed. Just before midnight last night you received a warning order from CINCLANT informing you of some late developments – including the fall of Iceland. Your orders were to position the TG north east of Newfoundland and prepare for heavy engagement.

■Phoenix of Indochina, 1949: The Japanese ship Hosho was a vital pioneer in naval aviation, being the first ship built as an aircraft carrier. Miraculously surviving World War II, she was historically converted to a transport and then scrapped. In this scenario, the Hosho was given to France as a war prize, and her new owners, faced with a war in Indochina, have wasted no time in putting her to use. Here the Hosho (renamed in a new language that keeps the original meaning) now fights over Haiphong.

■Russian Civil War (Jane’s F/A-18) – Phase I, 2004: Due to severe economic downturns and the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the political and military leadership in Russia has splintered into two discrete factions. The result of these divisions is an armed civil conflict. The political and security interests of NATO members and the western world preclude a return to Soviet-era leadership in post-Soviet Russia. In response to this threat, and to a request for assistance by ‘Blue Russian’ forces, NATO and the United States NCA have dispatched the USS Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group to the waters north of the Kola Peninusula. Although overt hostilities have not yet begun against ‘Red Russian’ forces, they are imminent.

■Russian Civil War (Jane’s F/A-18) – Phase II, 2004: During Phase I of the campaign the Reagan Strike Group conducted a systematic attrition of Red Russian air assets and integrated counter-air defenses on the Kola Peninsula. In Phase II, the strike group will perform the function for which it was deployed here: to prevent rebel forces from obtaining and using WMDs or their delivery vehicles.

■Russian Civil War (Jane’s F/A-18) – Phase III, 2004: The USS Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group was deployed to the waters north of the Kola Peninusula to defeat the threat of Red Russian forces obtaining WMD’s and their delivery vehicles. During the first two phases of the operation, the strike group rolled back Red Russian integrated air defenses on the Kola Peninsula and conducted operations to destroy and/or deny various WMD assets to Red Russian forces. With Blue Russian forces obtaining the upper hand and rapidly moving north, the strike group intends to accelerate the Red Russian collapse by attacking their logistics lines and forces from the rear, coupled with an amphibious raid by the USMC in order to further demoralize the rebel leadership and perhaps draw forces away from the Blue Russian advance.

■Uncle Mark’s Tutorials #1 – NATO Surface Group vs. Soviet, 1985: World War III has started in 1985, and you are in charge of a small surface action group (SAG). Your job is to hunt Soviet ships and submarines and destroy them before they can get out into the Atlantic ocean, where they could threaten NATO convoys. Your forces consist of three warships–a British destroyer, a Dutch frigate, and a German frigate. You also have three helicopters for scouting the seas ahead of your ships and for hunting submarines.

■Uncle Mark’s Tutorials #2 – English Jets over Uganda, 1973: In 1972, Idi Amin broke diplomatic relations with the UK and nationalized several British companies operating in Uganda. This scenario assumes that following this a series of incidents have led to increased hostilities between Uganda and the UK. The UK has decided that a show of force is necessary. Kenya has provided the UK with access to one of its air bases. You are in command of a strike force formed from detachments from a number of RAF squadrons. You have three basic missions. You are to first cripple the Ugandan air force in the sky and gain air superiority. You are also to fly reconnaissance missions over Entebbe. Finally, you are to conduct air strikes against selected ground targets.
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por Hetzer »

Desde el foro de Matrix Games.

Escrito por Kushan, enlace del hilo.
[...] mi escenario "Iran Strike, 2015". Esta versión varía ligeramente de la que jugué en la partida en directo. [...] Los objetivos son la Planta de Agua Pesada de Arak y las instalaciones de combustible enriquecido en Fordow y Natanz.

Comentarios, críticas y sugerencias son bienvenidos.

Beta 13-08-2015 [...]

Escenario: ... =0;3911314
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Regular - Oberfeldwebel
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Registrado: 19 Abr 2006, 00:21
STEAM: Jugador

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por seaman »

seaman escribió:Bueno no se si va aquí, así que el admin tiene libertad de moverlo.

Se trata de mi primer escenario y lo pongo a disposición para todo aquel que desee testearlo con la finalidad de pulirlo: ... sp=sharing

He actualizado a la última BD 440 y le hice algunos cambios, añadiendo unidades y corrigiendo la ubicación de radares civiles y militares. ... sp=sharing

Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2845
Registrado: 05 Mar 2011, 08:25
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Dandole caña a Incontinencia Suma

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

Nueva actualización de Community Package, con 10 nuevos escenarios y 11 nuevas versiones de los existentes.

◾Attack Sub Duel Off Hokkaido, 2003: This scenario assumes that tensions have increased between Japan and Russia. Japanese Coast Guard vessels have fired on Russian fishing boats that have strayed into Japanese territorial waters. Russia has threatened to attack Japanese shipping in retaliation. The submarine Harushio has been ordered to support a surface group transiting to Nagasaki. Russian attacks are highly likely.

◾First Battle of Donetsk Airport, 2014: On May 16, 2014 the Ukrainian government started an anti-terrorist operation against pro-Russian insurgents in the Donetsk Oblast in early April 2014. Pro-Russian protesters and insurgents affiliated with the DPR captured and occupied numerous government buildings, towns, and territories in the region. In Donetsk city itself, many government buildings were under separatist control. During the morning of May 26, pro-Russian insurgents captured the terminal buildings of Donetsk International Airport, and demanded the withdrawal of government forces from the area. Soon after, Ukraine issued an ultimatum to the insurgents, demanding they surrender immediately. This was rejected, causing paratroopers to launch an assault on the airport, accompanied by airstrikes against insurgent positions.

◾Here, There And Everywhere, 1965: On July 24, 1965 an F-4C flying CAP over North Vietnam was shot down by a Russian-supplied SA-2 missile. This was the first attack by SAMs on US aircraft and the shootdown took Washington by surprise. A reprisal raid was decided. On July 27 a large raid of F-105s was launched against the sites and nearby barracks where the SAM crews were living. The costliest yet day of the Vietnam air war was about to unroll.

◾Northern Fury #9.1 – Eisenhower Moves North, 1994: Entering the sixth day of WW3, the situation in the North Atlantic remains desperate. The rapid capture of North Norway and Iceland have allowed the Soviets to surge almost 100 submarines into the Atlantic. The Enterprise CVBG spent two difficult days blunting an attempt by the Red Banner Northern Fleet to interdict the sea lanes, she is now retiring, as are the major Soviet surface units, to replenish. Now, as Enterprise steams south, the USS Eisenhower, after three days of hard fighting in the Mediterranean, has passed through the pillars of Hercules and is heading north. She and the Carl Vinson CVBG will strike at Soviet forces around Iceland three days from now.

◾Northern Fury #3 – Dagger To The Heart, 1994: A quiet Sunday morning in New York Harbour, it’s cold and windy and the main topic of conversation at the Sandy Hook, New Jersey Coast Guard Station is the ongoing fiasco at the Olympics…

◾Scenario Editor Tutorial – Adding Weapons, 2015: Unlike other Command scenarios, this is intended to be played in scenario-editor mode. In this scenario, the player will add aircraft to an airfield, arm the aircraft, and then shoot down an easy target.

◾Uncle Mark’s Tutorials #4 – Boston Guards the Denmark Strait, 1985: Hostilities have broken out in Europe. The war is only a few days old, but there has been limited use of chemical and tactical nuclear weapons, and American vessels have been cleared to use nuclear depth charges against enemy submarines. You are in command of the American nuclear attack submarine Boston. You have been assigned to patrol the Denmark Strait, which lies between Iceland and Greenland. Controlling the Denmark Strait would be vital in any conflict between NATO and the Soviet Union (or, today, Russia) as it connects the Norwegian Sea with the rest of the Atlantic Ocean.

◾Uncle Mark’s Tutorials #5 – Motozintla Incursion, 2015: Existing tensions between Mexico and Guatemala have increased in recent months. Matters came to a head when Mexican forces fired on a Guatemalan fishing boat that had strayed into Mexico’s territorial waters. Accounts of the attack vary, but it appears that the fishing boat had initially refused to surrender to Mexican forces and had attempted to flee back into international waters. However, many believe the level of force used by Mexico was excessive. With Mexico’s military already spread thin trying to keep the drug cartels under control, there is concern that Guatemala will launch some kind of punitive expedition. This scenario is designed to give players practice with air power vs. ground forces situations, on a low-intensity conflict.

◾Waller Takes Charge, 1955: Hostilities erupted between NATO and the Soviet Union in 1955. The war is less than one day old, and both sides have taken terrific losses in the Mediterranean. It falls to the American destroyer Waller and forces attached to her to seize control of the waters south of Crete.

◾War of the Thirty-Fives, 2021: The Kurds have finally secured independence, and a windfall of now-rising oil prices and the investment opportunities that have come with formal recognition have allowed their (not entirely unjustifiably) paranoid leaders to embark on the kind of military overbuildup that has not been seen for a while. Among this buildup is a new air force, built from the ground up. With Western purchases coming with far too many strings attached, they have obtained a massive number of the most advanced Fulcrum variant, the MiG-35. Unfortunately, the Kurdish political problem has continued in Turkey, with emboldened Kurdish fighters in that country’s east increasingly using their neighbor as a sanctuary. Clashes are an unfortunate routine. Now Ankara seeks to break the stalemate by using their finally-ready fifth generation stealth F-35s. But stealth or not, superior technology or not, the Kurdish government is prepared to defend its territorial integrity….

Some of the above scenarios use the most recent version (v440) of the Command databases, which are included with the v1.09 RC11 (B746) update. We therefore recommend downloading and applying this update before using the new scenarios. Alternatively, players can hold for the official release of the v1.09 update which is approaching fast.

As always, the community scenario pack is available for download at the WarfareSims download section:
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

Nueva actualización del Community Package con 15 nuevos escenarios y una docena de actualizaciones de los existentes, ya van 271 escenarios de 50 diferentes autores.

Biddle’s Team, 1982: Three weeks after the assassination of Anwar Sadat on October 6, 1981, Egypt has slipped into political chaos. A Soviet surface group is currently en route to offer support to the pro-Soviet faction now struggling for control. The United States, however, has recognized a pro-Western faction as the legitimate government of Egypt, and has no intention of allowing Egypt to turn into a Soviet puppet state.

Biddle’s Quandary, 1982: The Middle East has become increasingly unstable since the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981. Egypt has avoided total collapse, but militant groups have been responsible for numerous acts of terrorism in the last several months. Evidence suggests that Syria and Libya have been sponsoring some of these terrorist groups. The US has moved some of its ships near Syria as a show of force, hoping the proximity of American military might will discourage further acts of terrorism. Egypt has sent one of its patrol boats into the area as well. Syria, however, has responded by threatening to attack any vessel that violates its territorial waters.

Biddle goes to Algeria, 1984: Tensions have increased between the United States and Algeria in the early 1980s. To increase presence in the region, a small force centered on the cruiser Biddle is tasked to patrol defensively off the Algerian coast, screened by RAF aircraft from Gibraltar.

Fall of Seoul, 1950: North Korean forces have crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea, in violation of UN agreements. This scenario covers the first three days of fighting for the US forces in the Korean war. Your tasks are as follows:
* Coordinate an evacuation by air and sea from Seoul to US bases in Japan.
* Establish air superiority over South Korea.
* Conduct tactical interdiction against communist advance south of the 38th parallel.

MINUSMA, 2015: The atrocities commited by the rebel groups in Mali’s north has taken a turn for the worse. The UN has authorized airstrikes to support the Malian goverment in its push to once again retake the north of the country. To support the UN’s mission in Mali, Sweden has deployed its fighter jets abroad for the first time since the Congo Crisis. You are to employ airstrikes to weaken the rebels ability to wage an effective fight towards the goverment and you are to provide reconnissance support for the Malian goverment if requested. Collateral damage or friendly losses will not be tolerated!

Norrland Defense, 1990:
Defense of Norrland and its strategically important F 21 Luleå Airbase and Luleå Harbour from a pre-emptive Soviet strike in preparation for a full blown invasion.
Defend the Luleå airbase against Soviet assaults and engage the Soviet ships and submarines reported in the area.

Sandbox Scenario #1: Surface Encounter, 1991: In this adaptation of scenario “Surface Encounter” from the boardgame “Harpoon: Captain’s Edition”, an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer is escorting a Whidbey Island-class LSD in the Norwegian Sea and it happens to detect a Soviet Sovremenny-class destroyer with an Ivan Rogov-class landing ship. A skirmish ensues with both sides trying to sink the other’s escorted ships. The Soviets win a victory if they sink the LSD while the US wins if it can sink the Rogov.

To Kill A Mockingbird, 1979: This scenario pits the Soviet air defenses on the Kola Peninsula against the legendary SR-71 – and against the equally-legendary Soviet command chain bureaucracy! To win this mission, you must not only shoot down the dreaded Blackbird, but also do so only after receiving Moscow’s permission. Better yet, you will not know where and when exactly the secretive plane is coming – this mission is designed to be dynamic and will play differently each time. Sometimes you will have a good shot, while other times the Habu will elude you entirely.

USS Midway vs Cuba (The War That Never Was), 1989: When WW3 breaks out in the early 1990s, it spreads everywhere, quickly. One exception has been Cuba, issuing an open letter of neutrality to everyone. However, Cuba is now planning on entering the war. The Soviet Union has instructed them to enter the war just as the US is sending the first of their heavy divisions towards Europe. What if Cuba did enter the war at this percarious moment? All that the US has standing between an entire nation’s armed forces and the lifeline to Europe is the USS Midway, fitted with a scratch SAG and reserve F/A-18 squadrons. Can they hold the line?

Northern Fury 9.2 – Changing Of The Guard, 1994: The situation in the North Atlantic remains desperate. The rapid capture of North Norway and Iceland have allowed the Soviets to surge almost 100 submarines into the Atlantic. The USS Enterprise CVBG spent two difficult days blunting an attempt by the Red Banner Northern Fleet to interdict the sea lanes, she is now preparing to retire for re-supply and re-organization, as are the major Soviet surface units. The USS Eisenhower, after three days of hard fighting in the Mediterranean, has passed through the Pillars of Hercules and is heading north. She will join the USS Carl Vinson CVBG to strike at Soviet forces around Iceland in three days. As the NATO player you must safely withdraw the Enterprise CVBG and replace it with the Carl Vinson CVBG in a holding area south of Iceland. As the WP player you have multiple submarines and significant air assets at your disposal. Your task is to sink one or both US aircraft carriers.

Northern Fury 9.3 – Command At Sea, 1994: The USS Carl Vinson CVBG is moving up to relieve the Enterprise. The USS Eisenhower, after three days of hard fighting in the Mediterranean, has passed through the Pillars of Hercules and is heading north. She will join the USS Carl Vinson CVBG to strike at Soviet forces around Iceland in three days. As the NATO player you must maneuver and protect the USS Mount Whitney as it transports the Commander of the US 2nd Fleet (NATO’s CINCLANT) to a patrol area off the Azores. As the WP player you have multiple submarines and valuable intelligence indicating that a ‘High Value Target’ is arriving in your patrol area.

Northern Fury 9.4 – Cutting The Tether, 1994: This is a small but critical scenario in the battle to isolate Soviet forces on Iceland. Since taking the island of Jan Mayen in the first hours of the war, the desolate spot on the Greenland Sea has become a critical link in Iceland’s supply chain, a long and arduous tether back to the Kola Peninsula. Your job in this scenario is to cut that tether.

Northern Fury 9.5 – Here Comes The Cavalry, 1994: The US 2nd Fleet is now ready for its first counter-attack. The 1st phase has the USS Eisenhower and the USS Carl Vinson CVBGs strike at Soviet forces around Iceland. In order to neutralize the significant Soviet forces on Iceland, your task is to move north and establish local air superiority over the Keflavik peninsula as a precursor to a large USAF strike tomorrow night. You have 28 hours to destroy Soviet Air Defences over Iceland. Detailed SEAD and Strike tasks will be the Air Force’s job, but you need to clean the airspace to make that possible. You know that there are formidable air defences both on and over Iceland so this will not be an easy task.

Northern Fury 9.6 – Stab In The Dark, 1994: Your task is simple, as the Captain of the Canadian Submarine HMCS Onondaga, infiltrate Soviet ASW defences north of Reykjavik and insert a Special Forces team comprising of 4 Canadian JTF2 (Joint Task Force 2) and 4 British SBS (Special Boat Service) operatives. However you may find that in war – nothing is simple.

Northern Fury 10.1 – Poke in the Eye, 1994: 42 hours ago, your Special Forces team comprising of 4 Canadian JTF2 (Joint Task Force 2) and 4 British SBS (Special Boat Service) operatives arrived in Iceland. Now it’s time to earn your paycheck.
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por cezeta »

Tras jugar Bay of Bengal decidi usar ese escenario para aprender a manejar el editor de eventos.
He modificado el escenario para hacerlo mas real.


He cambiado el CVN 68 Nimitz por el CVN 72 Abraham Lincoln y he embarcado a la decimocuarta ala embarcada (Fourteen Carrier Wing) que era la que tenia asignado el CVN 72 por aquella época.

-VF-31 Tomcatters (Felix) 12 Grumman F-14D
-VFA-25 Fist of the Fleet (Fist) 12 McDonnell-Douglas F/A-18C
-VFA-115 Eagles (Talon) 12 McDonnell-Douglas F/A-18C
-VFA-113 Stingers (Sting) 12 McDonnell-Douglas F/A-18C

-VAQ-139 Cougars (Cougar) 4 Grumman EA-6B ICAP II Block 89
-VAW-113 Black Eagles (Black Eagle) 4 E-2C
-VS-35 Blue Wolves (Blue Wolf) 8 Lockheed S-3B
-VQ-5 Sea Shadows (Sea Shadow?) 2 Lockheed ES-3A
-VRC-30 Providers(RW) 2 C-2A

-HS-4 Black Knights (Black Knight) 4 Sikorsky HH-60H + 4 Sikorsky SH-60F.

Los Callsign son los reales de las unidades.

Tambien he cambiado los escoltas y he puesto los que operaron en el cuarto despliegue (Jun 1998- Dec 1998):
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72)
USS Shiloh (CG 67)
USS Valley Forge (CG 50)
USS Elliot (DD 967),
USS Jarrett (FFG 33)
USS Jefferson City (SSN 759)
USS Camden(AOE 2)
HMCS Ottawa

En el lado indio tambien se han hecho modificaciones. Lo que antes era mas un SAG soviético, ahora tiene unicamente unidades indias. Se han eliminado los aviones soviéticos (India nunca operó el Su-17 dado que se decantó en su momento por el mas sofisticado MiG-27) y añadido aeronaves indias y un prestamo chino.

Este escenario se focaliza mas en la lucha por el dominio aéreo y la lucha ASW.

Esta es la primera versión por lo que cualquier comentario será bienvenido.


P.D. Si se acercan unidades estadounidenses de caza al continente, deberian saltar una pareja de Foxbat o de Fulcrums...pero no he conseguido hacerlo con el editor.

Mi intención es tras aprender a manejar el editor, hacer una pequeña campaña (4 o 5 misiones) española en el norte de África, al estilo de Canary's Cage pero con la clásica maniobra para la que fue proyectado el grupo Delta. De momento, aunque dadas las carencias en la BBDD es imposible a día de hoy.
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por Blas de Lezo »

Hola, lo descargo y ya te digo.

En cuanto a las carencias de la Base de Datos, si necesitas alguna unidad en especial para un escenario, postéalo en el foro de Matrix que los devs suelen darle prioridad...

Casi todas las unidades españolas se piden simular, o bien con unidades de España en la Base de Datos o con "préstamos".... la única que no está del todo es el C15M... estoy buscando referencias en Fuertes abiertas para que cambien la entrada correspondiente, junto con corregir todas las denominaciones españolas ...
"Miré los muros de la patria mía,si un tiempo fuertes, ya desmoronados ..." Quevedo
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por cezeta »

Ok, gracias Blas.

Lo que pasa es que han cerrado el grifo porque la gente se flipa un huevo, habia gente pidiendo toda clase de "what ifs", ya pedi alguna unidad como la F-105, concedida, saldra en la 441 (los testers podeis confirmar que está?).

Lo pediré por privado, haber que remedio porque el Castilla ni tiene dique inundable :shock: Los Gatos de la tercera tienen el equipo ASW todavia (tambien habria que añadir la nueva modernización) idem los Sea King, no hay Leopardos ni AAV-7 y las configuraciones del Mirage F1 son... :Ko:
De ahi que abriera el hilo de España en CMANO para ir coordinandonos unos cuantos.