Field of Glory: Kingdoms

Subforo dedicado a los juegos de la casa: Matrix / Slitherine

Moderadores: Hetzer, Moderadores Wargames

Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 16092
Registrado: 08 Dic 2006, 14:43
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: En el frente, de frente

Re: Field of Glory: Kingdoms

Mensaje por LordSpain »

La actualización trae esto ...
July 2nd, 2024

- Should skip the launcher when starting FoG for battles the vast majority of times.
- Less FOW calculations in hosting (faster turns).
- Improved music handling and reshuffling.
- Tooltip delay added, for now, as an entry only in \Documents\My Games\EmpiresKingdoms\OPTIONS.TXT.
- No City coloring added, for now, as an entry only in \Documents\My Games\EmpiresKingdoms\OPTIONS.TXT.
- Added an additional sound backend.
- Identical sounds will be played less loudly.

- Pop-up panel has extra functionalities.
- Fixed a slightly misformatted tooltip in battle.
- Modifier tab stays selected when switching factions in the factions lobby.
- Slightly reworked political filter, with relationships more readable.
- Music delay between tracks reduced by 2/3.
- Fixed not being shown in the Piety ranking if you produce no piety at all.
- The tutorial will ensure the enemy can't surrender during the siege.
- Message truncating resulting in an ellipsis (...) will be better done.
- Many text edits.
- Authority and Legacy buttons in the Nation Panel now lead to the relevant ledger page.
- Average HRE member Authority in the nation panel was not /10.
- Removed reference to the Legacy panel in the Help system.
- Relationships in the Political overlay made bigger and clearer. In the same overlay, a new color differentiates between yourself and your vassals.
- Fixed a visual issue when looking at a single trade good if more than 8 were present in a region.

Overhauled (fully dynamic, you can alternate between easy & balanced in the same game):
- More chance for the event 'noble donation' (free money).
- Less chance of having an epidemic.
- More chance for the event providing a free Defensive building.
- Double reward from Authority mini-events.
- Less stupendous Court expenses.
- Lowered War Weariness by 15%.
- Slightly less chance of a coup or rebellion.
- Better ruler stats.
- Penalty from war occupation is skipped.
- Sedition from Nobles halved.

Only apply when starting a new game:
- More Intrinsic Resources at start (free resources that go away as time passes).
- A player in Easy difficulty will receive +20 Authority and +50% money (scenario start only).

- Mercenaries are slightly more prone to degrade the relationship with their general.
- General improvements on how the ruler's Military stat is tied to the actual leader's battle stat.
- If you form a new nation and are under a certain Realm level, you'll be promoted instantly to a certain level (e.g., Apulia > Sicily).
- Clergymen can lead armies with a systematic penalty of 1 to AMP. Other nobles will now have this penalty only if not in a legitimately owned region (was their Domain before, so relaxed rule).
- If a general has a penalty to his AMP stat (while leading an army thus), it's indicated in the tooltip.

- Claims are now given much more frequently in the first 15 turns of the campaign.
- Hostile claims give you a discount if you declare war on the other nation.
- Claims will, in the vast majority of times, only be added if you are at least distant neighbors.
- Hostile foreign claims penalty is now only in Experienced or harder difficulty.
- Higher chance to get a claim if you have none from an insult; if you get one, you pay 2 Authority though.

- Human vassals will never be forced to give their units to their liege.
- If a vassal, your possibilities to get spontaneous claims are restricted to nations you are at war with or have extremely low relationships with.
- This will also prevent vassal AIs from adding too many claims against other nations, including the players.
- Vassals under threat and sending troops to their liege will be less frantic regarding troop recruitment.
- Vassals giving troops won't give them all at once, allowing you to change the policy (troops won't be given back unless you 'disband' them).

- The sudden win condition will activate after 150 turns, not 100, in the grand campaign.

- New harbor smuggling image.
- Major & important: chicken leg is now roasted.

- Fixed the Jihad being stoppable by the Holy See under some circumstances.
- Holy war targets won't get DOWed by nations not close enough to them.
- Fixed Declare Jihad against target X not working if the playing faction is already within a Jihad (same for Crusade).
- Fixed Christians under Jihad being despised by other Christians. This is now properly reversed (they will like you more).
- More chance to get bonus Authority from units you gave with the Send Crusaders Decision. Reminder, you also get bonus Legacy.
- Made sure any Catholic DOWing the Papacy gets excommunicated. Added a pop-up if you are.

- Some changes in manpower income for some structures.
- More accurate trade status for structures in their detail panel.
- King's Agent properly gives an extra bodyguard and not 'Basque Isolation'. Don't ask.
- Removed the reference to a gain of token upon building a Stone Castle, it's now an Absorb Vassal decision which is provided.
- Structures get their important keywords colored.
- Fixed track requiring Craftsmen borough.
- Fixed Domain Expansion IV & V not available.
- Fixed Domain becoming non-formable as soon as you military occupy one of the regions.
- Fixed very developed regions not properly importing goods within range (if more than 24!).
- Fixed an erroneous link in region Mosul.
- Code will remove 2 capitals in the same region.

- Allies don't pay Authority when joining war, if it is recent (10 turns max).
- Fixed possible crash in battle.
- Some Muslim units renamed so they could be used in more nations (Georgia)
- Training Grounds now handle Heavy Infantry for XP gain.
- A general revolting with his army will not station in the city of the rebelling region, in case the garrison remains loyal.
- Free warscore gain from higher Authority is only done if the two nations at war are neighbors.
- Ships will update their geo-situational combat ability before each battle (e.g., 'Galley in stormy coastal water').
- When you declare war on a liege with vassals or a vassal, all claims you have with the liege or any vassal will be factored into the rebate for DOW.
- Winning a small battle vs. winning a large one was actually more dangerous for generals (fixed).
- Exploit closed: you can only pillage hostile or owned regions, not allied or passage-right ones.

- Region exchanges in a peace negotiation (whether acquired or relinquished) will now be a friendly transfer, so no Authority will be lost in either case.
- Fixed vassal/Ally being stolen his land if a third party defends him.
- Bad relations can break a royal marriage or passage rights treaty (Needs Despise level, -35).
- In case of good relations (Amiable, 50+) then allies or vassals can give back a region to its legitimate owner.
- Currently only AI vassals toward a liege or AI allies. (feedback requested)
- Reduced the ratio allowing to absorb through RM a full nation to 66% of the absorbee.

- Fixed mix-up between Grant Land and Place Holding. Grant Land is only in your land but will now provide significant resources.
- Some changes in RGD allocations for IMRs and Seljuks.
- Fixed your own spy network targeting itself.
- Decision Peasants to Freemen does not provide money anymore.
- Fixed Diplomatic Intrigue RGD able to target yourself.
- Tweaked success chances of the Steal Token RGD (aka Sap Authority). There are fewer chances if you have positive tokens yourself and less chance if the enemy has negative tokens.
- Absorb Vassal should give more plausible results.

- 45 new historical rulers added.
- Campaign map overhauled with extra specific buildings (Abbasid Science Academy, etc.)
- New Campaign setup changing dozens of regions regarding their population mix.
- Improved Crusaders events (fewer cases where they could starve at sea).
- Kalmar union appearance fixed.
- Barghawata (tribal) was selectable (but not playable so confusing), fixed.
- William the Conqueror will always be a 2-2 general.
- In the GC, Normans no longer have a RM with England, and their relationship with France is now 0. This should favor going to England.
- Nations of Scottish culture now also get the Raider effect with Crechrighe.
- Modifications to the initial culture of some regions.
- Portugal is a Condado, not a minor Reino at start.
- Higher chances to get a 0-slot structure built for free if you have regions with high loyalty and high stewardship.
- Updated Manzikert and Angevin setup to have more roads.
- Fixed Taifas triggering too early 'Double-Edged Sword' perk.

- Fixed achievement "A Chip Off the Old Block" where a daughter would work too.
- Life of Bryansk achievement fixed.

- The AI, in higher difficulty levels, will favor players' regions more as an objective.
- Normans AI can break their RM with England in case of negative relationships around 1060.
Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 16092
Registrado: 08 Dic 2006, 14:43
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: En el frente, de frente

Re: Field of Glory: Kingdoms

Mensaje por LordSpain »

Entiendo que es para partidas nuevas :Ok:
Avatar de Usuario
Veteran - Oberleutnant
Veteran - Oberleutnant
Mensajes: 1096
Registrado: 27 Feb 2021, 11:31
STEAM: Jugador

Re: Field of Glory: Kingdoms

Mensaje por IndiaVerde »

Cuando me lea las instrucciones daré señales de Vida. :mrgreen:
Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 16092
Registrado: 08 Dic 2006, 14:43
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: En el frente, de frente

Re: Field of Glory: Kingdoms

Mensaje por LordSpain »

Actualización !!

Pregunto de nuevo, ¿se aplican en partidas ya iniciadas?
October23rd, 2024
(1.04.1): Additions compared to 1.04 (German Preview) + 9 entries

German translation added.
To celebrate this new language, if playing as an HRE member, you'll get access to a brand-new panel about the Empire and its members!

Heavy cavalry gets Clumsy, Cavalry gains Ungainly, except if Agile. This is a major change that will prevent knights from being the best unit even in forests!
In battle, excess frontline units capable of support will now take precedence over support units unable to provide any support (i.e., very weak units like transport ships). These transport ships (could be baggage trains, etc.) will now be pushed to the reserve and won't use a support slot.
Reworked assault priority for most medium/heavy infantries, which will depend on their quality.
The first time you build a Peasant Roundup structure, Peasants get permanently added to your allowed units.
If friendly units are outside a walled city, then the garrison will join a possible fight if it is weaker or equal to the exterior units.
Raid effect applies to leaders, added some modifiers using it. (1.04.1)
A battle check is made before any movement. Solve armies moving out of a region without any fight at the end of the 1st move impulse. (1.04.1)

You won't be excommunicated earlier than 3 turns after being excommunicated.
Promoting freemen to noble will convert them to your religion. (1.04.1)

Fixed some messages not appearing in the Messages Panel or as Pop-ups.
New data are shown in Ledger\History.
Crossing cost alters movement arrows color (with proper option in the OPTIONS screen).
Crossing cost shown in Region Panel tooltip about terrain.
Fixed the Trade opportunities sentence in the Structure panel being erroneous.
Removed message about the systematic declaration of war when a rebellion happens, if not relevant.
Fixed Reduced Aggro for AI not being settable.
Improved free slot overlay (simpler and more useful).
The list of entries in the Diplomacy panel can now be filtered by a single faction or a single treaty type (or both).
Fixed a few cities' position issues.
Game now supports a maximum of 640 factions, not 512. Probably in preparation for something big?
Religion overlay now shows in stripes the religion of the region owner if it differs from the main regional religion.
In the relationships/treaties overlay, armies are color-coded depending on the current treaty you have with this nation (It's for you Surt).
Reduced by 25% the frequency of the random building sound in the region panel.
Lowered priority of messages dealing with recurring changes in relationships.
Structure detail panel indicates where the trade goods are sent. (1.04.1)
Transverse bonus triggered by a building is now also listed in the source building, not only by the benefiting building. (1.04.1)

Fixed DOW Authority cost not properly factoring in claims you have on the vassals of your target.

Can now rename again in MP.
Removed one extra rare cause for OOS (MP).

Paris Duchy changed to Île de France.
Tribal populations have medium infantries, not light.

Reworked vassal RGD, which can allow different religions.
Restore order decision can't target fish.

Freely initiated defensive buildings (Noble) won't start at Very High priority.
Hemp field is now tier I.2, whereas Fallow Fields are tier I.1. This will help produce food in low-loyalty regions.
Added surface copper mining, which should greatly help with the issue of missing brass.
AI without regions but only troops will tend to be deactivated more often (except if a Knightly Order).
Buildings now indicate if they give a transversal bonus to another (previously only the receiving building would indicate from what it could receive a bonus).
Crude smelter produces less metal initially but more with coal.
Charcoal Burner produces some gold.
Cauldron maker is much more productive (as it uses Brass).
Brass Smelter gives less gold, Brass being already important.
Infrastructure points decay when not producing is down to 25% for a region and 15% for a Demesne.
Wise Woman health 3>4. (1.04.1)
Master Clothiers bonus is much increased. (1.04.1)

Fixed third-party agreements generating errors.
See the new filter options in the Diplomacy Panel.
By default, you only help your allies if at 75 relationships (was 50). (1.04.1)

Slightly optimized hosting phase (movements). (1.04.1)
September 4h, 2024
This quick patch helps remove OOS issues in MP.

Court Expenses have been toned down.
You can't rename groups in Multiplayer (stabilizing MP games).
Large Concentric castle only asks for 43 Fortifications, not 45, preventing softlocking.
Wood-producing structures now produce more wood (because that's what they do).
The Parish church now uses wine (for the liturgy only!), not copper, to ease the copper issue a bit. More to come in 1.04.
Fix for Leczyca-Gniezno (Poland) connection.
Some filters now show unowned regions in stripes.

August 28th, 2024
Approximatively 108 entries. Change is inevitable.

- Norman events now work for Humans in SP (only). Overall improvements made to it.
- Al-Andalus AI can expand without restriction (was unable to cross the Pyrenees).
- Paris gets its own flag.
- When a law benefits the Emperor (of the HRE), all HRE members will be displeased.
- Fix to Italian Maritime Republics losing the Large Merchant Fleet perk when they progress to Late Tier II (and higher) Realm.
- Fix to a rare issue preventing Apulia from declaring the Kingdom of Sicily when Sicily is under control.
- Wales starts as a Minor Kingdom, not a March (resulting in more Authority gain among other things).
- Welsh culture now provides extra Military Expertise (instead of bonus XP).
- Russian modifiers become Rus' modifiers.
- The Byzantine Empire easily agrees to a passage rights treaty with non-hostile Crusaders.

- You can now search for any buildings using the Find tool (e.g., where is my master armorer or how many Venetian Fondachi are in my territory).
- Province building queue enabled (see the tooltip on the right-hand side of the panel).
- A message will be issued if you can't recruit and a unit queue is canceled.
- Fixed wrongly formatted messages when a vassal gives you troops.
- Fixed an issue with not seeing your token progress chance in some rare cases in the Nation Panel.
- Scrolling arrows added in the unit queue (region panel).
- More messages are now private to reduce clutter.
- Provincial units are shown in single regions for reference.
- Fixed a display bug for the end year of the last military reform.
- No message is issued when you gain and lose a capital on the same turn.
- Fixed PBEM Lobby display issue.
- Fixed the visual bug of Devastating Charge showing only a +1 bonus.
- Health prediction is correctly shown for all structures.
- Selling a RGD will now be a request to sell and won't be immediate anymore, making it harder for cheaters to spoil the fun for everyone.
- Multiplayer login improved (see button tooltip on the relevant screen).
- Fixed Wales being described as part of Western England.
- Fixed Norwegian adjective (from "Norweigan").
- Leaders' lists now have an indicator for loyalty.
- The province panel shows stockpiles.
- Fixed Georgian and Byzantine portraits having a mix-up for 'Sons'.
- Fixed a possible rare crash when displaying a battle.
- Added history in the Ledger for Military Expertise, Piety Ranking, number of wars, and Net Commerce.
- The Legacy inter-turn display now shows gains in addition to totals.

Significant changes have been made to Mercenary distributions. The goal is to offer alternative mercenaries to the original owner of each Domain, reducing redundancy. For example, France will no longer have French mercenary knights in the Paris domain but will have Sergeants, while other nations will still have these knights. Overall, efforts have been made to propose plausible units (historical or from neighboring regions). Here are some examples:
- Champagne: Brabançon Mercenary Spearmen
- Cordoba: Christian Mercenary Knights
- Edessa: Mercenary Turcopoles
- Estonia: Western Mercenary Crossbowmen
- Belaya Rus: German Mercenary Knights
- Damascus: Frankish Mercenary Crossbowmen
Turkish nations, notably the Seljuqs, get enhanced army lists
Many nations now have better 'coverage' in unit types

The rest
- Fixed some minor issues in Military Reforms bonuses.
- All ships are now levies.
- Fixed charge working in hills.
- Levies units cost a bit more upfront in manpower but 50% less in money upkeep.
- If a region revolts and the legitimate owner is under occupation, rebels will be of his nation.
- Revised Light Cavalry and Horse Archers recruitment and upkeep costs, with Horse Archers aligning more toward the cost of Light Cavalry.

- Ruler's stats change by ±5% Court Expense, Conversion, Authority (was ±10%).
- Court Expense reduction can't go above 75% (was 90%).
- Court Expenses revised to be less punishing.

- Improved launcher logic when launching FoGM.
- New functionalities added to PBEM chat.
- In PBEM, files are always saved locally to reduce issues with cloud saves generating OOS.
- Development Speed (faster game) / AI Aggressiveness PBEM options (works in SP too with more granularity).
- Fixed terrain sounds rising the sound volume progressively.
- AI Search depth option can't be changed in MP.
- Handles DPI better and correctly when the options file is set.
- Enabled forcing the game to open on another monitor.

- First Muslim can also be Shia.
- Fix to some religion names sometimes not showing correctly.

- Allied wars (i.e., triggered because of an alliance) will automatically trigger a white peace once the initial protagonists are at peace.
- When in an alliance, the default is to help if relations are Amiable (was: Always).
- More controls on invalid transactions.

- A vassal can only be absorbed by his liege.
- Fixed: Peer of the Realm becoming vassals will not transform (uncommonly) to independent regions.
- Vassals won't gift surrounded lands to their liege if the liege has reached Max Demesne.
- Vassals will retrocede less easily isolated regions within a liege territory if these regions are adjacent to their capital.
- When made vassal, return all regions not legitimately owned (in case of ongoing wars, for example).
- Embezzlement is now more dependent on governor loyalty.
- No money received in case of partial failure in a trial.

- Buildings producing trade goods are more informative about the local availability of them.
- Single Trade Goods display mode (in Trade Panel) works for all categories of Trade Goods and is more informative.
- When an epidemic or a plague is removed in a region, an 'immunity' bonus is provided for 8 turns to prevent reoccurrence.
- Fixed: Barracks never being allowed won't be listed as a 0 slot.
- Added Clockwise Stairs and Dormant Bridge as new Fortification buildings.
- Added Precious Stone Mine.
- Slightly rebalanced temporary Fortifications.
- Fixed: Paved Roads were not buildable.
- Slave workforce will be properly removed by Orthodox populations.
- Reworked slightly the Local > Town > City watch line of buildings.
- Toll bridge won't be added if only one building slot remains.
- If you disband buildings, in addition to lowered loyalty, revolt risk will also increase exponentially if non-zero.
- Woad Harvest costs a single slot.
- Detinet costs no slot.
- Trench & Stakes provide 1 peasant unit (mini-event).
- Reinforced Gate provides 2 peasant units (mini-event).
- King's Herald gives twice as much Stewardship as there is Loyalty (doubled).
- Shell Keep was not buildable, fixed.
- Several buildings can store more Equipment (Notably, the Minor Stockpile 5>20).
- Fix to Mentoring and Builder Halls having the wrong modifier.
- Fix to Bulwark Tower not being buildable.
- Horses Herd has no prerequisites for tribals.
- Precious Stones Mine added.
- Plague protection bonus doubled to +50 if you had an epidemic recently.
- The blacksmith produces more equipment and does not cost any metal per turn (reminder: there is always a chance it becomes a master blacksmith over time).
- Fixes to a few typos in structure bonuses.
- Baronial vassals have an anti-raid strength of 25 (hefty).
- Astronomer workshops produce slightly more.

- Recruit non-standard unit RGD is less generous by 1/3.
- Fondachi can only be placed in coastal regions.
- Some other changes to RGD.
- Extra test for the free anchorage event.
- Minor fiefdom can provide one of these 3 missing RGDs: Remove Civilized, Absorb Vassal, Form Vassal.
- Promote to Clergy will always produce a clergyman of your state religion.
- More explicit testing on Place Holding, relative to the gain of resources.
- Knightly Orders can now be removed with 'Remove Civilized'.
- Restore Order works in occupied regions.

- The AI is less likely to restart a war with someone it was recently at war with or someone who has beaten it several times.
- AI will more often propose being absorbed or becoming a vassal if soundly defeated.
- AI is less prone to propose peace for new wars.

- Cyprus harbor moved slightly.
- Fixed a region connection near Wales.
- Fix to a connection problem in Tabriz.

July 24th, 2024
80 entries. Any action to which you give meaning is significant.

- Norman events now work for Humans in SP (only). Overall improvements made to it.
- Al-Andalus AI can expand without restriction (was unable to cross the Pyrenees).
- Paris gets its own flag.
- When a law benefits the Emperor (of the HRE), all HRE members will be displeased.

- You can now search for any buildings using the Find tool (e.g., where is my master armorer or how many Venetian Fondachi are in my territory).
- Province building queue enabled (see the tooltip on the right-hand side of the panel).
- A message will be issued if you can't recruit and a unit queue is canceled.
- Fixed wrongly formatted messages when a vassal gives you troops.
- Fixed an issue with not seeing your token progress chance in some rare cases in the Nation Panel.
- Scrolling arrows added in the unit queue (region panel).
- More messages are now private to reduce clutter.
- Provincial units are shown in single regions for reference.
- Fixed a display bug for the end year of the last military reform.
- No message is issued when you gain and lose a capital on the same turn.
- Fixed PBEM Lobby display issue.
- Fixed the visual bug of Devastating Charge showing only a +1 bonus.

- Fixed some minor issues in Military Reforms bonuses.
- All ships are now levies.
- Fixed charge working in hills.
- Levies units cost a bit more upfront in manpower but 50% less in money upkeep.
- If a region revolts and the legitimate owner is under occupation, rebels will be of his nation.

- Ruler's stats change by ±5% Court Expense, Conversion, Authority (was ±10%).
- Court Expense reduction can't go above 75% (was 90%).
- Court Expenses formula tweaked for extremely high national treasury.

- Improved launcher logic when launching FoGM.
- New functionalities added to PBEM chat.
- In PBEM, files are always saved locally to reduce issues with cloud saves generating OOS.
- Development Speed (faster game) / AI Aggressiveness PBEM options (works in SP too with more granularity).
- Fixed terrain sounds rising the sound volume progressively.
- AI Search depth option can't be changed in MP.

- First Muslim can also be Shia.

- Allied wars (i.e., triggered because of an alliance) will automatically trigger a white peace once the initial protagonists are at peace.
- When in an alliance, the default is to help if relations are Amiable (was: Always).

- A vassal can only be absorbed by his liege.
- Fixed: Peer of the Realm becoming vassals will not transform (uncommonly) to independent regions.
- Vassals won't gift surrounded lands to their liege if the liege has reached Max Demesne.
- Vassals will retrocede less easily isolated regions within a liege territory if these regions are adjacent to their capital.

- Buildings producing trade goods are more informative about the local availability of them.
- Single Trade Goods display mode (in Trade Panel) works for all categories of Trade Goods and is more informative.
- When an epidemic or a plague is removed in a region, an 'immunity' bonus is provided for 8 turns to prevent reoccurrence.
- Fixed: Barracks never being allowed won't be listed as a 0 slot.
- Added Clockwise Stairs and Dormant Bridge as new Fortification buildings.
- Added Precious Stone Mine.
- Slightly rebalanced temporary Fortifications.
- Fixed: Paved Roads were not buildable.
- Slave workforce will be properly removed by Orthodox populations.
- Reworked slightly the Local > Town > City watch line of buildings.
- Toll bridge won't be added if only one building slot remains.
- If you disband buildings, in addition to lowered loyalty, revolt risk will also increase exponentially if non-zero.
- Woad Harvest costs a single slot.
- Detinet costs no slot.
- Trench & Stakes provide 1 peasant unit (mini-event).
- Reinforced Gate provides 2 peasant units (mini-event).
- King's Herald gives twice as much Stewardship as there is Loyalty (doubled).
- Shell Keep was not buildable, fixed.
- Several buildings can store more Equipment (Notably, the Minor Stockpile 5>20).

- Recruit non-standard unit RGD is less generous by 1/3.
- Fondachi can only be placed in coastal regions.
- Some other changes to RGD.
- Extra test for the free anchorage event.
- Minor fiefdom can provide one of these 3 missing RGDs: Remove Civilized, Absorb Vassal, Form Vassal.
- Promote to Clergy will always produce a clergyman of your state religion.

- The AI is less likely to restart a war with someone it was recently at war with or someone who has beaten it several times.
- AI is less prone to propose peace for new wars.

- Cyprus harbor moved slightly.
- Fixed a region connection near Wales.

July 2nd, 2024
- Fixed refresh issue in MP Lobby.
- Adjusted some faction colors.
- Retinue units indicated as such in the unit tooltip.
- You can now send a bug report to the team by hitting Shift-Escape while on the main map or with a new button in the load/save interface.
- In the ledger, Unknown loyalty characters will be sorted as if they have loyalty 101 because they are your most trusted friends.
- Extra visual option for borders (colored, thin, black, colored from treaties).
- New faction names coloring option.
- Structures text coloring improved, with more emphasis in case of events.
- Some info on the map filtered out depending on zoom level.
- Fixed a message when an HRE nation decides to become a vassal of the Emperor.
- Some Coats of Arms fixed.

- Some culture adjustments on the map for the campaign.
- Extra Rus' principalities can be formed (as vassals, e.g.) from the game start.
- Less chance for a CW as BYZ on Easy difficulty.
- When evolved enough, Normans will switch to the English Kingdoms branch of governments and not French.
- Improved Georgia and Armenia (units roster).
- England can now have Huskarls at start.
- New Kingdom of Sicily banner.
- Fixed Apulia duchy capital moving on turn 1.

- Reworked coup chances so that a loyal army at the capital is more efficient.
- Less rebellion chances for generals with 26-50 loyalty, but more if 25 or lower. Do not risk naming as general a character with loyalty 25!
- Increased extra characters for bigger nations (even more if Tier III Realm).
- The Max Demesne penalty is limited to -4 in Balanced difficulty (no change), but is now limited to -6 in Experienced and so on.
- Don't pay an Authority cost if you declare war on a vassal of a nation you declare war on due to being allied.
- Ceding a Domain to a Peer to form a vassal will relinquish your claims in the donated lands.

- Relinquishing a claim will be worth more if you are human and less if you are AI (favoring the human in both cases).
- Relative combat power will be much more important when evaluating peace chances. Should help AI cede to conditions when severely beaten.
- If the AI agrees to propose peace after a '3rd party request,' then chances will be +100% (was +25%).

- Some region links fixed.
- More vibrant map colors to help distinguish some colors.
- Lowland food usage is now 2 per pop (was 1).

- Fixed a military reform (Archer tier II). Other pending verifications.
- Peasants and light militia have minor ranged capability.
- Fixed Disband providing too many resources.

- AI will be more reluctant to declare war if already at war.
- Added AI Search Depth Option (SP only).
- AI less willing to propose peace early.

- Call to Arms Decision buffed: Does not cost Authority anymore, provides 200 (from 100) equipment points.
- You'll always get a Form Vassal decision if you have none while having 75+ Authority.
- Fixed then improved Decision Fund Holy Order.
- You get a penalty on the amount of RGDs you have if you have 15 or more, otherwise no change at all (prevent micro-managing & selling every turn).
- Very High Priority RGD will appear more often in your pool through a priority pick procedure, which has more chance to trigger the higher your Realm Tier is.
- When you tweak RGDs odds, a status message will immediately tell you how much money it will cost.
- Fixed convert population (could convert a heretic, not another population).
- Fixed 3 RGDs not having a message in some cases.
- Draft Levies RGD from Peasants roundup provided more often.
- Form vassal RGD overhauled.

- Agriculture: Bee Keeper is now tier I.2 (was I.1), Stug is now I.1 (was 1.2).
- Commerce: Candles Shop is now tier I.2 (was I.1), Weaver Shop is now I.1 (was 1.2).
- Barrack building was not constructible, fixed.
- Baronial Vassal / Minor Fiefdom costs less in resources and now provide +1 extra SAU.
- Pilgrim Refuge (Tier I Piety buffed up).
- Furrier more productive (1>2 Leather, more money).
- Town Crier produces more stewardship, its event triggers more often (loyalty boost when loyalty is low).
- Brickwork has no prerequisite anymore (bug), so not dependent on Clay Pit.
- New area 'viticulture' for vineyards.
- Fixed Equipment rebate from structures not working.
- Fixed prerequisite structures not properly checked under some conditions.
- The structure generating a sound in the region panel has a minor visual cue.
- Marble vein and associated quarry fixed and provided less often.
- Walled cemetery produces the same health bonus as Commoner cemetery.
- Cathedrals and Mosques don't have a cost in metal.

- Fixed Auld Alliance achievement only working if playing Scotland, not France.

June 17th, 2024

- Should skip the launcher when starting FoG for battles the vast majority of times.
- Less FOW calculations in hosting (faster turns).
- Improved music handling and reshuffling.
- Tooltip delay added, for now, as an entry only in \Documents\My Games\EmpiresKingdoms\OPTIONS.TXT.
- No City coloring added, for now, as an entry only in \Documents\My Games\EmpiresKingdoms\OPTIONS.TXT.
- Added an additional sound backend.
- Identical sounds will be played less loudly.

- Pop-up panel has extra functionalities.
- Fixed a slightly misformatted tooltip in battle.
- Modifier tab stays selected when switching factions in the factions lobby.
- Slightly reworked political filter, with relationships more readable.
- Music delay between tracks reduced by 2/3.
- Fixed not being shown in the Piety ranking if you produce no piety at all.
- The tutorial will ensure the enemy can't surrender during the siege.
- Message truncating resulting in an ellipsis (...) will be better done.
- Many text edits.
- Authority and Legacy buttons in the Nation Panel now lead to the relevant ledger page.
- Average HRE member Authority in the nation panel was not /10.
- Removed reference to the Legacy panel in the Help system.
- Relationships in the Political overlay made bigger and clearer. In the same overlay, a new color differentiates between yourself and your vassals.
- Fixed a visual issue when looking at a single trade good if more than 8 were present in a region.

Overhauled (fully dynamic, you can alternate between easy & balanced in the same game):
- More chance for the event 'noble donation' (free money).
- Less chance of having an epidemic.
- More chance for the event providing a free Defensive building.
- Double reward from Authority mini-events.
- Less stupendous Court expenses.
- Lowered War Weariness by 15%.
- Slightly less chance of a coup or rebellion.
- Better ruler stats.
- Penalty from war occupation is skipped.
- Sedition from Nobles halved.

Only apply when starting a new game:
- More Intrinsic Resources at start (free resources that go away as time passes).
- A player in Easy difficulty will receive +20 Authority and +50% money (scenario start only).

- Mercenaries are slightly more prone to degrade the relationship with their general.
- General improvements on how the ruler's Military stat is tied to the actual leader's battle stat.
- If you form a new nation and are under a certain Realm level, you'll be promoted instantly to a certain level (e.g., Apulia > Sicily).
- Clergymen can lead armies with a systematic penalty of 1 to AMP. Other nobles will now have this penalty only if not in a legitimately owned region (was their Domain before, so relaxed rule).
- If a general has a penalty to his AMP stat (while leading an army thus), it's indicated in the tooltip.

- Claims are now given much more frequently in the first 15 turns of the campaign.
- Hostile claims give you a discount if you declare war on the other nation.
- Claims will, in the vast majority of times, only be added if you are at least distant neighbors.
- Hostile foreign claims penalty is now only in Experienced or harder difficulty.
- Higher chance to get a claim if you have none from an insult; if you get one, you pay 2 Authority though.

- Human vassals will never be forced to give their units to their liege.
- If a vassal, your possibilities to get spontaneous claims are restricted to nations you are at war with or have extremely low relationships with.
- This will also prevent vassal AIs from adding too many claims against other nations, including the players.
- Vassals under threat and sending troops to their liege will be less frantic regarding troop recruitment.
- Vassals giving troops won't give them all at once, allowing you to change the policy (troops won't be given back unless you 'disband' them).

- The sudden win condition will activate after 150 turns, not 100, in the grand campaign.

- New harbor smuggling image.
- Major & important: chicken leg is now roasted.

- Fixed the Jihad being stoppable by the Holy See under some circumstances.
- Holy war targets won't get DOWed by nations not close enough to them.
- Fixed Declare Jihad against target X not working if the playing faction is already within a Jihad (same for Crusade).
- Fixed Christians under Jihad being despised by other Christians. This is now properly reversed (they will like you more).
- More chance to get bonus Authority from units you gave with the Send Crusaders Decision. Reminder, you also get bonus Legacy.
- Made sure any Catholic DOWing the Papacy gets excommunicated. Added a pop-up if you are.

- Some changes in manpower income for some structures.
- More accurate trade status for structures in their detail panel.
- King's Agent properly gives an extra bodyguard and not 'Basque Isolation'. Don't ask.
- Removed the reference to a gain of token upon building a Stone Castle, it's now an Absorb Vassal decision which is provided.
- Structures get their important keywords colored.
- Fixed track requiring Craftsmen borough.
- Fixed Domain Expansion IV & V not available.
- Fixed Domain becoming non-formable as soon as you military occupy one of the regions.
- Fixed very developed regions not properly importing goods within range (if more than 24!).
- Fixed an erroneous link in region Mosul.
- Code will remove 2 capitals in the same region.

- Allies don't pay Authority when joining war, if it is recent (10 turns max).
- Fixed possible crash in battle.
- Some Muslim units renamed so they could be used in more nations (Georgia)
- Training Grounds now handle Heavy Infantry for XP gain.
- A general revolting with his army will not station in the city of the rebelling region, in case the garrison remains loyal.
- Free warscore gain from higher Authority is only done if the two nations at war are neighbors.
- Ships will update their geo-situational combat ability before each battle (e.g., 'Galley in stormy coastal water').
- When you declare war on a liege with vassals or a vassal, all claims you have with the liege or any vassal will be factored into the rebate for DOW.
- Winning a small battle vs. winning a large one was actually more dangerous for generals (fixed).
- Exploit closed: you can only pillage hostile or owned regions, not allied or passage-right ones.

- Region exchanges in a peace negotiation (whether acquired or relinquished) will now be a friendly transfer, so no Authority will be lost in either case.
- Fixed vassal/Ally being stolen his land if a third party defends him.
- Bad relations can break a royal marriage or passage rights treaty (Needs Despise level, -35).
- In case of good relations (Amiable, 50+) then allies or vassals can give back a region to its legitimate owner.
- Currently only AI vassals toward a liege or AI allies. (feedback requested)
- Reduced the ratio allowing to absorb through RM a full nation to 66% of the absorbee.

- Fixed mix-up between Grant Land and Place Holding. Grant Land is only in your land but will now provide significant resources.
- Some changes in RGD allocations for IMRs and Seljuks.
- Fixed your own spy network targeting itself.
- Decision Peasants to Freemen does not provide money anymore.
- Fixed Diplomatic Intrigue RGD able to target yourself.
- Tweaked success chances of the Steal Token RGD (aka Sap Authority). There are fewer chances if you have positive tokens yourself and less chance if the enemy has negative tokens.
- Absorb Vassal should give more plausible results.

- 45 new historical rulers added.
- Campaign map overhauled with extra specific buildings (Abbasid Science Academy, etc.)
- New Campaign setup changing dozens of regions regarding their population mix.
- Improved Crusaders events (fewer cases where they could starve at sea).
- Kalmar union appearance fixed.
- Barghawata (tribal) was selectable (but not playable so confusing), fixed.
- William the Conqueror will always be a 2-2 general.
- In the GC, Normans no longer have a RM with England, and their relationship with France is now 0. This should favor going to England.
- Nations of Scottish culture now also get the Raider effect with Crechrighe.
- Modifications to the initial culture of some regions.
- Portugal is a Condado, not a minor Reino at start.
- Higher chances to get a 0-slot structure built for free if you have regions with high loyalty and high stewardship.
- Updated Manzikert and Angevin setup to have more roads.
- Fixed Taifas triggering too early 'Double-Edged Sword' perk.

- Fixed achievement "A Chip Off the Old Block" where a daughter would work too.
- Life of Bryansk achievement fixed.

- The AI, in higher difficulty levels, will favor players' regions more as an objective.
- Normans AI can break their RM with England in case of negative relationships around 1060.
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Mensajes: 2147
Registrado: 17 Jul 2015, 17:26
STEAM: No Jugador

Re: Field of Glory: Kingdoms

Mensaje por Hetzer »

LordSpain escribió: 28 Oct 2024, 17:40 Actualización !!

Pregunto de nuevo, ¿se aplican en partidas ya iniciadas?
Hola, sí, se aplican. Como en el resto de las actualizaciones. :D

De todas formas, si alguien ve algo que no esté funcionando bien que me lo haga saber...
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Mensajes: 2147
Registrado: 17 Jul 2015, 17:26
STEAM: No Jugador

Re: Field of Glory: Kingdoms

Mensaje por Hetzer »

Field of Glory: Kingdoms según Das Tactic

Antes de nada, decirte que el segundo macrotema Warfare and Fortifications de A Lens On - Snapshot ya se ha publicado por completo. Visita nuestro canal de YouTube ( ... k10O8TtxRk) para ver todos los detalles de esta producción.


Field of Glory: Kingdoms: Una saga estratégica en la Gales medieval

Field of Glory: Kingdoms sumerge a los jugadores en una gran experiencia de estrategia que modela intrincadamente la sociedad medieval, equilibrando capas de gobierno, guerra y diplomacia. Cada decisión tiene un efecto dominó en el juego, con consecuencias que podrían no apreciarse hasta años después. Un solo paso en falso (como extender demasiado tu autoridad) puede poner en peligro todo tu reino.

Historia alternativa: una nueva línea de tiempo medieval
Nuestra partida en Gales da un giro dramático y se desvía drásticamente del camino histórico de 1066. Atrapados en un acalorado conflicto con Mercia, nos encontramos enfrentándonos no solo a sus fuerzas, sino también a su señor supremo, Inglaterra, y a reinos ingleses aliados como Northumbria y East Anglia.

En la sesión anterior, el ejército galés tendió una emboscada y derrotó de forma decisiva al rey inglés, Harold Godwinson, mientras marchaba para unirse a las fuerzas de Mercia. La muerte de Harold durante la batalla cambió la línea de tiempo significativamente. Un nuevo rey inglés, Eadric, ascendió al trono, cortando los lazos con Normandía y disminuyendo la probabilidad de invasión normanda. Mientras tanto, Normandía se encuentra envuelta en su propio conflicto con Francia, dejándonos aislados y en una posición precaria.

Mano de obra: el sustento de un reino
Al comienzo de esta sesión, Gales se enfrenta a una grave escasez de mano de obra. El mantenimiento militar ha superado la capacidad de reclutamiento de nuestras pequeñas ciudades y pueblos. Sin suficientes soldados para reponer nuestros ejércitos, las unidades corren el riesgo de perder eficacia y moral. Para solucionar esto, decidimos desmantelar un contingente de lanzadores de jabalina, lo que permitiría a estos hombres regresar a sus granjas y reponer la reserva de mano de obra del reino. A largo plazo, una solución más sostenible consiste en cambiar el enfoque de los territorios agrarios hacia la urbanización mediante la construcción de aldeas y otros desarrollos centralizados.
Este delicado equilibrio entre mantener un ejército permanente y sostener la economía del reino subraya uno de los desafíos centrales del juego: cada decisión tiene un coste.

Terreno y preparación táctica
En Field of Glory: Kingdoms, el terreno es un factor decisivo en las batallas. Cada tipo de unidad prospera (o flaquea) según el campo de batalla.

Composición del ejército galés:
Nuestro ejército incluye infantería pesada de Ostmen, que recuerda a los guerreros con hacha vikingos, que sobresalen en llanuras abiertas pero tienen dificultades en terrenos difíciles. También contamos con caballería ligera y pesada, que son eficaces en maniobras de flanqueo en terreno abierto pero poco adecuadas para los bosques. Los soldados de infantería británicos y los tiradores con jabalina completan nuestras fuerzas, pero son menos eficaces en terreno cerrado.

Terreno y frente de batalla:
El terreno dicta el "frente" de una batalla, determinando cuántas unidades pueden participar a la vez. Las llanuras abiertas, como las que están cerca de Worcester, permiten un frente amplio de 18 unidades, incluidas 6 para flanquear. En contraste, los bosques reducen el frente a 8, eliminando las oportunidades de flanquear y favoreciendo a los defensores.
Esta profundidad táctica obliga a los jugadores a considerar no solo la composición de su ejército, sino también el terreno de los posibles campos de batalla. En esta sesión, nuestra capacidad para aprovechar las llanuras abiertas jugó un papel crucial para contrarrestar a las fuerzas inglesas numéricamente inferiores pero altamente capacitadas.

La amenaza inglesa: mercenarios e incursiones
A medida que avanzaba el año 1061, un pequeño pero formidable ejército inglés apareció en territorio merciano. Compuesto por caballeros mercenarios normandos, arqueros ingleses y campesinos reclutados, esta fuerza representaba una amenaza significativa a pesar de su tamaño.

Nuestra estrategia era doble:
-Marchar con nuestro ejército principal desde Worcester hasta Hereford para interceptar la fuerza inglesa.
-Disolver a los escaramuzadores que se retiraban a Gales para preservar la mano de obra.

La fuerza inglesa persiguió a nuestros escaramuzadores hasta las colinas galesas, donde se enfrentaron con una fuerza campesina reclutada apresuradamente por nuestro aliado, Deheubarth. A pesar de su inexperiencia, los defensores lograron mantener la línea con el apoyo de nuestros escaramuzadores, lo que obligó a los ingleses a retirarse.

Jugabilidad dinámica: fortificaciones y oportunismo
Una característica destacada de Field of Glory: Kingdoms es la forma dinámica en que el juego responde a las amenazas. En esta sesión, los habitantes de Powys, al percibir el peligro inminente del ejército mercenario inglés, se ofrecieron a construir fortificaciones temporales en un solo turno. Esta mecánica de construcción reactiva añade profundidad e inmersión, simulando la urgencia de la defensa medieval.

El asedio de Hereford y perspectivas futuras
Cuando el invierno se hizo más fuerte en 1061, nuestras fuerzas sitiaron la ciudad fortificada de Hereford. A pesar de sus desesperados intentos, las fortificaciones se convirtieron en una amenaza para la ciudad. En batallas anteriores, la resistencia de Mercia ralentizó nuestro avance. El comandante merciano designado reforzó las defensas de la ciudad, prolongando el asedio. Al final de la sesión, las murallas de Hereford permanecían intactas, pero la población de la ciudad se moría de hambre. La victoria parecía inevitable, pero el costo para nuestro ejército y nuestros recursos podría obstaculizar futuras campañas.
De cara al futuro, nos centraremos en el sur, en la capital mercia de Gloucester, enclavada en bosques densos. Este terreno anulará muchas de las ventajas de nuestro ejército, lo que promete una campaña desafiante a pesar del estado debilitado tanto de Mercia como de Inglaterra.

Lecciones de estrategia y adaptabilidad
Esta sesión destacó el intrincado equilibrio entre la planificación a largo plazo y las decisiones tácticas inmediatas en Field of Glory: Kingdoms. Desde la gestión de la menguante mano de obra hasta el aprovechamiento del terreno en la batalla, cada elección tuvo un peso y consecuencias.
La línea de tiempo de la historia alternativa creada por la muerte de Harold Godwinson y las distracciones de Normandía ha abierto oportunidades únicas para Gales, pero también nos ha dejado aislados frente a enemigos poderosos. A medida que nos preparamos para la siguiente fase, la importancia de la gestión de recursos, el posicionamiento estratégico y la adaptabilidad se hace cada vez más evidente.
En la próxima retransmisión en vivo, concluiremos el asedio de Hereford y enfrentaremos el enorme desafío de conquistar Gloucester. El camino que tenemos por delante está plagado de peligros, pero con una planificación cuidadosa y un poco de suerte, Gales aún puede forjar un legado duradero en esta historia medieval alternativa.